How to joke with a girl. How to cheer up a girl in correspondence on VK. Communication on social networks and by phone

More common and well-known are ways to prank friends on April 1st in person or, for example, over the phone. But what should you do if you want to prank a pen pal, for example, on a social network in VKontakte? We've got some recommendations and great tips to help, no joke.

But first I would like to note: in order to remain friends in the end, it is extremely important to choose the right humor and try not to harm a person with a joke, but to amuse him too: not just laugh yourself. On April Fool's Day, you can fantasize to the fullest in order to arrange a cheerful holiday not only for yourself, but also for those around you. It’s great if you’ve known your friend for a long time and any prank on VKontakte in the first person or not will bring a smile.

But you still need to approach the selection of jokes carefully and try to go around sharp corners. Because what is interesting for one person may be completely unacceptable for another. Options for playing on April 1st over the phone.

Jokes on friends in messages on VK

Contents of the article (navigation)

Social networks are a very convenient way to connect with friends from a distance, which is why they have become very popular nowadays. You can exchange various materials, photos and videos. When communicating with friends, you most likely wanted to make fun of them somehow. There are a huge variety of jokes, some of which we will look at in this article.

Editing an Element Code

You've probably heard about the element code and think that it's too complicated and only subject to programmers, but this instruction should save you from these stereotypes:

  • Go to the VKontakte page and go to messages, there select the person you want to write a message to.

  • Write, for example, “hello” and wait for a response. Most likely it will be the same “hello”.

  • To edit your message, right-click on its text (“Hello”) and select “edit element code” from the menu.
  • Next, on the right, find your text, it will be the same as in the message. Double-click on it with the left mouse button, then enter a new message.
  • Next, when you have already created a new text and entered it, close the panel with the element code by clicking on the cross. Do not refresh the page under any circumstances, as these are not saved changes that are displayed only on your computer and only until the page is refreshed. We replaced the "hello" message with "bye"
  • As soon as you see this text, press the PrtSc key to take a screenshot of the screen. You can save it using the Paint program built into your computer.
  • Now send a screenshot to your friend to surprise him.
  • In the end you should have something like this:

Once again, please note that this joke method only works on your computer, so you will need to send a screenshot to your interlocutor.

Registering a second account

An equally interesting way to make fun of a friend on VK is in messages.

First, you will need to create a fake page in some way. Please note that to register a page you will need a phone number that has not previously been linked to the VKontakte website. So, instructions:

  1. The first step is to fill the new page with content.
  2. Your friend probably won't believe the joke if there are recently created posts on the page, so regularly update the page with content to make it seem more real.
  3. Find your friend using the site search.
  4. Once you have found him, you can safely write him some shocking message, for example, a declaration of love.
  5. Write correctly, do not use any expressions that you use to communicate with your friend in real life, so that he does not recognize you.
  6. Make the beginning of the message normal so that he at least starts to read it, and then make a sudden change to shock him.
  7. Congratulations, you are irresistible!

Once again, keep in mind that you won’t be able to simply register on the site, so first get a phone number.

How to troll a person on VKontakte

This social network is literally a battlefield for various masters of oratory, who take it out on people who are weaker in this field of activity to the fullest, or simply practice their eloquence. If you also want to poke fun at someone, here are some tips for using the resource mentioned. The most common ways to troll a person is to find fault with his holy of holies online, that is, his nickname or avatar. See what exactly causes you the most confusion, and

how to troll someone in contact
take action. The second option is to troll in dialogues. You can approach a person with some plausible, but not very decent request. Of course, everyone will refuse, but in response we write: “Okay, I thought you wouldn’t mind receiving a substantial amount.” The conversation will go like clockwork, no doubt about it. The main thing is that you will understand what kind of person is in front of you. Keep the conversation going by constantly asking provocative questions, making fun of your interlocutor, but not insulting him. True masters can present everything in such a light as if the opponent himself “ran into them”, and they only calmly responded. Yes, and at the end, say that you will post all the correspondence on a popular public page... A new round is guaranteed!

Replacing page code

You can effectively and easily prank a VK friend by changing the content of the page code.

To do this you will need:

  1. Go to your friend's VK page.
  2. Select what will be changed (for example, the name).
  3. Right-click on the selected element. Select the “examine element” option.
  4. The web development tool window will open. Find the desired value in the command line, click to reveal the element code, change it (write a different name).
  5. Click Enter and close the web development window.
  6. Several elements can be changed. Depends on the imagination of the one who is playing. Try to make it look believable. If your friend doesn't immediately realize it's a prank, it will be more fun.
  7. After everything that needs to be changed has been changed, take a screenshot (Prt Scr key, F12 key on some computers. You can use programs that take screenshots).
  8. Edit the image in Paint.
  9. Send a message to a friend with a photo of the screenshot.
  10. An easy and hilarious joke is ready!

You can prank several friends at the same time by sending them such photos. You can send screenshots of several friends’ pages with altered pages to one friend so that he believes in the plausibility of the joke.

How to influence a person: looking for weak points

This method is a little more complicated, and is designed so that you can identify the real shortcomings of your interlocutor, which really bother him. This may be his inability to write correctly or excessive use of obscene words. Perhaps your victim will do anything for the sake of money or for the sake of fame, etc. In general, we look for such “Achilles heels” and put pressure on them mercilessly. For example, you are trying to make fun of a pathological liar who, even in small things that make no difference, avoids a direct answer. We tell him that life is probably so easy (without telling the truth); we ask who exactly he is lying to and how, but we ask all these questions with sarcasm. If the victim notices that you are trolling him, deny it and continue with your conversation. Such a liar can also be caught red-handed. Often people who lie do not remember everything that they have already told and to whom. All you have to do is carefully monitor the development of events, and at the right moment remind him of another version that he expressed earlier.

how to troll someone without swearing

Celebrity joke

An original prank with the “participation” of a media personality. Preparation is needed: create a fake page of a public person in advance. Add friends, photos to the page, posts to the wall, so that there is an illusion of an active page. When the preparation is complete, add the person being played as a friend and write messages to him. They can be funny and mysterious. The main thing is that the text of the messages should not offend the person to whom it is addressed.

If a person does not immediately understand that the page is fake, during the correspondence they should reveal that it is a hoax. If the recipient believes that this is a verified page and begins to open up, you should not play on the person’s feelings, but reveal the truth.

You should follow grammatical, spelling, and punctuation rules during correspondence. If the messages are illiterate, the prank will be revealed faster.

The second option: create several fake pages of media people. During the day, send many messages from different celebrities with funny content. You can spam the VK wall when the user leaves the network, invite you to unimaginable games and applications. Requires more preparation, but gives good results.

How to troll someone on Skype

An online communication service like Skype gives us much more opportunities to fully see, hear a person, and, based on this material, make fun of him. During live communication, you can pay attention to the tone of your interlocutor - you can find fault with him. People often slip through filler words in their conversational speech, which they skillfully hide if they communicate through written messages. A simpler and more popular way of trolling on Skype is to ask stupid questions that may have an ambiguous answer. It turns out that by answering them, your victim will put himself in an awkward position. If we consider an even simpler method, then you can simply bombard your interlocutor with stupid phrases, the meaning of which he does not understand, and start laughing, while he remains perplexed.

how to troll someone on skype

Draw with changing information about yourself

Not a bad prank for the brave. You need to change a block of personal information (marital status, place of work, personal information). New information should evoke emotions in the person being pranked. When he sees her, he should be shocked and write. (For example, if a friend has a sister, you can indicate your marital status with her). You can not only change the information, but also post a post confirming it. Don’t answer questions right away so your friend will worry. The fact that this is a joke will be revealed after a while.

To make the situation believable, agree with friends in case they are questioned.

You have to be careful not to go too far. The joke should be kind and not offend. You should not indicate in your information about yourself that you are supposedly in love with a girl, a friend’s wife. Such a joke will most likely turn into a quarrel, and the one who played the joke will no longer inspire the trust of his friend.

Getting to know the youth concept

It is worth noting that trolling can also have, so to speak, friendly overtones, that is, your close people simply came up with some kind of joke for you so that everyone would have fun and laugh. In this article we will look at how to troll a person, what dialogues you should be careful of, so as not to become a victim of such a prank. Friends are one thing, and a professional troll is quite another. After all, it also happens that unfamiliar people, or even strangers, try to play a prank on you. They know how to troll a person, what strings they need to grab, so as not to humiliate him, not to offend him, but simply to play him very “hard”. Well, let's move on to a more detailed consideration of this issue.

Substitution of a picture

A funny and unexpected prank on a friend. You can also prank a guy. The joke will be more fun with girls.

  1. A post with a touching picture is posted on the wall (must be open to everyone).
  2. Wait for the recipient to leave a comment no later than one day after the post was published. You can edit a post within 24 hours of publication.
  3. Change the picture to a photo of erotic or other content that causes shock.
  4. Under the shock content there will be a comment from the person being played out, characterizing the cute picture.
  5. Wait for your girlfriend or boyfriend to see the changes and react.

It is important to choose the right picture that will be used as a draw. It should not be offensive to a person.

Changing the picture after sending

How else can you make fun of a friend on VK? You can use a joke to replace the image on his wall. Moreover, this joke is also suitable for a girl. Just keep in mind that the female sex is touchy, so don’t overdo it with fun so that the joke doesn’t turn into a big quarrel.

To troll a friend or girlfriend on VK, do the following:

  1. Your friend's wall needs to be open so you can add a picture to it. Choose a touching image that will definitely be commented on by your friends.
  2. After the recipient has left a comment under it, click on the edit button and replace the picture with another one. It turns out that the comment will remain under the new image, which may cause conflicting feelings.

For example, if you leave a cute photo with kittens on the wall, you will probably see a comment from a friend who cannot resist the cats. If she writes, “So fluffy,” you can change the picture to a photo that focuses on her legs. Then wait for a reaction.

Please try to edit the image within 24 hours of posting. It is during this time that the social network allows you to make changes to the post.

Fun with a social network address

First option. You can play it simply and effectively by changing the language of the VKontakte page. A post containing the link is sent to private messages or to the wall (don’t forget the slash at the beginning). Instead of the word “digit”, indicate any number from 1 to 9 and beyond. Each number represents a language code. By default 0 is Russian, 1 is English.

Send a message such that the recipient follows the link. For example, sign: “look what I learned about...”, “I found something here,” etc.

When the user follows the link, the page language will change.

It will turn out unexpectedly and fun if you choose an exotic language - Japanese, Korean, Hindi. Languages ​​can be changed to “Soviet” and “pre-revolutionary”. To change the language back, your friend will have to look for the “languages” item in the settings. This won't be as easy to do when the page is translated into another language.

If he can’t handle it on his own, you can send a link with a change of language, indicating Russian as the original one.

Second option. Another simple option to joke with your friends. Send a message containing the link settings.php?m=3. When a friend clicks on it, a window will open asking him to enter a new password. Returning to the original page is simple: just log out and log back in. However, this will confuse the recipient for some time.

The basis of any trolling

Let's start with the simplest thing - with “inconspicuous” remarks that can be thrown as if in passing, by chance. They can relate to a person’s appearance, his mannerisms, clothing, or style of conversation. And if you correspond online, then the main target will be literacy. True, there is one nuance here: when you make fun of someone’s mistakes, don’t get into a puddle yourself! Sometimes we listen to our interlocutor, look at him, accepting everything as it is, and do not look closely at the details. But if you are

how to troll someone
If you do, that is, start reading every phrase carefully or pay attention to how the colors are combined in his clothes (or maybe he doesn’t know how to dress stylishly at all), then there will certainly be a reason for trolling. For example, you are attracted to a girl who looks like a goth: black clothes, dark, catchy makeup, etc. As a rule, subcultures suggest that you should definitely wear sneakers or similar not very attractive shoe options. To such a female person, you can subtly hint that it is very difficult to distinguish her from a guy.

Examples of bad jokes

The joke must be well thought out so as not to cross the line and not offend the person. Bad jokes are those that can hurt, offend, or cause negative emotions.

  1. You should not post publicly a photo that shows a person from an unfortunate angle or that compromises him. An image that may offend self-esteem and religious feelings. Personal correspondence must remain secret too.
  2. A bad prank is scary for people in poor health. It is better not to take risks by reporting shocking news or showing scary pictures or videos to a person who has problems, for example, with a heart.
  3. They may misunderstand the prank with the message that a person is in trouble and needs to transfer money. Users may think that the page has been hacked and complain about a spam attack.
  4. A cruel prank is to send out a newsletter, reporting the alleged death of the victim or one of her friends.
  5. Go to your friend's page (if you have access) and change information about him to be offensive. Write unworthy messages to his acquaintances on his behalf, especially if connections with them are important to him.
  6. If you know that a person suffers from a phobia, you should not send him pictures, videos, or audios of what he is afraid of. This kind of joke can end badly.

What should a professional troll remember?

ways to troll someone

In this type of “art”, it is important first of all to keep the person hooked. For every troll, the most important point is the manifestation of negative emotions of the interlocutor, who, in fact, is the victim of his oratorical and logical (and sometimes completely devoid of logic) mockery. Experts in this matter who know how to troll a person say that the main thing is to tease your opponent without truly insulting or humiliating him. But a troll is simply obliged to evoke feelings such as awkwardness, inability to say anything in response, etc., in his victim. It is also worth remembering that a person must be kept in constant tension, either increasing it or decreasing it, but not completely eliminating this feeling. So, now let’s move on to more specific examples of how to troll a person: let’s look at what you can say and what you can’t.

Changing information on a friend's page

Thanks to modern technology, pranks have reached a whole new level. The next option is one of the most effective and fun pranks that you can pull off using your computer and a social network in which you correspond with a friend.

It is noteworthy that even a beginner in the world of modern technology can organize such a draw.

To do this, just follow the following recommendations:

  • For example, we use the social network VKontakte. So, we need to go to the friend’s page and select the information that needs to be changed. Having decided on this, hold down the left mouse button and select the required text. Then click on the right mouse button and go down to the item “View element code” or “Examine element code. This feature may sound different depending on the browser you are using. By clicking on this area, the operating menu will appear on the screen;
  • Next you need to use a web development tool. We look for the necessary information in the code, click on it, delete the old one and write a new one. In order to save the result, just press the “Enter” button;
  • To prevent your friend from immediately realizing that this is a prank, it is best to come up with something original. The possibilities here are limited only by the imagination of the author himself;
  • When the job is done, we take a screenshot of a friend’s page, save it as a picture and send it in a personal message.

Such a prank may initially be quite scary, but when all the cards are revealed, your friend will breathe a sigh of relief and laugh.

A joke from a fake celebrity page

You can make jokes on VK for friends through a message from a pop star or blogger. To do this, create a fake celebrity page. It's better if it's your friend's favorite famous person. But before you joke with a friend on VK, you need to prepare:

  • Add friends, the more the better.
  • Upload photos and post entries.
  • Create the appearance of an active and popular page on a social network.

After that, write a message to your friend. They can be mysterious or funny. Correspondence should not be allowed to cause negativity. In addition, do not try to play with the feelings of your interlocutor and do not drag out the dialogue so that in the future he will not be offended by you.

Try to observe grammar and spelling so that the interlocutor does not immediately understand that they are making fun of him.

Playing a prank on a friend on the phone

If during the correspondence you managed to find out your friend’s number, as well as his residential address, then this can play into our hands when planning a future draw.

Here are some interesting ideas for how to prank a pen pal using only your phone:

  • Introduce yourself as a radio employee and report the good news that a friend has won a ticket to a concert of his favorite band, only the performance will take place somewhere in Africa;
  • Inform that the limit on the use of hot water has been exhausted and further water procedures are only available when using cold water;
  • Introduce yourself as a neighbor downstairs and report that a naked man or girl has just come down from a friend’s balcony.

You can even use special programs that help you change your voice when talking on the phone, or ask a close friend to take part in a prank.

Tips on how to avoid harm

Jokes on friends in messages on VK should not harm. To avoid offending a person, you should not do the following:

  1. Do not post personal correspondence publicly; it must remain secret.
  2. Don't post photos of your boyfriend or girlfriend where they are from a bad angle.
  3. Avoid images that may harm self-esteem or religious feelings.
  4. If a person is in poor health, do not try to scare them through pictures or videos.
  5. Do not change information about a friend to be offensive. If you have access to his account, do not write unpleasant messages to friends on his behalf.

Prank your friends so that not only you, but also they laugh heartily. There are many ways you can make fun. Before you use a joke, try to weigh everything in advance. Not everyone has the same sense of humor as you. Therefore, a light joke can turn into a major quarrel.

It's always fun to joke and prank a friend, that's what friends are for. Today we will tell you some good ways to make fun of your friend on the VKontakte social network. All methods are quite simple and do not require special technical skills or knowledge.

The most important thing in such things is that your joke is appreciated, and that they don’t get offended by you, or even worse, that the joke doesn’t offend the person.

How to cheer up a girl on a live date?

How to cheer up a girl on a live date?

Have you decided to go on a date, but don’t know how to cheer up a girl? Exactly, don’t try to become a humor guru, it won’t help you. Behave naturally and not under pressure, this is the only way you can conquer your chosen one. If she is sad, try to cheer her up and give her a surprise. When passing by flowers, buy her some or a delicious chocolate or toy.

Try to give her a memorable date, go to the theater, the zoo, or listen to a local band. Firstly, she will obviously like it, and secondly, it will cheer her up.

If you have been with your girlfriend for a long time, give her surprises that she will definitely like, that she has long dreamed of. If her mood is at zero, then try to find out what’s wrong, what’s bothering her. Of course, she will answer that everything is wonderful, but still don’t stop, persuade her to tell you. But don't repeat one question all the time, find an approach. When she tells you, don't act like a macho man who thinks her sadness isn't worth your effort. Show that you are not only her boyfriend, but also a friend who is always ready to support her in difficult times.

On a date, you can easily cheer up your girlfriend by telling an anecdote, a funny fact about yourself, or a story that your friend told you. Just don’t try to memorize the text, everything should look casual and on topic.

After reading this article, you will be able to put our advice into practice, the main thing is to be confident in yourself, be yourself, cheerful and you will easily be able to withstand the oppression of female emotions. Which will lead you to strengthen your relationship, or maybe you will win over a girl you’ve liked for a long time, with whom you just corresponded and she will go on a date with you.

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  1. Denis says:
    I can share my experience on how to cheer up a girl during communication. I just tell a funny joke and back it up with my acting talent. As a rule, this method always works. But I try to avoid vulgarity and black humor - here you can come across the opposite result.
  2. Lost says:

    I have long wanted to find information on how to cheer up a girl in correspondence. I myself have zero imagination, but I clearly understand the importance of positive emotions in communicating with the opposite sex. I tried one of the options given in the article. I don’t know if Katya (that’s my girlfriend’s name) laughed, but the meeting was a success.

  3. Dartagnan says:

    I read a million tips on the Internet on how to cheer up a girl on VK. But I think that here we need to proceed from the situation and the character of the interlocutor. I had girlfriends who only needed a stupid joke or a slight “spoiler” to add to the mood. Now I've changed my style. When communicating online, I focus on officialdom, but in real life I start joking.

  4. Stas says:

    What I can definitely confirm is that girls do not like dark humor. Although, there are exceptions here too. My past passion was very fond of such jokes and even knew how to “compose” them herself. So it’s worth proceeding from the girl’s character and individually selecting “keys” for her.

  5. Dobrynya Nikitich says:

    I've dated different types of girls, but most of all I love those who are naturally funny. They are open, bright, light and cheerful. It's easy with them. You feel like a real “Petrosyan” and want to joke endlessly. But there are also sad people who are UNREALISTIC to cheer up.

  6. Nestor Petrovich says:

    Thank you for the article, I learned a lot of interesting things. There’s only one problem: I somehow didn’t have a good sense of humor. I'm always serious when talking to girls and I can't change my mind. Because of this, many acquaintances ended after the first meetings. What to do?

  7. Rostik says:

    From my “bell tower” I can say that humor in communicating with girls is the main key to success. If you manage to keep your interlocutor positive, this is already half the success. There is enough depression in life, so young ladies are drawn to cheerful guys. This is 100%. Just be fun.

  8. Roberto Carlos says:

    I tested it myself regarding souvenirs and their effectiveness. Every time I met a girl, I tried to bring something as a gift. Nothing expensive, of course - ordinary trinkets from a souvenir store or homemade ones. I'm not good at humor, so I tried to compensate in this way. Works.

  9. Bogatyr says:

    The hardest thing is to make a girl laugh over SMS. It’s also bad because you don’t see the real reaction - only guesses. Many times I tried to joke, but in response I only received “Ha-ha” or a smiling emoticon. It’s difficult to understand whether you’ve hit the nail on the head or just made another stupid mistake.

  10. Ilya says:

    Guys, I can give you one piece of advice. Don't try to be funny and witty - be like that. Don’t be afraid to say something stupid, because such platitudes often amuse girls even more. Believe me, the young lady will appreciate the efforts. This is how I met my wife. I was just talking nonsense and trying to make people laugh - it worked.

April Fool's jokes for husband

Of course, you can prepare and arrange a full-fledged prank for your beloved husband on April 1st. Moreover, there are a lot of options for such fun:

  • A trick in the bathroom will help to “amuse” your loved one in the morning. You just need to first swap the marks on the hot and cold water taps, and the joke is ready.
  • In order to personally observe your loved one’s reaction to the prank, you only need to replace the toothpaste. After carefully cutting the tube, fill it with mayonnaise. Guaranteed, such a joke will not leave anyone indifferent!
  • You can remember your childhood and the days spent in a pioneer camp. Inspired by memories, you are allowed to paint your husband's fingernails and toenails while he sleeps.
  • A little deception is welcome on April Fools' Day, but a false request to take vinegar to your neighbor will become an innocent crime and considerable fun.
  • This prank is not recommended for the faint of heart. You need to come up with some reason for using a drill in the presence of your loved one, then you need to go behind him, turn on the device again and poke your finger in his back. Shock and laughter, through tears, are guaranteed!
  • You can also call your husband and tell him in an excited voice about the iron not being turned off. The bustle, panic and rush across the city will pay off with sincere smiles.

Spend some time in Photoshop

If you are a girl, play a prank on everyone at once - just take your most recent photo and “give” yourself a bald head instead of hair.

Add a photo to your avatar and post the same image on Instagram. The avalanche of comments will not take long to arrive. You can also “get” a facial tattoo, piercing, or dye your eyebrows pink. You can enlarge your lips - choose something that is as unusual as possible for you. Don’t admit that it’s photoshopped when they start writing to you. Process several photos at once and send the rest to prove that you are right. Furore guaranteed!

What can you play?

Games in VK messages are different. Some are suitable for personal correspondence (for two people), others can also be used in group chats. Let's look at what you can play below.


The essence of the game is that the first person writes an abbreviation of 3-4 letters, and the second must decipher it. If you wish, you can use existing abbreviations, or you can come up with your own.

Decoding not only helps you have fun, but also develops your thinking.

For example: A: PGT B: Urban Settlement B: USA A: United States of America

Of course, you don't have to guess the transcripts correctly. You can come up with your own options, then it will be even more fun.


A game that allows you to develop associative thinking. Its essence is that the first person writes a word (any), and the second must write another word that is associated with it. You need to write the first association that comes to mind.

For example: A: Mountains B: Stones A: Kotelets B: Construction

"Two words"

One person writes two words. The second must choose one of them and explain his choice.

For example: A: Car, bicycle B: Car - you can get to the right place much faster and, in addition, you don’t need to pedal. B: Chocolate, ice cream A: Chocolate is good for the brain.


Games and jokes in VK messages

Probably everyone played “Cities”. And not only in VK chats. The rules of the game are simple. Each participant writes a city whose name begins with the last letter of the previous one.

For example: A: Moscow B: Amsterdam A: Marseille B: Luxembourg

"Advantages and disadvantages"

The first participant in the conversation comes up with a situation or event. The next person should name its pros and cons, and then come up with another situation.

For example: A: Stuck in an elevator with a neighbor B: Plus, I can get to know him better. The downside is that I'll be late for the meeting. B: It suddenly got colder A: Plus - a good reason to go to a cafe and drink hot coffee. The downside is that I’ll freeze on the way home.

“Yes, but...”

Games and jokes in VK messages

The essence of the game is the need to write each new message with the words “Yes, but...”.

For example: A: I won’t go for a walk today. B: Yes, but then we won’t be able to see you. A: Yes, but we can communicate over the Internet using video calling. B: Yes, but it’s much more useful to communicate in person.

This is just a small part of the games that you can play in VK messages. If you wish, you can even come up with your own game. It all depends only on your imagination.

How to understand that a guy likes you by correspondence

What is also important is how willing he is to share intimate things with you. Moreover, it is not necessary to wait for confession - a story about how the day went can mean more than a confession of something supposedly very personal.

The same applies to you - if a guy talks about himself and makes no attempt to get to know you more deeply, you are looking at a typical narcissistic talker.

Flirting can be seen in his tone: the guy is clearly not indifferent to you if he praises you, gives you compliments, wishes you pleasant dreams in the evening and a good day in the morning. He can send virtual gifts, delight you with funny emoticons, make surprises, that is, show his attention in all available ways.

Just in case: how to send a guy off by correspondence

Sometimes the reason for wanting to stop correspondence can be the guy’s obsession, sometimes it can be boredom and coldness, sometimes it can be a mismatch of characters, tastes and interests. In any case, you shouldn’t delay, hoping that tomorrow he will definitely change.

How to scare a pen pal

If you don’t even want to start a dialogue, it’s time to end it.

Conduct correspondence only with those who are interesting, with whom you would communicate in real life. And be yourself as usual, don’t pretend and don’t hide behind a fictitious personality. And, you know, if you had to figure out what questions you could ask a guy via correspondence, most likely, this is simply not your person.

For radio lovers

If your friend likes to listen to the radio while commuting to work or at home, or right at work, and she has a favorite radio station, then you can make a nice surprise. Contact the radio wave in advance and order some funny congratulations for your friend, for example: “Congratulations to Ira on a wonderful holiday - Blonde Day. We wish to continue to live up to this honorary title,” etc.

How to scare a pen pal

The main thing is to arrange everything so that your friend listens to the radio at the exact moment when it will be announced.

How to get a guy to like you via pen pal

First, critically evaluate your page - how interested would you be in such an interlocutor? Look through the photos (not only the latest avatars, but also the archived ones, which you yourself have long since forgotten), flip through the audio recordings, read the available information in the profile.

If a guy is attracted to your page, try to create a positive first impression. But don't overdo it - if you've had a rough day, it's better to be honest about it than to pretend to be Miss Fun. The interlocutor is not an idiot.

How to interest a guy by correspondence

Another way to interest a guy is to skillfully ask for his opinion, show interest in his hobbies, and ask for advice. It’s especially cool if you’re smart and ask him about something you haven’t discussed yet.

Look at his photos, look for pages on other social networks, don’t be lazy to look for photos with him - such materials sometimes provide more information than correspondence. And the more original you ask the question, the more interest you are guaranteed.

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