VKontakte has added a search by phone number. You can find everyone

Hello everyone, dear readers of the AFlife.ru blog! Most people who use the Internet are registered on social networks. And many of them post photos and personal information on their profile. Thus, by visiting a user’s page, you can find out about his marital status, place of work, hobbies and lifestyle. We already discussed how to find a person from a photo in a previous article, but what to do if you don’t know anything except your mobile phone? Use one of the ways to find a person on VKontakte by phone number.

What is fake VKontakte

This is fake

user pages with fictitious data, i.e. in reality such a person does not exist. Of course, according to the rules of social media. This is prohibited on the network, but not all users are willing to share their personal data.

I think you’ve met people like this quite often - their profiles are not filled out, their first and last names are unnatural (for example, Bublik Tumbochkin

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