How to hide marital status on VKontakte? How to hide marital status on VKontakte from friends

How to hide marital status on VK

Change marital status privacy for unfamiliar profiles.

It is worth understanding a small but very important detail - marital status cannot be hidden separately from other information. If there is a special need to keep this profile element secret, you will have to hide other user information. To hide viewing from people who are not your friends, just do the following:

Changing marital status privacy for friends.

To hide such information from friends, it is enough to repeat the above instructions, with the exception of the last point. Instead of the line “Only friends,” choose “Only me.” Although you managed to hide the SP from friends or other users, there are simple ways to find out this information.

How is it possible to find out your marital status if it is hidden?

There are 2 options through which any user can find out about profile relationships: by searching and adding as a friend. In the case of the first option, it is enough to use a regular search inside VKontakte. However, with its help it is impossible to find out who exactly a person is dating. Follow these instructions:

  • Use the advanced search;
  • Enter the user's first and last name. If there are many matches in the list, enter the date of birth and city to eliminate extra pages;
  • After that, in the “Marital status” parameter, alternate item by item until the page you need is highlighted. For example, if you chose the SP “Everything is complicated”, and the user has exactly this name, then he will appear in the search engine.

You can also try adding a person as a friend or try adding a person with, because in most cases, users limit information about their page only to strangers. This option does not work only if a person hides his SP for all pages.

Bottom line.

Now you know how to hide your VK marital status from friends or all users, and how to identify it. It is not necessary to have deep knowledge of programming to find out the information you need. It is enough to have a few straight hands and resourcefulness.

VKontakte has a column “Marital status”

where you can indicate the status of your relationship with the person and generally reflect
degree of your freedom
Let's take a closer look at this opportunity.

How can they find out a hidden joint venture?

Have you heard that you can find a key for any lock? So, what is hidden can be seen. There are 2 options for how you can find out the sp of any guy or girl:

Through standard search in 2 minutes

This is probably the easiest way. It works on the same principle as viewing a hidden date of birth. The only thing is that you won’t be able to find out who exactly is in the joint venture.

The algorithm is as follows: 1. Open advanced search. 2. Set the parameters: first name and last name. If there are several people, then add the date of birth and city. Until only 1 necessary person remains in the search. 3. Then you change your marital status. If, for example, when setting the SP “In Active Search,” a person did not disappear from the search, it means that he has the SP “In Active Search.”

Add as a friend

This method may be suitable if the task is to find out who exactly is in a person’s joint position. As a rule, most often they limit viewing only to those who are not friends. In this case, it’s enough just to knock on your friends’ door. However, a small difficulty arises here: basic information, and therefore marital status, can be hidden from everyone. There is little help here.

How to choose marital status

On the main page, under the avatar, look for the “Edit”

and go to the settings mode for the most basic data of your account. Under the gender selection field, there is an opportunity to change your marital status by choosing one of the options:

  • not selected - leave it as is and this item will not be displayed
  • not married (not married)
  • dating
  • engaged
  • married)
  • in love
  • it's Complicated
  • Actively looking
  • in a civil marriage

For the dating options, you can choose with whom, engaged - the groom or the bride, married - respectively the wife or husband, in love - with whom, everything is complicated - the partner with whom you have a strained and unclear relationship. As we can see, the choice is not small, there are many opportunities to express your range of feelings and life status. There are also interesting features: when choosing a partner with whom you want to associate the status, for a lover, you can choose any person, just indicate a link to him and that’s it.

For other points where the choice of a partner is implied, the user you indicated must confirm on his page the fact of your relationship. And you can only choose from friends, so make sure you have a future partner in your friends list and if not, add him.

What follows from this?

As you can see from what was written, you can hide the joint venture and find out. There are no secrets on the Internet, and no hacking skills are needed. An ordinary user who knows how to use a computer in the slightest way can learn a lot - I have confirmed this in many articles.

VKontakte has a column “Marital status”

where you can indicate the status of your relationship with the person and generally reflect
degree of your freedom
. Let's take a closer look at this opportunity.

How to hide marital status on VKontakte

There are two ways. You don’t have to select marital status, that is, again go to the main page settings mode and select in the “Marital status”

Not selected
item .
Don't forget to click the "Save"
. After refreshing the page, you will see that all relationship statuses are missing.

The second method involves working with privacy settings. “Settings” item in the main menu

. The standard display of all main points looks like this:

Therefore, to go to the data settings, you need to click on your name in the upper right corner and a drop-down list will appear - it contains exactly what we are looking for:

Click “Settings”

, select the
and adjust the display parameters of your page.

To hide marital status

, use any of the above methods, there are no other options.

First, let's answer the question: what is a joint venture VK? Dada, this is exactly how the young audience likes to abbreviate this concept. WITH


, the status of relationships with the opposite sex, or the absence thereof.

For men the following provisions:

  • Not married;
  • I am dating\I have a girlfriend;
  • Engaged;
  • Married;
  • In love;
  • It's Complicated;
  • Actively looking.

All statuses except the first and last require the presence of a partner, that is, if the account owner chooses one of the remaining statuses, he will be given a choice from all his friends of the opposite sex. If the partner confirms their marital status, it will appear on both pages. I’ll talk about how to confirm your marital status a little later.

If the user does not select anything, or to be precise, he selects the “Not selected” item, then the marital status will not be shown on the page.

For the female audience, the choice is limited to the following statuses:

  • Single;
  • I'm dating/I have a friend;
  • Engaged;
  • Married;
  • In love;
  • It's Complicated;
  • Actively looking.

To set or change your marital status, you need to click on the “edit” menu on our account page .

(editing). After this, all our data will appear on a new page: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, etc.

To select the desired status, simply click opposite the “Marital status” cell and select the required parameter. After that, click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. To check, go to “My Page” and check, if everything is correct, then leave it. If we want to change, we start the procedure again.

Uncertainty in relationships

How to hide marital status on VKontakte? First, let's look at a method that helps you refuse the element of the questionnaire being studied. As already mentioned, the owner of the profile can set the status to “undefined” in the corresponding menu item.

To hide a joint venture in VK, you must:

  1. Log in to your profile on a social network.
  2. Click on the downward arrow next to the user's avatar in the upper right corner.
  3. Click on the “Edit” inscription.
  4. In the window that appears, in the “marital status” section, select the “Undefined” option from the drop-down list.
  5. Save changes. The button for this operation is located at the bottom of the page.

It is done. Now the user will have a hidden marital status. But you can go another way.

How to confirm marital status in VK

After you choose the status that requires the presence of a partner. On the editing page, under the list of all family provisions, the inscription “awaiting confirmation from ...” will appear.

Partner confirmation is required for all couple statuses except the In Love\In Love status

In turn, our partner will have an additional inscription on the main information editing page: “Ivan Ivanov is in love with you.” To confirm this status, you must select the same position as your partner and it will appear on your page.

Marital statuses may not match, if one selects “Engaged to ....”, and the other “Married\Married to..”, then this will be displayed on the page of each of them.

How to understand that he is in love?

After a long journey of effort and work, I want to see a response from my beloved. Only he may be indecisive and not admit what he feels. Or he just won't understand.

There are several ways, by correspondence. To find out whether you managed to fall in love with a guy or not, you need to pay attention to the presence or absence of the following signs:

  • The guy constantly laughs with you, puts a lot of emoticons, although he has never done this before. He is often in high spirits.
  • Recently he has started sending his photos and voice messages. This means that he wants to show off himself and attract attention.
  • The guy willingly tells stories from his life, trusts you more than anyone else.
  • It is constantly on your page. Comments, likes. And sometimes he sends paid gifts both through VK and usually by mail.
  • The object of his desire constantly gives compliments, writes that he misses him and would like to meet.

How to understand that a guy is in love with you in correspondence? If at least two of the five points coincide, you can celebrate - most likely, the plan to make a guy fall in love with you via correspondence in contact was a success.

Sometimes neither advice, nor rules of behavior, nor a special communication style help. Then you need to turn to drastic methods.

To win a heart, you can develop a whole plan. Involve friends, stage a dangerous event. Completely transform for him. There are many ways to make a guy fall in love with you, and there is a suitable one for every girl. If you are interested, see the 10 methods described above.

How to remove or hide VK marital status

If for some reason you are tired of this whole “Santa Barbara” with all the relationships, then it is possible to remove the joint venture. To do this, you need to stop at the first status among the statuses - “Not selected” and save it. After this, the corresponding line will not appear on your page.

To hide your marital status from prying eyes, you need to set up privacy. To do this, go to the “My Settings” menu - the “Privacy” tab. The first point, “Who can see the basic information of my page,” is exactly what we need. Let's take a quick look at each option:

  1. All users - SP is visible to absolutely all registered users;
  2. Friends only - the SP is shown only to our friends;
  3. Friends and friends and friends - I don’t think it’s worth explaining;
  4. Only I can admire this. the position will be only you;
  5. Everything except - here you can add any of your friends;
  6. Some friends is, in my opinion, the best option if you want to narrow down the list of those who will be able to see your relationship. You just need to select friends from the general list.

Install SP from your phone

Here the process is almost the same. In the main menu, click the link “Settings”. Next “Edit page”. And here we establish marital status.

If you want to hide this information and hide it from the basic profile data block, go to your privacy settings and disable the item “Who can see the basic information of my page” for viewing.

Find out marital status on VKontakte

Even if marital status is hidden, it can be found out. Now I'll tell you how. To do this, we need the full First and Last Name of our object and nothing else.

  1. Enter your First and Last Name in the search, in the people section;
  2. If the person we need does not appear on the list, then we enter clarifying information (City, University, Age, etc.) until we find the “object” we need;
  3. Now we look on the right side in the advanced search settings for a choice by marital status;
  4. We begin to sort through the joint ventures in order;
  5. If a person disappears from the list, it means he has a different status, we carry out this procedure until we find out his family status;
  6. Profit.

Change marital status to your own

A few years ago, with the help of some manipulations with the page code, you could create your own family. situation, but this method no longer works. But you can use another trick - to be in love with “Administration”, “Pavel Durov” or “Deleted”.

Marital status in VK shows who you are in a relationship with at the moment in real life. Thanks to this, your friends and other users of this resource can find out about your personal life. If you do not want to become the object of discussion, it is best to hide your marital status on VKontakte from your friends

To do this, first you need to go to your profile settings.

  1. On the first page of your profile, on the right side, find the “My Settings” button. Click on this section.
  2. From the many tabs offered, select “Privacy”
  3. In the “My Page” field you will see settings dedicated to information about your profile. Expand the menu area. Click on the value “Only me”. The changes you make will be saved automatically.

Scroll down. After all the settings, VK offers you to see what your account will look like when one of your friends switches to it. If you did everything right, only you can admire your marital status. It is important to take into account that in VK you cannot hide only your marital status separately.

When you set the settings this way, your friends will not be able to see all the basic information on you either.

If you want to prevent only some of your friends from seeing who you are in a relationship with, select the “Everyone except...” option in the settings. From the general list, select those with whom you do not plan to share details of your personal life. Similarly, you can configure the visibility of data about yourself, only for those closest to you, by selecting the item Some lists of friends. However, even with these settings, the most curious will be able to find out your marital status.

In extensive, there are additional parameters showing marital status. If you enter the name or nickname of a person you know and go through each marital status from the proposed parameters in turn, you can find out what kind of relationship he is in now.

How to make a pen pal fall in love with you?

Correspondence, despite its advantages over communication in life (you can step away, think, respond later), is also a complex process.

During it, you need to follow certain rules. You also need to check your own account.

Among the things you should pay attention to, you should never forget about:

  • avatar;
  • relationship status;
  • subscriptions;
  • posts on the wall;
  • friends;
  • photos with past boyfriends.

It is enough to simply clean the pages of risky photos and materials. Much more attention should be paid to behavior and communication by correspondence.

How to behave?

How to make a guy fall in love with you via correspondence on VKontakte quickly and guaranteed? To achieve this, you need not only to have a good appearance, but also to emphasize the main advantages of your character.

According to the correspondence, it should be felt that the owner of the page can boast of good intelligence, a sense of humor and tact. Such girls are most attractive to guys.

You need to emphasize the guy's advantages. To make him fall in love with you, you need to become his support and support: agree with him on ideas, help him implement them with your support. Then the man will see in the girl not just someone with whom he can have a pleasant conversation, but a reliable couple suitable for a long relationship.

You should briefly summarize everything guys love and use it:

  1. Flattery. You can’t overdo it, everything should look natural.
  2. Humor. Jokes about your favorite things will be especially relevant.
  3. Self-irony. Guys especially appreciate this quality in the opposite sex.

The main rule of how to make a guy fall in love via correspondence in contact is to let him talk about himself. You even need to push him to do this so that he sees that the girl is interested.

Self-esteem makes a guy instantly happy, and a man in a good mood is much more likely to fall in love.

Rules of communication

Much attention should be paid not only to behavior, but also to the style of correspondence. To make a guy fall in love with you, you need to take into account his own style, attitude to grammar and emoticons, level of erudition and education.

If there is no time for such research or the guy is secretive, you should use the general rules:

  1. No strange diminutives like “baby”, “baby” and the like, unless the matter concerns him. And when addressing a guy, you should not use such words at the beginning of a relationship, otherwise he will feel stupid.
  2. Minimum errors. Sometimes you can allow them - let the interlocutor feel that he is communicating with a living person, and not a machine. But obviously there is no need to make stupid inaccuracies in the meaning of the phrase or write the word “window” with ten mistakes.
  3. Moderate number of emoticons. We must not forget about them, otherwise the impression of coldness and detachment will be created, but there is no need to abuse them. A smiley at the end of every 5-7 messages is the ideal formula.

When winning the heart of the object of your desire, you need to resort to some tricks. This could be page changes, a special style of correspondence, or other simple tricks. How to make a guy fall in love with you on VK without worrying too much?

The following tips will help:

  1. Go offline periodically. An abrupt absence of about an hour or two, and sometimes one night, is best. The guy will not yet have time to seriously start to worry or think that you have abandoned him. An idea of ​​you will only appear in his head as a mysterious and busy person with a busy life. Such people attract you.
  2. Mention male friends, but not too often and not more often than yourself. Slight jealousy will push the guy to take action.
  3. Try casually mentioning on the page that you have new feelings for someone. The guy will think - is it not for him? – and will automatically introduce himself and you as a couple.
  4. Always don't talk about yourself first, ask about him. Caring is one of the main traits for girls.
  5. Replenish your photo albums with new photos of you in beautiful outfits and makeup. Let him, upon stumbling upon an update in his feed, pay attention to your beauty.
  6. Subtly hint that you are single and don't mind starting a relationship. Do this through jokes.
  7. Discover something new and pleasant for the guy. If he associates a new favorite movie or an interesting hobby with you, he will be much more likely to completely let you into his life.
  8. Find out from his friends what kind of girls he likes and try to match. Just keep the zest, don’t lose your individuality.
  9. Try to come together on the basis of supposedly common interests. You can lie for a good purpose.
  10. Compliment his appearance and behavior.

These tips, combined with correct behavior and good looks, will work flawlessly on a guy.

How to set marital status on VKontakte

When you go to this tab, the first thing you will see is the basic information that you added when creating the page. Directly below the “Gender” column there is a menu that allows you to set your marital status. If you are in a relationship with a certain person, choose the item that suits you best. Next, VK will advise you to select your partner’s name from the list of friends. To save the specified parameters, click on the “Save” button. After your significant other confirms their relationship with you on their page, your chosen one will appear opposite your marital status on your profile.

Before confirmation, the entry “Have a boyfriend/girlfriend” will be displayed on your page.

How to remove marital status on VKontakte

Remove marital status on VKontakte

as simple as installing it. Already in the familiar editing section, also open me to select a joint venture.

Click on the “Not selected” section. Save the results. Now in information about you, people will not see any status at all indicating your relationship with anyone.

Which allows you to track the marital status of VKontakte users. We give them the microphone.

Hello! My name is Igor, I am 26 years old. I have been doing website promotion as a freelancer for the last seven years. I had experience working on a social network where I was involved in attracting new users, but that’s a completely different story.

A year ago, I had the idea to create a service with which one could look at the relationship history of VKontakte users. The implementation is quite simple: the script requests the user’s marital status through the open VK API and saves it to the database. And if the user changes the status, the old one remains in the database. You can view the finished project at And now the story of how it happened.

I knew that there was a law on personal data and I needed to make sure that the future service did not violate it. I re-read the law 10 times, made sure that there would be no violations, but to be on the safe side, I consulted with several lawyers and sent a letter to Roskomnadzor. Lawyers and Roskomnadzor responded that there were no violations. The light turned green and I went in search of a programmer.

How to hide VKontakte friends from other users

Not all users want publicity and popularity on social networks; many prefer to hide information about themselves from prying eyes. VKontakte provides any user with the opportunity to very finely and in detail configure the privacy of personal page data, this also includes editing access to the list of friends.

Previously, there were several ways to bypass privacy using special services and by substituting someone else's id in special links, but at the moment all loopholes have been identified by the developers and closed. Setting access or limiting list viewing is available to individual people.

Hide your friends list from prying eyes

To do this, we will use the standard settings of the VKontakte personal page. It is strongly recommended not to use third-party software for this, especially those that require you to enter a login and password for your page - this will only harm your content and privacy, preventing you from hiding your friends.

  1. You must be logged in to
  2. At the top right you need to click once on your name next to the small avatar.
  3. In the drop-down window you need to click once on the “Settings” item.
  4. In the “Settings” window that opens, in the right menu you need to find and click once on the “Privacy” item.
  5. At the bottom of the “My Page” block you need to find the item “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”, then click once on the button on the right - after this a special window will appear in which you can mark users who need to be hidden from prying eyes. After the required users have been selected, at the bottom of the window that opens, click on the “Save changes” button.
  6. In the next paragraph, “Who can see my hidden friends,” you can grant access rights to hidden users to certain people.”

Unfortunately, the functionality of VKontakte limits users to the number of friends and subscriptions that can be hidden using privacy settings, that is, it will not be possible to make all users hidden. Previously, this number was 15; at the time of writing this article, the number has increased to 30.

When hiding your friends from other users, do not forget that VKontakte is still a social network, which, although it provides the user with a fairly wide range of tools for maintaining privacy on the network, was initially created for frequent communication and interaction with other people.
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Search for a programmer - first failure

I found a programmer on a freelance exchange who promised to write a working script for 3,000 rubles. He wrote the script, but after collecting 300 thousand users, the speed of data collection dropped to zero. The programmer threw up his hands and said that he wrote everything according to the specifications. I started thinking about how to solve the problem by suggesting ideas to the programmer. For each edit he charged an additional 500 rubles. In general, another 3,000 rubles were spent on revision, but the script still did not work properly. Then there was another programmer with exactly the same story. Tired of failures, I stopped trying to implement the project and forgot about it for six months.

At the beginning of 2014, I told a programmer friend about this story. He looked at the script code that two previous programmers had written and said that everything was not done correctly and if you write everything from scratch, then there will be no problems with data collection. And so it happened. It took 2 months to collect the first data on all VK users. We are now collecting data about all VK users in less than 24 hours.

After the parsing was completed, we ran it again to find out whether the marital status of users changed often enough. And again two months of waiting. At the end of May, the second round of data collection was completed, and we began to look at the percentage of changes. It turned out that from February to May, the marital status of 907,450 people changed, and 256,418 people changed their partner. Most often, people between the ages of 22 and 26 changed partners.

Early start - second failure

We have seen from the numbers that people meet and break up quite often. And the development of the external shell of the site began. And since the programmer worked on the site in his free time, development proceeded slowly. In mid-August, I was tired of expectations and the lack of feedback from potential users and sent out a press release to the media to get feedback on what was essentially a still crude service, for which the programmer scolded me thoroughly. But I couldn't wait any longer, because... the launch was constantly postponed and my nerves simply could not stand it. As a result, only one media outlet wrote about the service. To say that I was upset is to say nothing. I was depressed! I drank a couple of glasses of whiskey and went to bed with bad thoughts.

Revival of the Phoenix Bird

When I woke up in the morning, I saw a completely new functionality of the service that the programmer wrote overnight. Previously, to view the history of one user, you had to copy the URL and paste it into the search form. Now you can view the history of all friends of any user in a couple of clicks.

If anyone is interested in the site's performance: 15% bounce rate, view depth 5.4 pages, average time on site 3:23 minutes. 17% of users return to the site. 80% of the audience are men aged 25 to 34 years. We got our first users by purchasing advertising in VKontakte public pages.

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