How to add your stickers to VK?
If you are an artist who draws stickers, then sooner or later the question will come to your mind about how to offer your stickers on VK.
Many people consider this impossible, since there is no special button for adding stickers on the user page. Sometimes artists start turning to some dubious sites, where they are charged money for adding stickers, but the drawings never appear on VK. Worse, in this way you can lose your VK page, since such sites usually require you to provide your personal data, including your account password.
People get disappointed, and they have a strong belief that the answer to the question of how to add stickers to VK for free can only be “no way.”
Browser extensions with stickers for VK
Another well-known way to get free VK stickers is to install a browser extension. An extension that provides just a huge set of stickers is called EmojiPlus. You can install it for any popular browser.
Of course, if you search the Internet, you can find other plugins, but the one I mentioned is the most reliable and well-known.
VK Fake Stickers with a bunch of stickers for the Google Chrome browser
If you want to get even more VK stickers for free, then use the Google Chrome browser extension – VK Fake Stickers. Follow this link and install the add-on, but this will not be enough, you still need to configure it.
To configure, you need to create a Standalone application. To do this we do the following:
- Follow the link
- Enter any application name.
- Select platform Standalone application.
- Click on the “Connect application” button.
As soon as the application is created, you need to go to the “Settings” section on the left. application ID value from there , it will just be numbers. The application must also be turned on.
Next, click on the VK Fake Stickers extension icon at the top right and click on the gear to go to the parameters. Paste the copied value into the APPID field and click “Save”.
We've sorted out the settings, now we can start adding free stickers. The main requirement for the image is exclusively PNG format. Now you can try saving both paid VKontakte stickers and from different sites. They will be sent out like graffiti.
Another interesting expansion option is resizing stickers - changing the size. To do this you will need a token.
- Follow the link and register.
- Click Next.
- On the left, open the Plan section.
- Switch position in Annual billing.
- Click on the Get it button.
- Fill in the CITY and COUNTRY fields.
- Save settings.
- Go to the main page and copy the TOKEN value.
- Paste what you copied in the extension settings.
You can now change sticker sizes in pixels.
How to create stickers on VK yourself for free and in what form should you send them to be considered?
- The work must be submitted in PNG format, and each sticker must be at least 512x512 pixels.
Sticker. It looks organic in the message because its background is transparent. This is provided by the PNG format
- You cannot send your work as an archive.
- It is best to send all the stickers on one sheet of paper as an attached document, but if it is more convenient for you, you can also send them on several sheets.
- You cannot use cartoon or computer game characters, as this is considered a violation of copyright.
- It is better to draw not on paper, but in any graphics editor.
- After sending stickers, you should not bother the administration with your questions, you need to wait patiently. If VK specialists are interested in your stickers, they will definitely write to you!
- You need to be prepared for the fact that experts will put forward a number of requirements for refining the character.
How to draw stickers for VK so that they pass verification
- Choosing a character is the most important thing in creating stickers. Try to ensure that your character is in no way similar to famous drawn characters. In addition to respecting copyright, there is an important condition - originality. The appearance of your character should be original, interesting, unique.
- Think about the fact that in the future there should be a lot of stickers with your character. That is, you must imagine how you will develop this image.
- When choosing a style for your drawings, do not rely on the stickers that are used in Odnoklassniki. Everyone knows VK’s attitude towards this competing social network, so if you do something similar, your work will most likely be rejected.
- In general, when thinking about how to create your own stickers in VK, try to rely only on your taste and your own author’s style, do not try to adapt to other people’s works.
- When making your test set of five stickers, don't try to come up with several characters at once. It will be much better if you carefully work out one character.
- A person who is thinking about how to draw stickers for VK should well understand the very nature of such a concept as stickers. These drawings must, first of all, clearly and clearly express human emotions. Even the most beautiful characters will not be accepted if their emotions are not immediately clear to users.
- Stickers are small images. Therefore, you should not overload your drawings with a large number of small details. Visually, they will be difficult to perceive, which means they will poorly perform their main function of conveying a person’s attitude to what was said or seen.
- When a person selects a sticker, he sees it reduced by one and a half times. Therefore, when you think about how to make stickers in VK, you should not forget about it for a minute. Otherwise, your image will not be properly drawn in order to perceive it in a reduced form.
This is what the store looks like. Sticker developers also create unique business cards that represent all the features of a particular set of stickers.
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You can convey your emotions on VK not only using standard emoticons. Stickers—small pictures that reflect the user’s mood—will help expand the emotional range of statements. Sticker packs first appeared in 2014 and have been expanding ever since. There are paid and free options. You can also create such an individual set and still make good money from it.
Why create your own stickers in VK?
This activity can be regarded as entertainment. But in fact, it can become a stable source of income. Many graphic designers, animators and artists strive to develop a series of their own stickers. This activity requires considerable knowledge and skills.
In order for VKontakte to agree to the placement of new pictures - emoticons - on its Internet space, a number of requirements must be met:
- Stickers must be original; any repetition with existing pictures will be regarded as plagiarism.
- You must come up with at least 5 stickers with one active character.
- Join the official group on VK and don’t leave.
If these conditions seem surmountable, then you can begin to create your brainchild.
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The procedure for creating stickers in VK
There are two ways to create stickers in VK. The first is to use a special graphics program with which you can draw the necessary picture. There are many free programs. The most popular is Adobe Photoshop. It allows you to draw exactly the desired sticker.
The second is to create a sketch yourself and send it for moderation. This is the option that the VKontakte administration considers more acceptable. This does not mean that software options will be biased. But it is hand-drawn drawings that are considered more valuable, real, and revealing.
To obtain consent from VK, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions when developing individual stickers:
- The PDF format must be selected;
- size should be 512x512 pixels;
- use an original character that is not in the Sticker Store or in other projects;
- the first trial set of drawings should be based on one character;
- It is desirable that the sticker does not contain excessive small details. This visually burdens the image and distracts from the main idea that the character should convey;
- You cannot use famous personalities, characters, cartoon characters, etc. as heroes. This is a direct violation of copyright.
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Once the stickers are designed, they need to be submitted for review. This can be done through the official VKontakte group:
- select “Suggest news”;
- indicate a description and attach stickers;
- send for moderation.
How does the moderation stage work?
The Vkontakte administration must check the graphics of the images, their originality and relevance. This will take several days. To have a better chance of getting approval, it is better to send stickers not in an archive, but in the form of a document.
If you like the drawings, but there are additional requirements, the author may be asked to modify his material.
There is no need to remind yourself with constant messages in the community. When the work is checked and a verdict is made, the administration will notify you by sending a personal message.
Secrets of success when developing new stickers
Several useful recommendations will help you achieve success when creating new stickers in VK:
- The main thing is to choose a worthy character. It must be original, interesting, relevant and carry some kind of semantic load, convey a message.
- You need to think ahead of time whether the hero has a future, how he will develop further if he is approved.
- There is no need to take other people's works and existing images as a basis. They will only distract and reduce the uniqueness of your own idea.
- The main task is to convey emotions. If a character is beautiful but emotionless, then he is useless.
- The image will be small, so you need to draw it so that it is complete and not overloaded with unnecessary details.
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To get a chance to show yourself and your work, you need to keep an eye on competitions. They regularly take place on the social network Vkontakte and have a serious budget. Talented artists and animators can get the opportunity to realize themselves and earn a good amount of money. The main thing is to approach your work responsibly and professionally.
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How to make stickers on VK for free and still earn money from them?
From time to time, competitions are held for sticker creators. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the stickers that the VK store offers, you have no choice but to make stickers yourself in VK and send them to such a competition. You can not only express yourself creatively and please all VK users with new cool images, but also receive a monetary reward for your creativity.
For example, the competition that Pavel Durov held for the creators of stickers for the Telegram messenger had a total budget of ten thousand dollars.
The VKontakte administration also holds such competitions.
During the competition, all professional and non-professional artists can add their stickers via chat.
The administration tells what it expects from the competition, describes its conditions and prizes.
Participants in the competition are given approximate examples of what it is advisable to do, so that artists, in search of an answer to the question of how to create stickers in VK themselves, do not turn to other social networks.
Stickers – VKontakte 10 years
A lot of people use social networks. In Russia, one of the popular ones is, of course, Vkontakte. On the social network, you can communicate not only using words and phrases, but also send emoticons and stickers. This is known. True, this raises an interesting question, huh? There are a couple of ways, but they are legal, so don’t even hope that you will come across an article here to get something by deception...although we’ll see.
What are VK stickers? These are similar to emoticons - small images expressing some emotions. For example, to write a message to someone and send a sticker, you need to open a dialogue with the person in VK, click on the smiley icon on the right and select the set of stickers you like.
How to make stickers on VK for free yourself using a special program?
Of course, you can make a sticker using the program. For example, you can process your photo using Photoshop, then use an eraser to remove everything unnecessary, give the image the desired size - and the sticker is ready.
However, such a sticker will most likely not be approved by VK specialists. The administration of this social network welcomes only highly artistic stickers that are created manually with great skill and knowledge of all the rules for creating these images. But if you think that with the help of the program your stickers are just as good, why not try offering them to the official VK group. Maybe you'll get lucky!