7 terms that every SMM manager should know

How to see the viral reach of VK

Go to your dashboard and select Statistics, then the Reach tab. Here are graphs showing subscriber reach, total reach, and viral reach.

Can choose:

  • Time period - by days, weeks and months.
  • Views from smartphones or computers.
  • Location (country and city).


  1. Vertical Envelopment // TM 30-544. Russian Military Dictionary. - Washington, DC: War Department, 1945. - P. 168.
  2. Coverage // Soviet military encyclopedia. - Moscow: Military Publishing House of the USSR Ministry of Defense, 1978. - T. 6. - P. 177.
  3. Coverage // Military encyclopedia / S. B. Ivanov. - Moscow: Military Publishing House, 2002. - T. 6. - P. 207. - ISBN 5-203-01873-1.
  4. Vertical Envelopment Merriam-Webster online explanatory dictionary. Retrieved April 10, 2021.
  5. 1 2 3 Grishin S.V., Tsapenko N.N.
    Forms of offensive maneuver // Formations and units in battle. - Moscow: Military Publishing House, 1985. - P. 148. - 279 p. - (Foreign armies).
  6. Bellamy C.
    Types of Manoeuvre and Operations // The Evolution of Modern Land Warfare: Theory and Practice. - Routledge, 2015. - P. 328. - ISBN 9781317419594.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Belov M.I.
    Views of the NATO command on the use of helicopters in combined arms combat // Fighting helicopters. - Moscow: Military Publishing House, 1984. - P. 63, 65.

How to increase your VKontakte reach

To gain virality, create original content. In each of your posts, tag a topic so that interested people can see them. This way you will get reposts and coverage. Let's take a closer look at several methods.

Developing the habit of liking

In order for social network users to like your posts, you need the following:

  • Useful posts.

Subscribers often like important posts to save them as bookmarks.

  • Follow the community's theme.

Posts should intersect with the topic of the community so as not to lead to a wave of unsubscribes.

  • Like yourself.

There are users who are embarrassed to like a post first. Therefore, immediately after sending the publication, check in on it, ask your friends and acquaintances to leave hearts.

  • Create polls on post.

Most VK users automatically click on polls displayed in the feed and write comments under them.

We get more comments

To leave comments under your posts:

  • Ask a question.

Subscribers rarely comment on posts on their own; they need a push. Therefore, call for commenting in the text of the post itself, try and provoke a discussion.

  • Provoke.

To increase your reach, you can create a post on a provocative topic. However, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to touch on the topic of politics and religion.

  • Engage.

Make engaging and entertaining content. For motivation, you can promise nice gifts for participating in the drawing.

Finding the right time

Content can be published at any time, even at night, the main thing is regularity.

There are many services that can help you find out the best time to post. The Engagement tab shows you when people view your posts. Effectively publish posts during the most active times.

We write more posts

The more posts, the greater the reach. VKontakte has a limit on the daily number of posts. You are allowed to send no more than 50 posts per day, but this limit is used only by gaming groups. For commercial communities, 5-7 posts a day are enough to interest the audience.

Analytics services will help you analyze content and understand what exactly your subscribers are interested in.

We write articles

Articles are a special type of publication on VK. To read the text, you need to click. VK algorithms consider publications in this form more loyal and more actively promote them in the smart feed. With a large number of clicks on an article, the viral reach of the community increases.

Adding a video

Video content gets the most coverage. Upload the video to the community’s “Videos” and then publish a post. To prevent your feed from reducing its reach, do not use a link from a third-party group.

Naturally increasing viral reach

Openly encouraging users to share your posts with friends is prohibited. But you can invite them to repost entries on the wall during a competition with impressive prizes.

From vertical coverage to detachments

From vertical coverage to detachments

The KPA special operations forces are an interspecific branch of the KPA troops, designed to conduct reconnaissance, sabotage and air assault operations in the operational and tactical (military) rear of the enemy in the interests of the Supreme High Command itself, as well as the commands of the branches of the armed forces and formations (corps, divisions) ground forces. Already in peacetime, North Korean special forces participate in reconnaissance and sabotage operations against South Korea - its small units are dropped into enemy territory by sea (including small and midget submarines), air and land (using secret tunnels dug in the demilitarized zone).

The range of combat missions assigned to KPA special operations forces includes:

a) capture or destruction of enemy military facilities with nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction;

b) capture or destruction of important objects of the enemy’s military and civilian infrastructure (control points, nodes and communication lines, airfields, railway junctions, ports, power plants, dams, bridges, tunnels, etc.);

c) penetration into the depths of the enemy’s defense and rear 35–70 km from the front line with the aim of disorganizing them;

d) vertical coverage and attacks on the enemy’s flanks in order to ensure the development of the offensive of formations and units of ground forces;

e) conducting in-depth reconnaissance in the interests of corps and divisions of ground forces;

f) deployment of partisan actions on enemy territory by forming partisan detachments from local residents under one’s control;

g) actions to protect one’s rear as barriers against the penetration of enemy reconnaissance and sabotage units;

h) acting as barrage detachments to prevent the escape and desertion of KPA military personnel who have left the subordination of their command.

The North Korean military command began creating and deploying special forces in the 1960s, and already in 1969 the 7th Special Forces Corps was deployed, which included 14 light infantry brigades, and another 8 of the same brigades were deployed in composition of combined arms corps of forward echelons. By 1988, the KPA special forces had eight airborne brigades - 30 thousand people, 4 reconnaissance brigades - 16.8 thousand people, 3 amphibious landing brigades (marines) - 9 thousand people and 44 separate light infantry battalions - 48.2 thousand people.

Currently, the KPA special operations forces have a dual subordination, being under the jurisdiction of the “light infantry training management bureau” (that is, the special operations forces command itself) and the intelligence department of the General Staff (RUGS). By 2010, with a total number of 88 thousand people, they included the following formations and units:

– 6 sniper brigades (attached to ground forces);

– 2 naval sniper brigades (attached to the Navy);

– 2 airborne sniper brigades;

– 3 airborne brigades;

– 12 (according to other sources – 9) light infantry brigades (part of the combined arms corps);

– 17 separate reconnaissance battalions;

– 8 separate special purpose battalions (directly subordinate to the RUGS);

- separate special purpose parachute battalion.

In addition, the KPA combined arms formations (corps and divisions) have separate light infantry battalions.

The “Light Infantry Training Management Bureau” carries out general administrative management of special operations forces and organizes their combat and tactical-special training, and in wartime, in cooperation with the commands of the armed forces, is responsible for conducting airmobile, airborne and amphibious operations, including coordinating the use of light infantry formations and units that are part of combined arms corps and divisions. The RUGS concentrates its management efforts on conducting reconnaissance and sabotage operations deep in enemy territory and organizing partisan actions there, as well as on managing the intelligence apparatus previously deployed in South Korea and its interaction with military sabotage and reconnaissance groups.

Of the six sniper brigades (analogues of the special forces brigades of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR and Russia), four are deployed in forward areas adjacent to the demilitarized zone in Gangwon Province and in the territory of Kaesong Municipality. One of these brigades (according to some sources, it bears the poetic name “Peony”) is staffed entirely by female soldiers. The sniper brigade consists of a headquarters company, 10 sniper battalions, an assault company, a communications company and support and logistics units, and a sniper battalion consists of a headquarters platoon, 5 sniper companies, a communications platoon and support units.

They differ from light infantry brigades that are part of combined arms corps (the organizational structure of these brigades is shown in Table 11) in that the former usually conduct combat operations in close cooperation with tank, motorized infantry and infantry formations and units as a whole or in the battalion-level. company" (including in the usual "infantry" capacity), while sniper brigades are used independently and "in bulk", as part of small reconnaissance and sabotage groups no more than a platoon and a squad. Both of them have air mobility limited by the existing fleet of helicopters.

The same difference is between airborne (intended for use in tactical parachute and helicopter landings) and airborne sniper brigades (used in special operations and operating in small combat groups). Both airborne sniper brigades are stationed in the provinces of Gangwon-do and Hwanghae-buk-do.

Naval sniper brigades are deployed on the coasts of the Yellow and Sea of ​​Japan - one for each of the North Korean fleets (Western and East). This is the North Korean marine corps, combining the performance of its inherent combat missions (amphibious landing operations) with the functions of detachments of “classic” combat swimmers. Marine sniper brigades are assigned 102 landing boats (including hovercraft) from the KPA Navy.

Already in peacetime, they are involved in actions against South Korea, secretly landing their sabotage and reconnaissance groups on its coast. The main unit of such a brigade is a naval sniper battalion of about 400 people consisting of a headquarters company, five companies of naval snipers (some of them are combat swimmers with light diving training), a communications platoon and support units. Each brigade can have up to 10 such battalions.

In wartime, in addition to performing special combat missions to destroy enemy ships and vessels, capture and destroy its important naval and other coastal facilities, North Korean “frog people” will be, depending on the assigned tasks, like the first (airborne assault) ) the echelon of amphibious operations, and, together with other special forces forces, the backbone of the amphibious assault force. As suggested by the American and South Korean headquarters, the KPA is capable of landing up to 7 thousand special forces soldiers on the western and eastern coasts of South Korea, of which up to 5 thousand in one wave aboard landing ships and boats of the KPA Navy.

Separate reconnaissance battalions are designed to conduct in-depth reconnaissance behind enemy lines in the front line, simultaneously carrying out tasks to destroy important objects discovered there. Special purpose battalions of the RUGS are “sharpened” to carry out particularly important “targeted surgical” combat missions in the operational and even strategic rear of the enemy and to deploy a partisan movement on its territory with the involvement of the local population (in cooperation with the agents operating there).

The idea of ​​​​deploying a partisan movement on the territory of South Korea is not new - it was already implemented with greater or lesser success during the war of 1950 - 1953. However, it is not very clear which contingent of future partisans from the local population of quite prosperous South Korea the military command of the totalitarian and impoverished North Korea can rely on today. It is known that South Korean citizens, on the contrary, willingly help the security forces and army of their state to catch North Korean reconnaissance saboteurs who periodically visit their neighbors.

Be that as it may, in the event of war, it is the KPA special forces that, in Pyongyang’s opinion, should form the initial professional backbone of the partisan detachments behind enemy lines. Having put together such a detachment (from a platoon to a regiment), the military personnel must return to their point of deployment, and the partisans must continue independent military operations and sabotage against “American imperialism and its puppets.”

Alternative Methods to Increase Reach

One of the ways to increase coverage is cheating, but it is not recommended to resort to it. It will hardly lead to success, but it will lead to account blocking.

The effect of cheating is temporary, because soon uninterested users will begin to unsubscribe, and therefore the algorithms will mark your content as uninteresting.

Another alternative method is to order a promotion. Run targeted advertising for your post in your feed or post it in other communities.


  • Buyanovsky S.A.
    On the use of airborne assault forces in local wars and armed conflicts // Military Thought: Military Theoretical Journal. Press organ of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. - M.: Editorial and Publishing Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2013. - No. 08. - P. 3-11. - ISSN 0236-2058.
  • Denisov A.
    Cruel selection. “Green Devils” by Goering // Bratishka: Monthly magazine of special forces. - M.: Vityaz-Bratishka LLC, 2008. - No. 09.

What are clicks?

A click is a transition from an advertising offer to an advertised resource. In other words, this is the number of site visitors - the user became interested in the offer and clicked on the link - the system counted the click.

The ratio of clicks to impressions is called click-through rate and is referred to as CTR (click-through rate). It determines how interesting your offer is to the audience for whom the display settings are made.

At the same time, a large number of clicks is not an end in itself - they can be increased by luring visitors with incorrect but attractive information, which, for example, is done in teaser networks

But clicks on such advertising bring very few conversions on the selling site - the person does not see what was offered and most often simply closes the page.

Therefore, the main rule of the advertiser is that the information on the advertised resource must correspond to the content of the ad. In this case, even with a lower number of clicks, the landing page conversion will be much higher, and the campaign will pay off. You can increase CTR by experimenting with reaching your audience through targeting.

Data on transitions to the site is displayed in the reports of advertising platforms. This is what statistics on impressions and clicks look like in Yandex Direct

Report on clicks in Direct

Working with tables: counting positive and negative

Negativity is the sum of all “bad” reactions. Hiding, complaining. In doing so, we can also add multipliers to each negative reaction. If we see any sense in this.

Positive is considered according to the same principle.

Play around with the graphs and look at the dependence of coverage on negative and positive. If you can handle downloading data from CRM, add “money”. In one of the projects, I kept a table showing how many sales were made per day in rubles. And I was able to track how likes affect the number of sales. The moment when you can justify the need to spend on a professional photographer.

Working with tables: coloring cells

You may have already seen that some of my cells are colored. I think you guessed that I didn’t do this manually. Used conditional formatting.

I can color the numbers in ascending or descending order - the highest number will be painted with the brightest color, or the dullest color.

I can color numbers that are greater or less than a certain number. For example, I want my posts to always have more than 300 reach. I set the rule to paint everything that is less than 300 and begin to find out why this happened.

Right-click on the column you want to color and click on Conditional Formatting.

The Conditional Formatting and Rules panel will open on the right. Now we look and think about the rule by which we will paint everything. It really depends on how you approach running a community. The rule will depend on this. The most universal approach: paint with a gradient from small to large. So, to make it clear: very green is good, very red is bad.

Views count, Impressions

The total number of views of a post or all posts. If reach is the sum of users who saw the publication, then impressions are the sum of all views. One user can view the same entry several times.

On VKontakte you can see the number of specific publications directly in the feed. These statistics are available to any social network user.

7 terms that every SMM manager should know

Counter of VKontakte post views.

On Facebook, view metrics for a specific post are only available in communities with fewer than 250 members. There is organic coverage of publications, statistics on business page views, and video views. This data can be obtained in the advertising account or the “Statistics” section for business pages.

On Instagram, you can track the number of impressions of a particular post and the dynamics of views over the past week in Insights.

7 terms that every SMM manager should know

Statistics of impressions (views) of a publication on Instagram.


From English Cost Per Action - price for a targeted action. For example, you are promoting a post on Instagram and want to get likes for it, set a budget of 1,000 rubles and get 100 likes. It turns out that CPA is 10 rubles. That's how much each like cost.


From English Cost Per Click - price per click. For example, let's say you promote a post on Facebook with a link to a website. We set a budget of 1,000 rubles and received 500 transitions (clicks) on the link. It turns out that CPC is 2 rubles.


From English Call To Action - call to action. “Subscribe to the channel”, “set the bell”, “like”, “follow the link” - these are calls to action.


From English Return On Investment - return on investment. In the context of social networks, the ratio of money invested in promoting a company on social networks to the profit received. The general formula for calculating ROI looks like this:

ROI = (Revenue – Costs) / Costs × 100%

The most difficult aspect of calculating ROI on social networks is the definition of “income”. It all depends on the chosen goal. These could be new subscribers, purchases, newsletter subscriptions, and others. We wrote more about this in our blog.

Rules for working with data


Don't compare your community's numbers to another community's numbers. A bad idea, the only thing that makes sense is to compare the figures of your community with the figures of your community, only for a different period.

Don't make things up

Sometimes you want to pull some things behind others. Well, your post came out and you got 5 clicks, and 300 rubles in profit. You think: “This is probably not the right time for publication.” No need. Don't do this. Cause-and-effect relationships are much more complex. There are many more reasons for this event, look for a similar situation, study the differences, similarities, write down insights, edit hypotheses and check. But don't make things up.

Don't focus on one indicator

You might want to make your success KPIs based on one metric. On Instagram, when everyone learned how to generate comments and likes, a gang of bloggers appeared who began to recommend: “go to the comments and evaluate the quality of the comments.” Unfortunately, it was these bloggers who came up with the idea of ​​writing “quality” comments to each other. As a result, a community appeared with increased likes and comments, only from major bloggers. There is not much value in such comments.

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