How to make a link to a person or group with a word in VKontakte

The social network “Vkontakte” is periodically updated by its developers, the design and functionality of the site changes. Not long ago, Vk experienced another major update, which affected the resource interface and some of its parameters. In this regard, the user may have a question: how to copy links from various pages of the service, not only on the computer, but also in the official VKontakte application for smartphones. This will be discussed in the article.

What is a link in VK?

In order to understand the issue, you need to find out what a link is in general.

Do not be mistaken that working with hyperlinks on the social network VKontakte and on other sites on the World Wide Web is somewhat different. If you are familiar with the basics of information technology, then you know that a link is a tool through which you can access absolutely any resource on the Internet.

And now a little terminology.

URL is a hyperlink to a specific Internet page that appears in the address bar of the browser.

The address bar is an integral element of the page, which serves as a guide through the world wide web.

The person inserts the link into the address bar, presses “Enter” and is redirected to the domain of the site that he specified.

The example above makes it clear what a VK link is. All pages in VK will have the same address template - “”.

To drop a VKontakte hyperlink, you will need to know the full address of the VK user/post/group, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the required result from a physical point of view.

Next, we will look at exactly how to send a link to a person/event/group and other social network objects that may be of interest to your friends.

How to send VKontakte a specific publication from Instagram

If there is no need to install automatic integration of services, but you want to share only some posts, then you can do this immediately after posting the publication. The method is incredibly simple and convenient: you need to open the publication you are interested in, call up the menu using the three dots in the upper right corner. And select “Share”, then social network, VKontakte, dragging the slider to the right. After this, you will need to log in to your VK account, if you haven’t done so, this is up to this point. Then click the checkmark in the upper right corner and the publication will appear on your VKontakte wall. And you will see that the notification has been published.

How to send VKontakte a specific publication from Instagram

It is only important to remember that all links that are duplicated on VKontakte must be from open accounts, otherwise users will not be able to follow them. And most importantly, only one Instagram account can be connected to the VKontakte service.

In recent years, social networks have become an integral part of the life of almost all of humanity. In our country, Instagram and Vkontakte are the most popular. These Internet resources are developing very quickly and allow you to open up new opportunities not only in maintaining a personal account, but also a business page. As you know, for a business to succeed, it is necessary to use all available promotion tools. The more popular the account, the higher the success rate. This is why integration between different social networks is very important.

Review of 5 possible situations on how to send a link to VK

To send a link to another person on the Internet, you need only two tools - a browser and access to the World Wide Web.

If everything is clear with the second, then some may have questions about the first - which browser is better, is it equally easy to post links in them, and the like. The answer is simple - in all browsers accessed via PCs/laptops and tablets, in order to send a hyperlink on Vkontakte, you need to follow the same algorithm of actions.

Let's now look in more detail at what situations a person might want to send a link to VK, and how they will need to behave in each of the options.

Situation No. 1. Post a link to your personal profile

The most common option is when you are asked to send a link to a friend or acquaintance on a social network.

This is necessary if only because a search by name may not always give an accurate result. For example, “Ivan Ivanov” is a very common surname with a given name, so for such a request in VK you will receive more than 10,000 results. Even with careful filtering, you will not be 100% sure that you have reached the right person’s page.

So, how to send a link to a user’s personal profile?

  1. Open the page with the profile of the desired person in VK.
  2. We turn to the address bar. VKontakte can have two ID submission formats - numeric or author's, which can be changed in the user page settings. If your hyperlink in a line is slightly different (it is not just a combination of numbers), do not worry - this is normal. Only the base of the link should remain unchanged - “”.
  3. To send a hyperlink, first copy it to the clipboard. Here the user can use either the right mouse button, where the context menu is displayed, or use the Ctrl + C key combination.
  4. To ensure that the information is copied, make sure that the text in the address bar is completely selected.

  5. All you have to do is go to the source where you want to place the link and paste it into the required field using the same context line, or using the Ctrl + V key combination.

The key combination works on any keyboard layout, so you don’t have to worry about what language is currently turned on - the “hot keys” will always work.

Situation No. 2. Send a link in VK to a specific post

The news feed is an interesting place where you can get lost for long hours. Sharing hyperlinks within the VKontakte social network itself is easy, however, if it comes to inter-program jumps, you will need to get to the post address.

Auto-posting to a VK group for free using the example of PublBox

To ensure that a person receives exactly what you want to convey, you will need to slightly change the set of actions described above.

To send a link to a post on VK, you will need:

  1. Find the post to which we want to send a link.
  2. The date of publication is always present under the name of the group/name of the user who made the post. Click on it and wait a bit.
  3. Our post has opened in a new form, which is displayed on top of the main flow of information. The link in the address bar also changed. Copy what is currently written and submit. When clicking on such a link, the user will be immediately redirected to the desired post, thereby eliminating the need for lengthy scrolling of the page.

Please note: after you click on the publication date, you are directed to a separate VKontakte page. Therefore, even after closing the form, you will still be left on this post. To return to further viewing of the news feed, you will need to click the “Back” button.

Situation No. 3. Post a link to the photo

Every day, social network users post hundreds of thousands of photos.
To send a link to a photo, a VKontakte user can go in two ways. The first option is no different from the process described for previous situations - open the photo by clicking and copy the hyperlink from the address bar.

The disadvantage of this method is the quality of the photo that will be displayed to the final recipient of the link. If you want to insert a hyperlink with a high-resolution photo, we recommend using the method described below.

Instructions for sending a photo hyperlink:

  1. Open the browser and go to the photo, the hyperlink to which you want to send to another person.
  2. To get a web link to the original uploaded photo, go to the bottom of the window and click on the “More” button.
  3. In the image submenu that opens, select the item with the download icon “Open original”.
  4. The photo will instantly open in a new browser tab and will have its original size. Next, we follow the standard scheme and copy the web link to the image through the address bar.

All you have to do is send the link to your interlocutor and receive an approving response from him.

The same system works when working with other pictures on the Internet. The only difference is that you need to open the original image through the context menu.

Situation No. 4. Post a link to the music

If you need to send a song to your friend on VK, then you do not need to send a separate link - just use the audio recording submenu and send a message with the attached track.
But if for some reason you need to send a link to the song, for VK use the following instructions:

  1. Go to the “Music” section and select the audio recording you want to send. To access the hyperlink, right-click on the track and select Explore Item.
  2. We have access to the developer environment. Don't be intimidated by long lines of code, as the current work does not require any programming knowledge. Go to the Network section.
  3. Now in the social network area, press the F5 key and turn on the track to which you want to receive a link.
  4. In the search bar, enter the format of the audio recording and click the filter button. The system will display from 1 to 10 lines. We only need one hyperlink, so we can close the console and repeat the algorithm again until we get the expected result.
  5. Having received one value, go to the context menu and select the option to copy the audio recording address link.
  6. All that remains is to paste the text from the buffer into the address bar and remove everything unnecessary from the end - right up to the ending “.mp3”.
  7. Press “Enter” and check the functionality of the link.

You can send a link to your friend not only to listen, but also to download audio recordings, which is very convenient in some situations.

The current method only works at the beginning of 2021. The VKontakte administration's policy regarding API openness may change in the near future. This will block direct user access to the page element code.

The only solution to the problem is to install additional extensions that can independently retrieve the web link of the audio recording using the built-in functionality.

Brief instructions on how to send a link from VK.

How to synchronize Instagram and Vkontakte

Another way to share all posts from Instagram on VKontakte is to simply set up integration. Thus, publications from Instagram will be duplicated on Vkontakte. To set up integration, you will need to log into your VKontakte profile. A smaller avatar is displayed at the top right, and next to it is an arrow, when you click on it, a list of possible actions appears. You need to select the edit item and the contacts subitem from them. In contacts you will need to select the very bottom line - integration with other services. In the list of services, accordingly, you will need to select Instagram.

synchronize Instagram and Vkontakte

After this, all publications will be duplicated from Instagram to VKontakte. If there is no need to duplicate all publications, you can set up integration. This is done through the “Do not import” item. If you select it, you can set certain parameters by which exactly those publications that should be displayed on VKontakte will be determined. You can select the album in which duplicate posts will be saved or leave it as default. A link to Instagram will appear in your contacts list. It is important that you can cancel the integration or change settings if necessary.

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