A quick way to find a person on VK by date of birth

December 22, 2020

Hello, dear readers of the KtoNaNovenkogo.ru blog. I devoted one of my last articles entirely to the topic of finding people (including through Contact). There were a lot of ways (including Yandex People) that could help in this difficult matter. However, the social network Vkontakte is the largest in RuNet (hundreds of millions of registered users) and, accordingly, provides the greatest chance of success. Many people understand this and start their search with it.

But recently, registering and logging into Contact is only possible by linking your mobile phone number to your account. Without this, you will not be able to register or log in. Of course, this somewhat limits the circle of those who would like to, but for various reasons cannot register on this social network (there is no mobile phone at hand, the number is already linked to another VK account, access to which has been lost, etc.).

It’s good that you can search for people on VKontakte without authorization. You still lose something, but the main functionality that allows you to find the person you need in this social network is preserved. Let's look at this a little more closely.

Advanced people search

VKontakte allows every registered user to use a search engine that allows not only to find a person, but also communities, music, videos and news. It looks like this:

We'll talk more about how to get here and what options there are in this section later.

Via computer

The search system in VK allows you to find a user by first and last name, by date of birth and by city. We'll look at how to do all this in subsequent sections.

By first and last name

Let's assume that we need to find the actor Yegor Beroev. To do this, we will use the following instructions:

  1. Search button at the top of the page .

  1. Enter the desired first and last name, and click on the “ Show all results ” button.

  1. In the window that appears, we will see a search for people, news, and everything else. Despite this, the first thing that is displayed to us is a list of people, in which we can already find the person we need. To view all the results, you need to select “ People ” on the right side.

  1. This way we can find any person by first and last name who is registered in VK.

We will perform all subsequent actions in this section of the search engine.

By date of birth

We return to the search engine, which we successfully opened in the previous section and scroll down a little.

On the right side, click on the “ Advanced ” button located on the white window.

In the window that appears, we can select the date of birth that will be taken into account during the search.

This way we can easily find the right person if we know the date of birth.

Around town

Often, finding a user after one date of birth is also difficult, and sometimes impossible, because not everyone provides the correct data. You can increase your chances by adding a city to your search criteria. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. We return to the search engine and on the right side click on the “ Select country ” button.

  1. For example, we indicate “ Russia ”.

  1. Then click on the “ Select city ” button.

  1. Let there be Yekaterinburg. After completing the above steps, the search engine will only search for people in the selected city.

Via phone

We find a person through a mobile application:

  1. Launch VKontakte on your smartphone and in the upper right corner click on the button in the form of a magnifying glass.

  1. Go to the “ People ” section. It is here that we can search for various personalities of the VKontakte social network.

  1. We can also use filters in the mobile application. To do this, click on the first icon to the right of the search query.

  1. Here we are allowed to choose the city, gender, age and marital status. For example, let’s make sure that the search engine displays female people from Moscow in the range from 18 to 23 years old.

  1. As a result, we will see a list of people matching the specified filter.

With these simple steps you can use the search in the VKontakte mobile application.

How to find out a user's hidden date of birth?

It happens that some people hide their dates of birth from guests/friends of the page (many ladies 25+ hide only the year), but they are still on the pages (during registration they indicated all their data and then hid it). In such cases, you can find out the year, month and day of birth of a person using a search.

We go to the search, indicate the first name, last name, city, university, etc., that is, all the data known to us, so that the person appears in the search results and there are a minimum of unnecessary people there. In the “Additional” section, indicate your expected year of birth. If it is entered incorrectly, the person will disappear from the search results, and when you guess correctly, he will appear. Tested many times.

Similarly, you can select the month and day of birth, as well as political views, school, marital status and other information.

How to find a person by id

For each VKontakte user, a unique ID is assigned, informing how the user was registered in the list. https://vk.com/id1 into the address bar of the browser , we will be taken to Pavel Durov’s page. Knowing the user ID, you can find him on VKontakte by simply entering a request into the browser line.

Why does “Nothing was found for your request” appear?

Do you know for sure that a person is on social networks, but you couldn’t find him on the service page?

There may be several reasons for this, including:

  • Incorrect entry of personal data.
  • The user has closed his profile from search engines.
  • The person registered under a fictitious or false name.
  • Recently created an account - the service did not have time to update the data.
  • False location, age, job indicated. For example, in order to attract attention and increase social status among network users.

In this case, you can find his acquaintances, friends, colleagues, relatives and search in the Friends section of this person.

How to find a person by photo

In order to find a person by photo, you need to know part of the photo's link. Here's what it looks like:

Now you need to open the “News” section on the right side and enter the following formula: copy: link to photo . This will display one or more photographs in which this person is present. By selecting a photo, you can find the profile of the desired person.

How to find a person by phone number

To search by phone number, you need to use the mobile application and synchronize contacts in it. You can do this as follows:

  1. Services section at the bottom of the screen and go to the “ Friends ” subsection.

  1. Then click on the “ Add Friend ” button.

  1. In the window that appears, select “ Contacts ”.

  1. Allow access to contacts. As a result, synchronization with telephone contacts will be carried out, after which a list of users on VK will be displayed.

I remembered my last name, I'm entering it correctly, but it doesn't match

Very often this is explained by the fact that you have already created another page for the same number with a different last name. Now you are trying to restore access, thinking about the old page, but in VK this number is already linked to the new one, and it expects the last name that is indicated on the new, not on the old page. More details here:

  • What to do if you created two pages for one VKontakte number

Other reasons for the error “Last name and number do not match” are described here:

  • VKontakte: what to do if the last name and number do not match

How to find a person on VKontakte without registration

There are 2 ways to find a person on VK without registering an account: through the VKontakte search engine or using a search engine. We'll talk about how to do this later.

Through the VK website

Open the browser and enter the request https://vk.com/search into the search bar. This will display a window in which you can search for people.

Through search engines

  1. In search engines, you can also use search in VK. To do this you need to use the formula “ site: vk.ru person’s first and last name" Let's look at an example of how you can use it to find a person. To do this, open the website https://www.google.com/ and enter a query, for example, site: vk.ru Pavel Durov, and click “Search Google”.

  2. Open the first request:

  3. This way we get to Pavel Durov’s page, which we already found through ID.

This is where our article ends, we hope that you have no more questions. Now you know how to find a person on VKontakte. Thank you for your attention!

How to view old posts on the wall?

Here's a small life hack that will help you learn more about the past of a new acquaintance. To read a person’s statuses set five years ago, you don’t have to tire yourself of scrolling through the feed. Everything is much simpler.

We go to the person’s page and at the beginning of the wall (microblog) click on the link “To Vasya’s posts”, then click on the link “Go to search” and indicate the desired date in the calendar that appears when you click on “Posts before a certain date”. This way you can find everything that was not deleted.

Many people registered there back in 2007-2009 and have changed a lot since then. Today the girl posts “the commandments of Vedic femininity” or “the rules of the Orthodox bride,” and seven years ago she posted the statuses “who stole my thong on the registration yesterday, please return it. You can anonymously."

This works for communities too.

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