How to increase your rating in contact. How to increase your rating in contact

Why do you need a rating?

Previously, the numerical value of your page rank influenced the search results and the position you rank in them.
So Pavel Durov, page No. 1 of VKontakte, had the largest parameter. This allowed him to be ranked first in the list of all people without filters. Today, your search rankings are influenced by the number of followers on your page. These are the people who agree to receive news from you in their news feed on the site, but are not added to your friends list. Pavel Durov is still in first place, but Dmitry Medvedev is next. The ranking also includes athletes, pop and film stars and other personalities who attract the attention of the people. Accordingly, to increase your rating you need to increase the number of subscribers.

How to increase your rating in contact for free

Who doesn't want to get something without paying a penny for it?! Some contact users are interested in increasing their rating, but do not know how to do it. I propose to consider various methods.

  1. A user's rating appears, first of all, by filling out their profile data. A person should look under the rating bar and find tips there on how to improve their profile in a contact. You may be asked to tell about yourself, add contact information, or fill out a column with your hobbies. Opposite each tip will be indicated how many percent in addition to the rating you will receive for this. You can increase your contact rating for free using this method up to 100%.
  2. There is another way to increase your rating for free. Find friends who have extra, unused voices in your contact. Ask them to vote for you, thereby increasing your rating in contact for free.

There are certain programs that are regularly offered to users who want to increase their contact rating for free. Don't be naive. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. Usually, after installation, such programs steal your personal data in the contact, thereby hacking the page. Or the program may ask you to send an SMS message to activate it, charging you a large amount of money.

Miser pays twice. If you want to make your rating in contact above 100%, do not regret 10 rubles for 1 vote, and your rating is already 101%! Using the VKontakte website itself, a user can send SMS and receive votes by purchasing their rating for them.

How to increase your VKontakte rating

Firstly, you can add friends and then remove them. After this procedure, they are transferred to subscribers. About 30-40% of people simply do not notice that they have been deleted. But this is a rather unreliable method, because everyone will sooner or later clear the list of interesting pages, i.e. those they are subscribed to.

The second way is to boost this parameter by adding bots - dead pages. Such inauthentic pages are removed periodically, so your number of followers will decrease over time.

On average, 30-50 thousand subscribers are enough to be displayed on the first page in a city with a million population. But still, there are other factors, such as the number of friends, the number of added photos, comments under posts on the page, the number of hearts and the “Tell Friends” option.

It turns out that in order to be in the ranking you need to be a really popular person who arouses interest among people. You can be a musician, a skateboarder, a DJ, anything, as long as it is interesting to other people. In addition, you should leave interesting notes, thoughts, talk about your everyday life, etc. All this requires a fair amount of attention and you will really depend on this popularity.

There is no ready-made recipe for getting your page to the top. You just need to be in trend, use popular tags when adding posts to the page, and participate in public life. Ideally, you, like all public people, need your own PR manager who will monitor your image and suggest the next step. In addition to the VKontakte page, it is vitally important for you to create your own Twitter and Instagram, whose subscribers may also become subscribers on the social network.

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Free page promotion on VK

You don’t have to pay for popularity on social networks. You can place advertisements on VK for free. Provided that the user devotes all his free time only to this activity. You can promote your profile using several techniques:

  • Special services for getting subscribers.
  • Mutual subscriptions.
  • Through thematic communities on VKontakte.
  • Manually sending out invitations.

Special services and online programs allow you to increase not only subscribers, but also likes. The essence of their work is that after registration the user enters the ID number of the page that needs to be promoted. Next, he needs to earn points in order to subsequently exchange them for subscribers. In such programs you can get subscribers for a fee, but it is not advisable to do this. After all, to earn currency to buy followers, you just need to like and add users as friends.

  • You can also promote your page using mutual subscriptions through the social network itself. Offers for mutual subscription can be found in the comments under popular community posts, on user pages or by thematic hashtags. A hashtag is a link for navigating through social network posts. The use of hashtags for self-promotion is more typical for the social network Instagram. However, attracting subscribers in this way on VKontakte also cannot be ruled out.
  • You can also trust thematic communities to promote your profile. They are designed to post posts with a call to like, subscribe, or repost a post. All actions occur on the principle of reciprocity, so this method can be combined with the previous one.
  • Advertising a page through personal messages is not as effective as promoting a profile through a special application. However, for an integrated approach to achieving the goal, it is better to advertise the page in all available ways. The content of the advertising message should “catch” the user and unobtrusively force him to take a certain action (visit an online store, go to a page, view a post, etc.).

No need to openly spam. The administration of the social network Vkontakte is really actively fighting spam, so the profile from which the messages were sent can simply be “frozen” or blocked. The maximum number of personal messages should not exceed 30–40 per day.

The monthly audience of the Vkontakte social network in April 2021 reached 95 million users. For business promotion and development, this is a colossal audience size, which allows you to quickly improve work efficiency and increase sales volumes. Therefore, promoting a page on VKontakte is a skill that can bring benefits incomparable to the time and effort spent.

What to do with a promoted page?

Here, the user has many different options open to him. The first and probably the most interesting is generating income from the page. Many sellers are interested in having “popular” people advertise their products. There are special advertising exchanges that provide the opportunity to use your page as an advertising platform.

popular people on VK
Another option is to promote your own product, service or other information product that is of interest to page visitors. By the way, the majority do just that.

How to become popular on VKontakte: the main thing is activity

First you need everyone you know. Take the time to remember your former classmates and classmates. Then you can gradually add strangers, depending on the purpose of your promotion. When you have more than 500 friends, it's time to create your own group and invite them there, asking them to invite everyone they communicate with. Now you need to regularly update the information on the page and in the group. And this is the most important secret of how to become popular on VKontakte. New photos, pictures, music and videos will definitely appear in your friends' news and attract them to the discussion. Don’t forget to also share your thoughts and interesting aphorisms. You can also write a real blog: talk about interesting events from your life, mentioning the entertainment establishments of your city and inviting your fellow countrymen to discuss this or that place in more detail.

Most popular VK

There are several categories of pages whose traffic is the envy of many. Firstly, these are popular girls.

On VK you can admire a beautiful singer or actress and find out the most up-to-date information about her life today.

That is why such pages become the most visited. Government and public figures should also be included in this group. People who became popular thanks to the Internet - bloggers, for example, are worth a little lower.

What does a popular VKontakte page look like?

When a person thinks about how to promote a VK page for free, he is driven by a certain ultimate goal. For some it is making a profit, for others it is a thirst for popularity. In both cases, motivation alone will not be enough. To do this, you need to master information on professional profile promotion.

Celebrities and famous people are always in the first places in the general search. A popular page is considered to be one that has more than ten thousand subscribers, and under each post on the profile wall there are hundreds of likes and reposts. Such parameters are typical for profiles of stars or public figures.

However, they did not have to make any efforts to promote them due to the fact that they are popular outside the social network. To promote a page from scratch, the average user will have to put in a lot of time.

If you choose a narrower filtering, then the pages of ordinary users will appear in the first places

Promoted profiles on VKontakte are in the first positions in the general search, as well as in the lists of group or public members. This suggests that the more popular the page is, the faster users will be able to find it and in the future they will not have to make any effort to promote it.

A significant increase in the page in search results begins after gaining 10–20 thousand subscribers. These numbers should be taken as the minimum bar for profile promotion.

Popularity of VK

Popularity in Contact is determined by several things. The first and, probably, the most important is the traffic of the page by other users. For each person who is registered on VK, special statistics are kept that take into account the number of so-called unique visitors. This parameter is decisive when promoting an account to the TOP of searches. If you are thinking about how to become more popular in Contact, then you should pay special attention to this parameter.

The next from the first can be considered the number of subscribers and friends on the page. The more unique visitors, the more people subscribe and add as friends.

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