VKontakte hotline, how to write to technical support

Hotline of the social network VKontakte

The social network does not have a call center for complaints, wishes or questions.

Any requests should only be made through the tab on the website or by sending a formal letter by email.

The hotline telephone number, as well as the contact center telephone number, were not provided, even at the time of the launch of the project. And now, with over 40,000,000 active users, the likelihood of implementing a hotline is very vague. Therefore, with questions or any difficulties, users are recommended to use accessible methods of online communication.

LLC "V CONTACT": address, phone, fax, email, website, work schedule

Region: St. Petersburg

Address: 191015, ST. PETERSBURG, st. TVERSKAYA, 8 letter B


Fax: no data

Email: no data

Website: no data

General Director / responsible person / owner of LLC "V CONTACT": no data

Working hours: Mon-Fri: 9-19, Sat-Sun: 11-15

Found an inaccuracy in the description or want to provide more information about the company? - Write to us!

How to write to technical support

How to contact VKontakte?

There are several options:

  1. Send an email.
  2. Fill out the form on the website or in the application - https://vk.com/support?act=home.

You can contact VK technical support around the clock. Leave questions or requests regarding any topic related to the project.

Follow the guidelines when writing letters and do not use profanity. Specify contact details, select the reason, describe in detail what difficulties you encountered.

VKontakte with the FSB: why the social network gives out user data to intelligence agencies

On September 2, the head of the international human rights organization Agora, Pavel Chikov, published in his Telegram channel photocopies of the materials of the criminal case for recordings on the social network Vkontakte. In the photo you can see the correspondence between the FSB department for the Tver region and the administration of the social network. It follows that law enforcement officers sent a request and then received information from the social network, bypassing the official document flow procedure.

We are talking about the case of an electrician from the Tver region, Vladimir Egorov , who was given a suspended sentence of two years for a critical post addressed to Vladimir Putin in his public page “Citizens of Toropets” under Part 2 of Art. 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Public calls for extremism).

According to Znak.com, the public “Citizens of Toropets” published anti-corruption investigations. After one of the publications about thefts at a sand quarry, Egorov’s house was attacked. A year ago, Egorov left for Ukraine, but was expelled from there; He spent several weeks in Belarus, from where he was extradited to Russia, where he was on the federal wanted list.

FSB officers asked to provide them with information about who had access to the public , as well as email addresses and phone numbers that were used to register accounts of interest to law enforcement officers.

Representatives of the social network provided information of interest to the FSB. Based on information received by the FSB, an electrician from the Tver region was given a suspended sentence.

The correspondence is noteworthy in that the administration of the social network provided all the requested information, but still asked law enforcement officers to send requests to the company administration in the prescribed form with details, entry number, signature of the manager and seal.

Agora lawyer Damir Gainutdinov believes that the email does not allow us to clearly establish the source of the request. “Consequently, Vkontakte had no reason to believe that the FSB was requesting information from them. This, in turn, means that the company did not have the right to disclose user information."

The human rights activist also noted that according to current legislation, the FSB has the right to request information about users from organizations, but this should not violate the constitutional rights of citizens.

“The problem is that the federal law “On Operational-Investigative Actions” does not contain a detailed description of the procedure for specific activities. The FSB interprets its powers as broadly as possible, while VKontakte is not interested in protecting the rights of users and, as we see, is ready to provide any information about them. As a result, we get stories like this: “give us all the information about everyone in the longest possible time.”

The press service of the social network Info24’s request that “all interaction takes place exclusively officially, we always require the provision of all documents through official channels and carefully check each request. Requests made inappropriately remain unanswered.”

In addition, representatives of VKontakte noted that the social network is a Russian company and because of this “is obliged to provide law enforcement agencies with the necessary information within the framework of current legislation. Failure to provide information upon official requests is subject to liability, including criminal liability.” The press service claims that before responding to each request, VKontakte employees verify the legitimacy of the request and check that the answer will be received by an official body or authorized person.

But after such a comment, questions arise: why do representatives of the social network provide information about users upon request by email? How do employees make sure that they are communicating with law enforcement officers and not scammers?

Vkontakte press secretary Dmitry Lushnikov, in a conversation with Info24, explained that an email request is also one of the ways to write to the Vkontakte administration. Company employees correspond only if they receive mail from the FSB, the Investigative Committee or the Ministry of Internal Affairs from an email address located on the service domain . VKontakte considers this a sufficient precaution - Lushnikov noted that there has not been a single case of personal data being given out to scammers.

“Sometimes intelligence services send us emergency requests, we consider them as a priority, and if we understand that people’s lives or health may depend on this, we provide information as quickly as possible. So you understand, we are against criminal cases for reposts, but this is less than 1% of the total number of requests. Basically, [in law enforcement requests] information about real criminals is needed,” Lushnikov said.

The press secretary noted that the company considers the legality of requests and does not always agree to provide the required information. As an example, Lushnikov cited the Central Bank, which several years ago was denied access to the correspondence of users interested in the regulator.

“For some reason everyone thinks that we sit and rejoice at the requests from the special services. But in Russia now there is such legislation and we are obliged to comply with it,” summed up Lushnikov.

Representatives of the social network also drew attention to the fact that they are working to provide their users with the opportunity for maximum privacy , and Mail.Ru Group, which includes VKontakte, opposed the criminal prosecution of social network users for posts on the Internet and “appealed to a number of federal authorities to stop criminal prosecution of social network users, including the State Duma, the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Justice, and the Commissioner for Human Rights.”

Contacting support through the mobile application

If you have installed a mobile extension on your smartphone, but don’t know how to send a message, read the instructions provided.

VKontakte application.

You can install the software on smartphones running Android and iOS.

In the main menu of the VKontakte application, look for the “Help” subsection. By clicking on it, you need to fill out the pop-up form or read the already provided answers to frequently asked topics.

When technical support cannot help

The user can solve many problems independently without contacting support. This applies to cases where the owner of the VK account has deleted the correspondence and wants to restore it.

Administrators do not answer questions regarding the operation of other services, programs and social networks. They also do not disclose information that constitutes the company’s trade secret, personal data of other users, business partners and employees of the VKontakte network.

Technical support specialists do not answer general questions that are not related to the service’s activities.

Contact support through your personal account

Once logged into your account, all users will also be able to leave a message in support.

To log into your profile, use the link - https://vk.com/login.

Login to your VKontakte personal account

After logging into your personal account from the website or application, you must select the “Help” tab.

In addition to answers to frequently asked questions, it contains a form for feedback on topics related to the operation of the service.

LLC "V CONTACT" details: tax identification number, checkpoint, okopf, okogu, okpo, ogrn, okato

OGRN: 1079847035179

Taxpayer Identification Number: 7842349892

Checkpoint: 784201001

OKPO: 98590464

OKATO: 40298564000

registered on January 19, 2007. Registrar – Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 15 for St. Petersburg.

Limited Liability Companies

Property of foreign legal entities

OKOGU: Business companies and partnerships with the participation of foreign legal entities and (or) individuals, as well as stateless persons

Types of activities according to OKVED: Activities related to the use of computer technology and information technology Software development and consulting in this area

Additionally: Software development and consulting in this area Other activities related to the use of computer technology and information technology Activities in the field of law Advertising activities Provision of various types of services Retail trade in computers, software and peripheral devices

For what cases is support needed?

VKontakte (VK) technical support will help you understand the following topics:

  • How to work with photos and videos?
  • How to listen to music?
  • Is it possible to participate in games, how to install the extension?
  • How to leave the community?
  • How can I close access to my account?
  • Is it possible to limit page viewing and sending emails?
  • How to delete an application or account?
  • What to do if your profile is blocked?
  • How to restore message history?
  • What if I forgot the password for the page, how can I restore access?

Help will be effective in any issues related to social services. network.

Directions to LLC "V CONTACT" where it is located

The company was registered on January 19, 2007 (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 15 for St. Petersburg). Full name: “V CONTACT”, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, OGRN: 1079847035179, INN: 7842349892. Region: St. Petersburg. located at: 191015, ST. PETERSBURG, st. TVERSKAYA, 8 liter B. Main activity: “Activities related to the use of computer technology and information technology / Software development and consulting in this area.” Additional areas: “Other activities related to the use of computer technology and information technology”, “Software development and consulting in this area”, “Advertising activities”, “Provision of various types of services”, “Activities in the field of law”.

Find the answer to a question in the Help Center

To help users, a special section with reference materials has been created, which can be opened and viewed on the social network. The service is available on both PC and mobile phone.

From computer

First you need to go to the official VKontakte website and log in. If the user has forgotten his login or password, he can recover them.

In your personal profile, you need to click on the tab with the user name and avatar. A context menu will open here, in which you need to go to the “Help” item.

Reference publications are divided into categories. To open a complete list of questions in a particular section, click the “Show all” button.

In the “List of Questions” tab you can find complete instructions for the user with convenient navigation buttons. Opening any publication is fully accessible by clicking on its title, highlighted in blue.

At the bottom of the page there are buttons that the user can use to evaluate how useful the information presented was to him.

You can use your computer via your personal account.

Via mobile application

After downloading and installing the VKontakte application on the smartphone, the user needs to open the program and log in to it. In the personal profile menu, go to the “Help” section: an interactive reference book with all the necessary information will open here.

In the mobile application, you need to go to the Help section.

Tips and tricks

If your VKontakte page has been hacked, you can write a request to the administration from a friend’s profile to restore it. You should alert the support service about the illegal activities of any group on a social network.

The request may take a long time to process, in which case you should wait. A technical support specialist will provide an answer no later than 24 hours.

If you haven’t received a letter from the administration, you can try creating a repeat request.

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