How to delete all groups in Contact at once: detailed instructions

how to leave VKontakte groups

Find out now how to quickly unsubscribe from groups on VK so you don’t get banned!

Today, various social networks are of global importance for various segments of the population, and if Odnoklassniki is loved by the over forty age group for communication, then VKontakte is used by almost all young people, starting from school age. Therefore, the interests of various groups are so wide that the entire social network is simply overflowing with them.

As practice has shown, often newcomers, when joining a community, believe that it is very important for them.

But soon the euphoria wears off, and the social network user feels that he no longer needs all existing communities.

And the question immediately arises of how to leave the group in contact quickly, without any special complications.

Until we get to the very essence of the issue, I would like to say a few words about the possibilities of promotion and promotion of VKontakte, I am sure that many are interested in this question. You can promote your group or personal VKontakte page manually, which will take up a lot of your time, or you can turn to professionals. There are many online promotion services, but they all provide quality services, so be careful when choosing.

With a small number of communities and publics, the required deletion can be carried out gradually, one at a time, manually.

When joining a community of interests, a person is not always aware of whether he really needs it.

For example, there are absolutely meaningless and unnecessary associations, such as a club for those who like to sleep on huge pillows or a community for inflating various bubbles from chewing gum from global manufacturers.

Let's look at how to unsubscribe from all groups on VK at once.

There are two ways to solve this problem: manually or automatically .

Leaving the community manually:

1. Go to the “My Groups” section on your page.

2. Select the required group that you want to delete.

3. Under the public or community avatar, click the “Unsubscribe” button.

If the need arises, anyone can join the VKontakte group again.

If leaving a community is due to the fact that it is constantly displayed on your page, and you do not want to make it visible, then you can simply hide VKontakte groups. And the problem is solved.

Manual unsubscribe

This method involves visiting a group and leaving it as standard. Let's look at how this can be done through a mobile application and a computer version.

Via computer

We leave the community via PC:

  1. Open your VKontakte page in the browser and go to the “ Communities ” section - from there we go to the desired group. In it, click on the “ You are a participant ” button.

  1. In the menu that appears, select “ Leave group ”.

  1. Thus, the “ You are a member ” button will be changed to “ Join the group ” - this means that you have unsubscribed from the group.

Via phone

Unsubscribe from the group through the official VKontakte application:

  1. Open the application on your smartphone and go to the community from which you need to leave. In it, click on the “ You are a participant ” button located under the “ Message ” button.

  1. In the window that appears, select “ Leave Community ”.

  1. Now the “ Join ” button will be displayed in this group - this means that you are no longer subscribed to the community.

This way we can unsubscribe from one group. To unsubscribe from everyone, you need to do such actions for each community, and this is not at all rational. It is better to use a special application or script. We will discuss how this can be done in the following sections.

How to quickly exit all VKontakte groups automatically.

Method 1.

When there is too much information in the news feed from various sources that its diversity begins to irritate users, it is useful to know how to leave all VKontakte groups using a special program.

We go to the official website, download it and install it on your computer.

Then we launch.

When asked by the program, enter your login and password for your VKontakte account, where you need to delete all communities and publics.

This vkbot program was tested by specialists of this site, checking for various accounts for a long period, with it cleaning groups in VK will not be difficult!

This proposed program is absolutely safe for your computer, does not contain viruses, and maintains the confidentiality of personal data.

Therefore, you can completely trust her.

After starting the program, go to the menu “Profile - cleaning - exit all groups, publics, meetings.

Click “Yes” and wait for the cleaning to complete.

After completing the removal, click “Ok” in the pop-up window, then check the result of the work.

We log in to our VKontakte account, click on “My Groups,” and then admire the cleanliness of our wall.

Now all unnecessary messages with posts on social networks will never bother you. We learned how to delete groups on VK quickly and safely!

Method 2.

This method is suitable for more advanced users; if a person does not want to enter his personal data, or was unable to use the first method, then you will be interested in knowing how to quickly leave VK groups.

To do this, install the Vkopt program from the website.

Follow the link “Download Page”.

This program can be used for the Chrome browser or based on it - Yandex.Browser, browser from Rambler or Mail.

In addition, support for Opera Mobile and iOS has appeared.

On the page where downloads are made, click the “Install” and allow access to sites.

This program is the development of third-party resources, and not the creators of the VKontakte network, so theoretically there is a danger to the computer.

In reality, no one has been harmed by this program yet.

Click the “Add” .

After installing the extension, go to the website, select a language and click “Ok”.

Select the “My groups” menu item, there will be a “Leave all” button at the top, click on it.

Then a window appears confirming the deletion.

If you are confident in your actions, click “Yes,” but if you have doubts, you shouldn’t take risks, then click “No.”

If the action is positive, you will be logged out of all groups except your own, where you are an administrator.

Leaving communities occurs automatically, even if there are several thousand of them.

The removal process can be observed on a professionally made progress bar.

Then you refresh the page, happy with the result.

Methods for deleting groups in VK

There are several ways to unsubscribe from all public pages at once. Let's look into it in detail.

Deleting the “VK” group if I am the creator

There is no official function for uninstalling the VKontakte public page, but you can do it in a workaround:

  • You must be logged into your own group in which you are an administrator.
  • Now you need to click on “Manage Community”.
  • Next, you need to change its name by specifying different symbols.
  • Remove the group description.
  • In the “Location” item, leave “Not selected”.
  • Make it a closed community.
  • From the "Links" tab, delete all of them that have been saved.
  • Unsubscribe all participants and leave only yourself.
  • Return to the main page and unsubscribe from the news.

Now your page will remain blank and closed. There will be no participants in it so that you can subscribe to updates.

Illustration on the topic How to delete all VKontakte groups at once: methods, features

Using the VKopt program

In order to remove a large number of public pages, use the VKopt program. You need:

  • Log in to the official website of the utility.
  • Download the extension and restart your VK account.
  • Next, the “My Groups” tab will appear in the window and in the upper right corner you need to click “Leave all”.
  • Confirm your actions by clicking on the “Yes” button.

The cleaning process will take some time, just wait a little.

How to log out of all VKontakte groups immediately from your phone?

To do this, we’ll use the Android app CleanerVK. On your mobile device, you can clean not only groups, but also dialogues, posts on the wall, photos, pictures, audio and video recordings, friends and bookmarks in one fell swoop.

Be sure to fill in your VK logins and passwords.

In the “Cleaning” menu, you can delete communities, unsubscribe (delete subscription) from groups and public pages from your phone. Unsubscribe from everything you don’t need at once - delete annoying posts and groups at once. The program has rich functionality and a user-friendly interface. The main advantage is that you can quickly do everything from your cell phone, without the participation of a PC.

What is a VKontakte group?

First, you need to understand why VKontakte communities are created. Usually they are needed for advertising and promoting your brand on the Internet. With the help of VK groups, you attract a target audience, and therefore possible future customers for your products and services.

For example, you have your own blog, where you not only communicate with subscribers, but also advertise something. After you publish an article on your resource, you can announce it in your or someone else’s community. This will attract visitors to your blog.

In groups you can share information with people of similar interests, applications, links, but you should not subscribe “blindly” to many communities. If this happens, then you need to know how to get out of them.

Unsubscribe from VKontakte groups

Please note that the existing and workable methods today are divided exclusively into two methods, each of which will be discussed in detail. At the same time, there are also a considerable number of fraudulent programs on the Internet, the use of which is not recommended under any circumstances.

Important: after a global change took place in the VK interface, and at the same time in the technical component of the site, many popular extensions have lost their relevance, for example, VKOpt still cannot automatically delete groups. Therefore, it is recommended to devote time to precisely those methods that will be given below.

Method 1: Manually unsubscribing from communities

The first and most common technique among users is the use of the basic capabilities of this resource. Despite its apparent simplicity and, at the same time, inconvenience, the entire process can be perfected to the point of automation and dozens of groups can be deleted without any problems.

If you prefer this method, you should know that each required action will have to be performed manually. Thus, having several hundred, or even thousands of groups and communities in subscriptions, you will be faced with a big problem associated with the speed of achieving your goal and simple fatigue.

If the list of your groups contains up to a hundred, and in some cases more, publics, then this method is ideal for you, also taking into account the unique opportunity to leave in the list some publics that are still of value to you in terms of interest.

    Open the VKontakte website and using the main menu of the site on the left side of the screen, go to the “Groups” section.

Additionally, make sure you are on the All Communities tab.

From the menu items that open, you need to select “Unsubscribe”.

Next, regardless of the type of community being deleted, the line with the avatar and group name will change in color, symbolizing the successful deletion.

If you need to restore a group you just deleted, expand the “…” drop-down menu again and select “Subscribe”.

After leaving a closed group, it is impossible to return to it using the same methods as in the case of regular publics!

Please note that it is only possible to restore a deleted community before updating the page. Otherwise, if the need arises to re-subscribe, you will need to re-find the desired public through the internal search system and then subscribe.

This is where all current recommendations regarding unsubscribing from communities end.

Method 2: ViKey Zen

Today, there are a small number of extensions for VKontakte that can unsubscribe from public pages automatically. These include ViKey Zen, which is a universal tool for automating certain actions. The extension only supports Google Chrome and Yandex Browser, and you can download it on a special page in the Chrome store.

    Click on the link provided above and once completed, click the “Install” button.

Confirm the installation of the extension through the window that appears.

Now on the web browser toolbar, click on the ViKey Zen icon.

On the page that opens, you can optionally immediately perform full authorization or select individual functions without giving full access to the extension.

Find the “Communities” block and click on the “Leave Communities” line.

After this, at the bottom of the page in the “Authorization” block, make sure that the “Communities” item is in the list of available sections and click the “Authorization” button.

At the next stage, provide access to the application through the VKontakte website, if necessary, first perform authorization.

If successful, you will be presented with the extension's main menu.

Find the “Communities” block on the page and click on the “Leave Communities” line.

Using the browser dialog box, confirm the removal of publics from the list.

Next, the automatic process of leaving groups on behalf of your page will begin.

You will receive a notification upon completion.

By returning to the social network website and visiting the “Groups” section, you can independently verify that you have successfully exited the public pages.

The extension has virtually no downsides and is definitely the best option. However, to use it, one way or another, you will need one of the supported browsers.

Method 3: Special code

Due to the lack of support for other browsers in the above extension, as well as due to some other aspects, it is worth mentioning a special code as a separate method. Its use will always be relevant, since the source code of the key pages of the social network is adjusted extremely rarely.

    Through the main menu of the VKontakte website, go to the “Groups” page and insert the following code into the address bar without changes.

java#script: function delg() < links = document.querySelectorAll("a"); for (var a = 0; a for (var a = document.querySelectorAll(“button”), b = 0; b >, 1e3)) > function ccg() < return +document.querySelectorAll(“.ui_tab_count”)[ 0].innerText.replace(/s+/g, "") > for (var cc = ccg(), gg = document.querySelectorAll("span"), i = 0; i var si = setInterval("if(ccg ()>0) > else < clearInterval(si); > ",2e3);

After that, go to the beginning of the line and remove the “#” character from the word “java#script”.

Press the "Enter" key and wait until the removal procedure is completed. Unsubscribing will be done automatically, without requiring you to manually refresh the page.

The only unpleasant feature, apart from anti-spam protection, is the deletion of all publics, including those in which you are the administrator or creator. Because of this, you may lose access to them, since there is currently no search for managed communities. To avoid problems, make sure to save links to the desired groups in advance.

Methods for unsubscribing from VK groups

There are several ways and they are all simple.

Manual unsubscribe from communities

You can manually unsubscribe from participation in various communities yourself. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Visit your own VK account and log in.
  • Click on the section in the left menu “Groups”.
  • A list will appear with an icon that looks like 3 dots next to each public page. Click it.
  • A menu will appear where you need to click “Unsubscribe”.

After you leave the community, its name will become more faded in contrast to others.

Special code

There is a special script for “VK”; using it, you don't even need to change the page code. You need:

  • Log in to the VK page.
  • Enter the JS code in the browser line:

Illustration on the topic How to delete all VKontakte groups at once: methods, features

In the code you need to remove the old inscriptions *** and click Enter.

Services AutoVK, SoBot

In order to unsubscribe from groups using the AutoVK service, you must:

  • Download the software at
  • Install and run.
  • Go through authorization.

Now you need to get a list of your publics:

  • Click on “Group Parser”.
  • Find “All mine” and click “Get”.
  • Wait until the parser finishes.

Next, you need to press the “Exit all” button and wait until the utility unsubscribes you. To unsubscribe using SoBot, you must:

  • After downloading and logging in, click “Functions”.
  • Next, “Exit all communities” and “Continue”.
  • Set a selective pause and click “Start”.

The bot will leave all groups without your participation. The cost of the program is 21 rubles per month for one profile.

Illustration on the topic How to delete all VKontakte groups at once: methods, features


But this is already quite an interesting and even funny way. Most likely, those who registered on the social network 5 years ago should be familiar with it. In order to answer the question of how to delete all groups in Contact at once, we will have to use a special link.

This option, unfortunately, does not always work. However, if you don’t want to spend several hours completing the task, then it’s worth a try. First, you will have to log in to the social network, and then go to your profile. Next, click “My Groups.” You will find yourself on a page where all the publics in which you are a member will be displayed.

Now the fun begins. Paste the following code into the address bar of your browser (directly from the public page): [removed]var g=new Array();var links=document.links;for(i=0;i =g.length){clearInterval(sI) }”, 1500). Press "Enter" and look at the result. Eventually you will have the entire menu item cleared. That is, this link will help you unsubscribe from all public pages at once. That's all. Now you know how to delete all groups in Contact at once. As you can see, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

list of groups in contact

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