How to tag friends in a picture on social networks


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When posting photos of your friends, you can easily notify them about this using the “Tag a person” function. You can indicate who is shown in the photographs both in your own and in other people’s images. Let's take a closer look at how to tag friends in a photo in Odnoklassniki.

Why do they tag a person in a VKontakte photo?

Before checking this box, you should understand why this feature is used. As in the case of tagging a user in a publication, this opportunity is used to share news about oneself or tagged individuals with friends.

Tagging friends in a photo is not only forming a list of friends present in the photo in the caption under it. The VKontakte engine automatically sends notifications to all people you have tagged. After receiving a notification about a flag, the user can confirm it or delete it. Of course, this is only available to registered users of the social network.

The technique is used to congratulate you on a birthday or other event, remind you of something, or notify friends about the very fact of posting their photo. Knowing that the photo has been published, friends can look at it. Maybe someone doesn't like his image, in which case he will ask you to remove the photo. This should be done to comply with the rules of netiquette.

Performing the procedure from your phone

To tag yourself or a friend in a photo in the official website application you need to:

  • Open the photo.
  • Click on the icon with a silhouette of a person located in the upper right corner.
  • Tap on the person you want to tag.
  • Select yourself or a friend from the list.
  • The mark will appear on the photo.

The task is completed, no further action is required.

Attention! This function is not active in the mobile version of the site. If a web resource is open on your phone via a browser, you will need to switch to the full version of Odnoklassniki to set the mark.

You can tag a friend in a photo in a few simple steps. The option will help you inform your loved ones about the presence of a photo with their participation, so that they can join in its evaluation and commenting.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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Tag friends in photos

  1. Go to the VK website and log in to your account. Without this, it is impossible to perform any actions on the social network.
  2. Select the photo you need using the convenient built-in photo cataloging within the social network. We just look through the photos, find photos with friends that we would like to mark.
  3. Click on the image, after which it will open on top of the open VK page.
  4. Remember all the characters in the photo (if there are many of them) and click the “Tag a person” link. After this, a message will appear asking you to select the person you want to tag in the photo. A “Done” button will appear to the right of the inscription, which should be clicked when you complete your selection.
  5. The usual mouse cursor will turn into a cross, which can be used to highlight areas in the photo. Select an area by holding down the left mouse button. This way you can highlight the face of the friend you are planning to tag in the photo.
  6. After highlighting, a name entry window will appear where you should enter the first (last) name of your friend tagged in the photo. Below the input line there is a list of friends, at the beginning of which is the letter “I”. This is a link to your profile, necessary to tag yourself in the photo. The search bar is “smart”; it displays a list of friends when their full name contains the letter combination that you managed to enter into it.

Note: if you need to mark a person who does not have a VK profile, you can simply print his details (full name).

  1. When a friend is found in the list, you need to select him and click the “Add” button, tagging him in the photo.
  2. If you need to tag several friends, you should follow steps 5-7 again.
  3. When the marks are placed, all you have to do is click the “Done” button.

Tip: To make sure you didn't forget to tag any of your friends in the photo, you can view the tagged list below the photo. Find the inscription “In this photo”, followed by the desired list of tagged friends and check it. To check that the tag is correct, you can hover the cursor over the name in the list, and the area in the photo in which the friend was tagged will be highlighted.

How to tag yourself in a photo on Odnoklassniki

Each social network user can tag themselves in a photo on the social network. Moreover, not only in those images that he posted personally, but also in the albums of friends. To do this, go to your friend’s profile, in the “photo” section. Select the desired album, open it and select the desired image.

In the menu you will be offered the option “tag a person”; by clicking on this button, you will select the required area of ​​the image and tag yourself.

After this, users often wonder how to remove a mark in Odnoklassniki. A separate article is devoted to this topic, as well as the topic of deleting photos on Odnoklassniki, which provides complete instructions.

Automatically tag friends in photos

There are many articles on the Internet about ways to quickly tag all your friends in a photo at once. They all boil down to using several third-party scripts that can do this instead of the account owner. All sites promoting this tagging method offer to copy the code and paste it after the page address in the browser line. Of course, we cannot prevent you from using this method. Know that using such scripts can equally help or harm. It all depends on the author of the script and the goals pursued by him.

Remember: any third-party programs and scripts for social networks can have disastrous consequences. With their help, attackers can steal not only your social network login/password, but also more important data, including information about bank cards and electronic accounts, if you have one on your computer.

How to tag a friend in a photo

The functionality of Odnoklassniki allows you to identify the person depicted in the photo. To tag a friend in a posted photo, follow these steps:

Upload and open the required image. You can upload it through the “Photo” section or directly in the feed when creating a new note. If the photo is already in a social network album, you should open it.

  • A context menu will appear to the right of the photo, giving you a choice of actions.
  • Select "Tag Friends".
  • Next, use your computer mouse to select the area of ​​the photograph where your friend is included in the frame.
  • After that, just find a person from your friends list.

  • After completing all the above steps, you can be sure that the posted photo will appear in the profile of the selected user in the “Photos with me” album.

Reference! During upload, you can select several photos at once - this will save time. In exactly the same way, you can tag several people in group photos.

So we got the answer to the question of how to tag friends in a photo in Odnoklassniki.

Indication of the place where the photo was taken

We think that now you don’t have the question “How to tag a person in a VK photo?” It is worth learning about another, no less useful function.

In addition to tagging friends, you can mark the place where the events noted in the photo took place. This will save you from repeating the answer to the most common question, “Where are you?”

It's easy to do.

Under the names of friends tagged in the photo, there is a “Specify location” link. Clicking on it brings up a pop-up window with a world map, which has a search bar, buttons for zooming and switching the map display type. And, of course, the “Save location” button. It is possible to switch between Yandex and Mapbox maps, expanding the possibilities of searching for a place. Type the address in the search bar, click the save location button and the geotag will appear on your photo. Between the description of the photo and the list of tagged friends, the inscription “Place” and the address you specified will appear.

We hope this material helped you understand the function of tagging friends in photos. You can now easily indicate your friends and the place where you took pictures with them. These functions will allow you to easily remember when and where this or that event occurred.

Pictures for tagging friends

First of all, I would like to note that such pictures can be found in almost any group of the social network VKontakte, so options for funny and funny images are presented for different tastes. Now users are happy to tag each other in such pictures and thereby not only cheer up both themselves and the other person, but also make their VKontakte page more interesting and varied.

If you don’t have enough friends and no one likes your photos, you can get more likes, which is available to all our users. In addition, you can get likes on Instagram absolutely free.

Now pictures in which you can tag friends on VKontakte are available to every user, so as soon as a person likes a particular image, he can easily tag both himself and his friend on it.

In order to download a picture in the optimal extension, and accordingly then tag friends in the photo, you need to perform the following set of operations:

  1. Select the picture you like, hover the bear cursor over the image, right-click and click on “Save picture as...”.
  2. Now you need to select a location on your own computer or other device where you want to save the image, after which you must confirm the correctness of your action.
  3. At the very end, all that remains is to upload the picture to the social network, open it and use the right mouse to click on the item called “Tag a person.”

How to mention friends on Instagram?

There are two ways to tag a person on Insta:

  1. Do this directly on the photo using the built-in tools of the platform.
  2. Leave a tag in the comments.

For the first option, you need to use only the mobile version of the application. The tag can be placed when publishing an image, as well as on an already published photo. You can mention people in comments both from a PC, using the WEB version of Insta, and directly from a mobile device. In all cases, users will receive a message stating that they were mentioned in the photo.

Label on photo when publishing

Despite the apparent complexity of the process, mentioning a friend in an image is quite simple. To do this you need:

  • log into Instagram from a mobile device;
  • upload the desired image;
  • edit using built-in filters.

After you are prompted to “Add a description”, click on the active link “Tag users”.

Now you should touch the place in the photo where the object is located. After this, the message “Who is this?” will appear on the screen. Enter the first letters of the user's nickname, a list of your friends will appear in whose accounts these characters appear. Select the required person. If necessary, you can tag several friends (as in contact). After completing the procedure, click the checkmark in the “Publish” field.

Tag friends in a previously published photo

In principle, the process of tagging a person in a photo that is already “hanging” in the feed is practically no different from tagging a photo when it is published.

  • Log in to Inatagram from your smartphone (tablet);
  • select the desired photo;
  • click the ellipsis to go to the editing section;
  • open the "Edit" tab.

Next, everything is exactly the same as when publishing: touch the desired place on the screen; enter the first letters of the user's nickname; select a friend from the list; save the result.

How to tag a friend in the comments to a post?

Let's consider two options for creating a tag: from a PC and from a mobile device.

  1. Log in to the WEB version of Insta from your PC.
  2. Log in if necessary.
  3. Select the desired photo.

To the right of the photo there will be a field with a description of the photo and a field for comments. To tag a person, you need to enter the “dog” symbol @ and the nickname of the person you want to tag into the line. After sending such a comment, the tag becomes active.

By clicking on a mark, any user will be taken directly to that person’s page.

To tag a friend in the comments from a mobile device:

  • log in to the application;
  • click on the photo, in the comments to which you need to mention the person;
  • put @+ friend's nickname in the comments field;
  • Click on the “tick” in the blue square.

As you can see, tagging a friend on Instagram in the comments, both from a smartphone and from a PC, is quite simple.

If there is a need to copy a link to a person on Instagram, then you will find all the necessary information in our article about this.

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