What is the difference between a group and a public VKontakte page?

When creating a VKontakte community, we are offered three options - a public page, a group and an event.

Without choosing the type of community, it is simply impossible to create it, therefore, before creating a community, you need to understand how a group, event and public differ from each other. Although in the future it will be possible to transfer the Group to a Public Page and vice versa, it is better to decide in advance on the type of community, because it has its own nuances and not everything is so simple.

Like a VK page

The main difference between a group and a public page (public) is that in a group all community members can add posts, but only those group members who directly visit the group page will see them.

On a public page, only the administration can publish posts, and all subscribers of the public page will see them in their news feed, even if they do not go to the community page. Subscribers can also propose their post for publication in the “Suggest news” section, but the decision on whether the post will appear in the public must still be made by the administrator. Now let's take a closer look!

What is the difference between a personal page and a public page?

A personal page is a page of you personally as a person. You cannot create a group, public page or meeting if you do not have a personal VKontakte page.

A public page is a page of you as a person, as a public person, often professionally. Those. you as a designer, as a programmer, as a blogger.

It can be roughly divided as follows: on your personal page you publish everything personal for your real friends, and on the public page what is interesting to your subscribers about your professional activities.

This division, of course, is arbitrary, but VKontakte developers see it this way. No one can forbid you to write about work on your personal page. You just won't be able to advertise it. But you can advertise a public page.

A person should have one personal page, but one person can create as many public pages (publics) as he wants, since he can have many interests and each public can be dedicated to a separate interest or profession.

PossibilitiesPublic pagePersonal page
Can be advertisedYesNo
You can invite friendsNoYes
Subscribers can write on the wallYesYes
There is a products sectionYesNo
Shows up on interesting pagesYesNo
This is a communityYesNo
You can create manyYesNo

The table of differences clearly shows that a personal page is suitable for publishing personal, family events, and a public page is suitable for publishing events in the professional field, interests, and hobbies.


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From the summary: I’m ready to write 24 hours a day about how good it is in Russia and how bad it is in Canada. Just give me a salary, internet and Canadian citizenship. 1. Provides information. Teaches various theoretical knowledge on the topic of the book. 2. Inspires to do exercises. 3. Gives working schemes and algorithms, what needs to be done and how to obtain the necessary skills.

This book contains principles and methods that have been known for a long time. There is nothing new about them. The only thing I explain is HOW to use them. The result is important to me. When people get results, then I get results. Therefore, it is in my best interest to teach you how to create high-quality VKontakte groups.

How are communities different on VK?

PossibilitiesMeetingGroupPublic page
You can invite friendsYesYesNo
Subscribers can suggest newsNoNoYes
Shown in Interesting PagesNoNoYes
Displayed in the Upcoming events blockYesNoNo
There is a Products sectionNoYesYes
Open wallYesYesNo
Same designYesYesYes

You can invite friends - subscribers can invite their friends to groups and meetings. This method is actively used for free promotion of groups.

Subscribers can suggest news . Remember communities like Overheard? These are just public pages; users themselves offer news. This is also called User Generated Content - content created by users. In such a group, the administrator does not need to publish; it is filled in by the subscribers themselves. You just need to be careful not to write nonsense.

Shown in interesting pages . Have you seen the “Interesting Pages” block on your personal page on your personal page? Have you wondered why some communities get there and others don’t? So, public pages go there. There is no group. This is another channel for promoting the group.

Screenshot Block interesting pages on VKontakte
Block of interesting VKontakte pages

Displayed in the Upcoming events block - only meetings are included here.

Upcoming events section
Upcoming events section

There is a products section - products can only be posted in public pages and groups. This block cannot be added to meetings.

Open wall - if the open wall is not disabled in the settings, then in a meeting and group users can write posts on their own behalf. These posts will not appear in the feed of group subscribers; to view them you need to go to the group or meeting page. This method is also used to promote the group, because if the posts that users write are interesting, then other group members may often come to the group to read them.

Same design - all three types of communities look the same in appearance.

Basic public settings

PS You can always return to this page and change information/settings (to do this, use the “Manage” button in the menu on the right of the main page of your public page).

basic information

the name in the previous step, here you can change it.

Community description – a few sentences describing your group. It must be written down, firstly, to immediately make it clear to visitors to your community “what will it be about?”, and secondly, perhaps in the future this will help bring additional audiences to your public from search engines (from Yandex).

Community cover – image, size 1590 by 400 pixels: click “Upload”, select the image on your computer. PS In the next article we will tell you how to create or where to get a beautiful cover for your community on VK.

Page Address – Community URL. How the path to your page will look in the browser address bar (English letters, numbers, underscores are acceptable).

Basic information of the VKontakte community

Action button

It will be displayed in the most visible place in your group - immediately below the page cover.

Action button in the Vkontakte group

Possible options: go to the website, write by email, call, etc. Depending on the selected type of action, you will need to provide additional information: the name of the button (what will be written on it), enter the site URL, phone number, etc.

Action button settings in VK

What type of community is best for promotion?

Each type has its own advantages.

If you want to promote a group for a short event, or one that repeats at the same time every year, a meetup may be a better option. You can invite up to 500 participants per day.

If you are planning a community for a long time, then a group or public is better. The community can be transferred from one species to another. Which one is better to start with depends on your goals.

I often start my communities with a group, so that I can invite friends and promote them through inviting. And then I leave them as a group or transfer them to the community.


To create a new community, go to the “My Groups” menu and click on the link in the upper right corner “Create a community. And you will be asked to choose the type of community from the three options that we talked about earlier. You will also have to come up with a name for your community, for example, professional group administrator. You can then change the name at any time. As soon as you click the “Create Communities” button, you will go to the settings menu, and we will talk about this in the next lesson, but for now we will make a small summary.

  • What type of community did you choose?
  • What name did you give your community?
  • Why this name?
  • How often do you think your name will appear in searches for communities?
  • Are you ready to move on to the next stage?


I am very glad that everything worked out for you and did not cause any difficulties!

My wife used to teach me how to live in the evenings. I bought her a laptop and connected the Internet. Now teaching others!


“It doesn’t matter what place your community ranks in the TOP. Users will definitely come to a lively and interesting community"

Alexander Vereshchagin

Many novice administrators think that if they cram as many keywords as possible into the community name, it will promote well. But in fact this is the biggest and most critical mistake.

Examples of incorrect names:

  • In design (art blog, discussions, illustrations, graphic design, advertising, photography)
  • Textile+. Everything for home and comfort (tags: home, comfort, pillows, blankets, curtains, carpets, scarves, socks)

Examples of correct names:

  • World of design
  • Home textiles

But to promote a community to the TOP that contains more than one keyword is ten times more difficult than with just one.

To make it clear, look at the picture. You clearly noticed that the “Correct Thoughts...” public has more subscribers than the two publics above. And all because they contain fewer keywords than the “Correct Thoughts...” public and therefore are promoted to the TOP above it.

If your goal is to raise the community to the top, then you need to determine a name that could specifically correspond to the theme of the community. To do this, you need to first analyze the competitive environment. If there is no competition, then there will be no demand for your topic.


  • Identify the main feature of the community;
  • Come up with some good names;
  • Determine the competitiveness of queries by names (enter invented names in the search);
  • Choose the only optimal option for the name of the community.

What topic should I create a group on VKontakte?

Let's figure out what topic to create a group on VKontakte ? If you create a group with the goal of subsequently making a profit, then it would seem that you need to choose the most commercial topic. However, this is not quite true. A social network is a place of relaxation, which is why choosing a theme for a group being created on VKontakte differs from the criteria for choosing a theme for a website.

Working on the Internet, Forex, copywriting and other similar topics about making a profit may be of interest to some. But groups with entertainment and educational themes are truly very popular. A group of absolutely any topic with a large number of subscribers will bring good money.

The main criterion when thinking about what topic to create a group on VKontakte should be your personal interest. You should be interested in what you do, it should bring you pleasure. Otherwise, what is the point of this? With the same success, gritting your teeth, you can go to your “favorite” job offline.

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Even if you are interested in something unusual and alien to the majority, it is worth creating a group on this topic; there will be subscribers. VKontakte has a multimillion-dollar audience and a group of any topic will find its audience. In addition, a group on an unusual topic will have few competitors and can easily take a leading position in the segment.

Summing up, we can conclude that the choice of topic for the created group on VKontakte should be based on the tastes and preferences of its author. You need to choose a topic for the group that will be interesting to work with for a long time. Otherwise, sooner or later you may get tired of leading the group, and you will want to quit, thereby erasing the wasted effort and time.

Common mistakes made by newbies

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. However, it is better to minimize the number of mistakes and get a permanent income as soon as possible. So, where do newbies most often stumble?

  • Creating a public page with a low-income topic that is interesting only to a narrow circle of people. If the purpose of the page is to make money, you need to choose a topic from the most popular ones.
  • Low budget or no budget. It was already said above that it is possible to promote a page without investments, but it is difficult and time-consuming. It is advisable to set a budget, at least minimal. And add as much as possible.
  • There is no reinvestment of income in development. The first money is intoxicating. I would like to immediately use them all to fulfill long-standing desires. However, there is no need to rush. It is better to invest your first income in development.
  • High price for advertising. As soon as they knock with the first offers of advertising, you want to immediately name a high price and earn as much as possible. But, you need to understand, if this price is higher than that of competitors, the advertiser will go to them.
  • Irresponsible attitude towards posting content. At first, the creator works on his brainchild, regularly posting posts, collections, and videos. As soon as the first earnings begin, the thought comes: “What if we slow down a little, give ourselves a break?” Should not be doing that. Activity will immediately decrease, users will begin to unsubscribe, and accordingly the cost of advertising will decrease or there will be no offers at all. It is better to hire an assistant or use special programs for managing the public.
  • Irresponsible attitude towards placing purchased advertising. Oddly enough, many people also sin with this. The person who paid for the advertising post waits for it to appear at a certain time. And one can understand his frustration and anger when he does not show his post at this time. If you don’t have time to place ads, you should seek help from specialists or use a program.

Why do you need a group on VKontakte?

Why do you need a group on VKontakte ? Everyone has their own goals and motives, but most often when creating a group or public page on VKontakte, or any other social network, material gain is pursued. Let's list the main aspects of why a VKontakte group is needed and understand whether it is necessary to create it.

  • Most often, groups on VKontakte are created to make money . Having a popular group or public page with a large number of subscribers can make good money. There are many ways to make money on a VKontakte group, but we will talk about them in another article. Subscribe to site updates so you don't miss new articles!
  • A VKontakte group is needed to attract new visitors to the site, as well as to communicate with an existing audience. A group or public page is a very important part in the social promotion of a website. You can significantly increase site traffic by creating a group and promoting it.
  • A VKontakte group is needed to increase brand awareness. Firms operating offline, in order to increase their recognition among consumers, create a group on VKontakte. Nowadays, manufacturers of bicycles and televisions, TV channels and radio stations, music performers, and so on have groups or public pages on VKontakte.

The reasons described above for creating a group on VKontakte are commercial. However, groups are also created for the purpose of communication or dissemination of information. Usually they do not have wide popularity, and if they gain it, then their leaders monetize the VKontakte group and begin to make a profit.


Coming up with a good description of a community is just as hard as coming up with a good name for it. There are three description options:

A clear understanding of what a person will find here.

Example: In this community you will find all the information on creating and promoting a selling website. You will also learn a lot of tricks, recommendations and checklists!

Who is it specifically created for?

Example: This community was created for thinking people aimed at creating a selling website and interested in increased conversion.

What problems can it solve?

Example: Thanks to our content, it will become easier for you to promote your website. It's easier to make a sales design! Learn about writing selling texts! Solve problems with generating leads and converting them into money!

The most important thing to remember is, no matter what community you administer, never describe goods or services in the description! You should write about the concept of community!


  • Come up with several options for describing your community;
  • Choose your favorite.

How to delete your group on VKontakte?

What to do if the created group is no longer needed, for example, you decided to create a YouTube channel instead or create your own website. It would seem that you just need to delete your group on VKontakte . However, this social network does not have such a function.

On the one hand, the fact that you cannot delete your group on VKontakte is bad. But on the other hand, what if you change your mind? Just forget about your group, don’t work on it or develop it, let it hang. If this is not enough, then you can leave the group. Then it will disappear from the “Management” section, you will lose the rights to moderate it, and nothing will be associated with your personal page.

Leave your VKontakte group

If you suddenly change your mind, you can re-join your group on VKontakte, after which you will receive the rights to moderate it. If you don’t want anyone to see your group, delete all members in it and make it closed for joining.

If you are determined to delete your group on VKontakte , then you can help block it. The VKontakte administration blocks groups that have radically changed their topic. Do this too. You can change the group name to something like the one in the picture below.

Next, write to VKontakte technical support, inform them of your desire to delete your group. If it is rejected, then inform them of your violations (change the community topic). This does not guarantee that your group or public page will be deleted, but the likelihood of this happening is high.

I recommend that you do not get excited about the decision to delete your group on VKontakte, as you may regret it in the future. Also, in order not to find yourself in a similar situation, think carefully and weigh all the pros and cons before creating a group or public page on VKontakte.

How much time should you devote to the public, is it realistic to combine it with work?

If a VKontakte public page was created and maintained not just “for oneself,” but for the purpose of earning money, you need to engage in it regularly. What exactly needs to be done and how long will it take?

First, you need to think through and write down a content plan, at least one month in advance. You need to enter into it all posts, notes, photos, in general everything that will be posted in the public, note on what days and at what time the information will be posted.

Creating a content plan is not so easy; it is important not only to find relevant and interesting information. You need to monitor several public pages on similar topics. See which posts and photos received the greatest response from subscribers.

Once the content plan is thought out and planned, you need to move directly to content creation: writing posts and posting them. Every day you need to post at least 5 notes, articles and photos, and preferably 10.

After some time, when the VKontakte public page gains a certain number of subscribers, there will be a need to act as a moderator - to clean up unwanted and advertising messages on the page, to communicate with the audience.

Considering all of the above, working with a public page can take a whole working day, especially at first. You can simplify the task slightly by using special programs for managing the public. But content creation will still have to be done manually.

It will be easier if you have some kind of budget for the first time. In this case, you can hire freelance assistants. These could be simply copywriters who will be responsible for the text content of the public, or SMM managers who will take on the full development of the public page.

If the budget is limited, you will have to do all the work yourself.

Here is the answer to the question: will it be possible to combine work on a public page with my main job? If the budget is minimal and the work is done independently, it is almost impossible to combine it with other work. If you have a budget, you can control the work of hired workers without interrupting your official work.

What's better than the group?

The VKontakte group fully lives up to its name - it is suitable for groups of people. Man by nature strives to be part of some community. Some do not admit this, considering themselves anarchists. But anarchists are exactly the same group. It's even ironic.

A community (aka group) can be driven by some common goals or interests - music (jazz lovers) or politics (people who hold similar views). Therefore, it is better to choose it for those who want to achieve close contact with the audience.

The group is best suited for:

  • Independent online store. Because there is a little more functionality, and you can also make a beautiful menu so that users can more easily find what they need. Most sellers work this way now;
  • Doing what you love. That is, you can publish posts about how you do what you love;
  • Earning money from affiliate programs. In your posts you will be able to mention some services;
  • Beauty salons and hairdressers. Despite the fact that public spaces are more suitable for business, for some reason groups are more popular in this area. It’s the same with wedding photographers and florists.


In addition to the name of the community, you will need to come up with a simple and memorable page address. If this community reflects a company, then imagine that the business card will say: “such and such a company, this is the telephone number and mail and VK address: public89328100 .” Agree, even if someone is interested, he definitely will not enter this set of numbers into the search line, and if, for example, the address is spp_vis , then naturally the chances will increase. And from the outside it will look much more professional than a standard address.


  • Come up with a simple and memorable page address. But the main thing is that it at least somehow reflects the essence of the name of the community.

According to popular belief, the first thing to be connected to a new home is the Internet cable. And where he lies down, place the bed there. And a table. And a computer. And a refrigerator.

Real stories of public development

Let's look at a few real stories of making money on the VKontakte public page.

Scientific public VKontakte

Lena started by creating a public page selling VK stickers. To attract buyers, she bought advertising from well-promoted communities. And when she wanted to buy advertising from large public sites, she saw its cost and wondered why she couldn’t create and develop an equally large community.

This is how a public blog on scientific topics appeared. Lena posted 8-10 posts on her page every day and was actively advertised in other communities.

Over the course of 7 months of promotion, she invested only 10,000 rubles in advertising and gained an audience of 40 thousand people. At the same time, the number of subscribers continued to grow independently; she no longer bought advertising.

The monthly regular income at this time was about 40 thousand rubles. However, tired of the public, and having received a lucrative job offer, Lena decided to sell the page, which she did. The transaction price is 1.3 million rubles.

Public VKontakte with memes

Vladimir created a public page where he began posting memes ridiculing current trends. Large investments in promotion were not required, and the community gained great popularity almost immediately. The memes were actively discussed, and entire battles arose under the posts.

3 months after the creation of the page, Vladimir’s personal message came knocking with the first offers of advertising, but he did not rush and agree to them, he wanted larger advertisers. And he waited for them a couple more months later. During this time, the community gained immodest momentum due to the posting of new scandalous posts.

Today this is one of the largest VK communities, with 10 million subscribers. The cost of advertising is 3-4 thousand rubles per half hour, the queue is scheduled for months in advance. The group is supported by a staff of 30 people. The monthly income of the creator of the public, for obvious reasons, is not disclosed.

Public VKontakte with films

Sergey created a page in which he posted videos with interesting new cinema releases. For 2 years, he independently created and uploaded all the posts. Then, having improved his programming skills, he created an automatic posting program that posted posts on the page for 5 years.

The number of subscribers today is 1.1 million people. However, with income, everything is not so rosy. Sergey says that 3 years ago he earned 60 thousand rubles a month from advertising. After the VK administration created a smart feed, the amount of coverage decreased sharply, and today’s earnings from the public are 5-10 thousand rubles per month.

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