We use scripts to boost messages on VKontakte

Popularity on social networks has become a very important aspect of the lives of a large number of modern young users. They want to receive thousands of likes and reposts, type comments under each of their messages, thereby causing envy among others. But competing with famous representatives of show business, professional athletes and politicians is incredibly difficult for an ordinary person. That is why some people resort to various types of cheating in order to appear more famous than they actually are. Today it is even possible to cheat VK messages via phone.

Cheating messages on VKontakte

Among regular users of social networks, it is considered very fashionable and prestigious to have a large number of unread messages. This in some way demonstrates their status and emphasizes their popularity. Receiving a large number of messages can also demonstrate your social relevance.

Cheating VK messages in 2021

In the case of promoting accounts for sale, such parameters increase their cost. After all, the more messages you receive, the more active the profile is considered, which means you can earn more from it. Social demand generally has an extremely positive effect on the commercial value of the page. For such purposes, it is possible to cheat messages.

Use of special applications

You can also get rid of a large number of dialogues or unnecessary messages using programs designed to clean up the “My Messages” section.

I advise you to pay attention to an application such as Toolum. It allows you to get rid of unwanted messages, as well as partially or completely clean a wall or page. The plugin is installed in Google Chrome. It is easy to find the program through additional extensions in the browser by typing the desired word in the search bar in Latin. Then you need to install and launch the application by logging in via VK. A window will open in which you need to specify a link to the page with the selected dialogue. By clicking on the “Clear” button, you need to wait a little, refresh the page and that’s it. The number of correspondences will decrease.

How to create messages on VK without a script

There are many ways to cheat without specialized software. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. Communities for fake DMs
    - you can always resort to the services of one of the thematic communities on the social network. The main principle of the work of such groups is collective mutual assistance. By joining them, you send a request to receive private messages. Of course, you will have to send them back.
  2. Job exchanges
    - many sites on the World Wide Web allow you to post tasks on their pages that are similar to sending personal messages. You can carry out similar orders, receiving the internal currency of the exchange, which you will later spend on promoting your account. And you can always easily find performers who are ready to literally spam your account for a small fee on freelance exchanges.

In what cases is it advisable to use scripts?

The use of such programs is not always beneficial. If you reload the application, the program file can only slow down the browser or completely disable it.

Here is a list of cases when it is advisable to use scripts:

  • for resource management, expanding functionality;
  • for collecting statistical data;
  • for search optimization;
  • to organize work;
  • to change the structure of the site;
  • to increase the flexibility of changing the application.

Cheating messages VK script

On the Internet you can find a number of resources that provide scripts, which, according to the developers, must be inserted into the body of the site page through the console. Here is an example of how to generate messages through the console: https://pastebin.com/Sv0Q9yn0. According to the creators, this should lead to large volumes of unread messages. However, the administration of the social network regularly records all sorts of vulnerabilities that previously made it possible to manipulate statistics through the console. So the performance of such tools today is in question.

Cheating VK messages in 2021

It is strongly recommended not to thoughtlessly use the script to boost VK messages on your main account. Automated security systems may well ban them, considering them malicious. In some cases, pages are not unblocked at all.

What is a script?

A script is a script program file that automates one task that a user could do manually using the program's interface.

The program file appeared a little later after the creation of JavaScript (a multi-paradigm programming language) in 1995. The creator of this language was Brendan Eich, an American programmer who has been working for Netscape since April 4, 1995.

The prerequisites for its creation are work that set itself the task of creating an embedded programming language.

Cheating messages through a bot

All kinds of free and paid bots can free you from numerous routine tasks necessary for successful page promotion.

  • The program is able to send mass invitations to friends based on the specified parameters. For example, you can send applications to all members of a certain community or set more flexible user search settings.
  • Send invitations to the group. Targeting allows you to very accurately select the audience that suits you.
  • Give mass likes. This is usually done on a mutual basis and you will not have to spend long hours completing such tasks yourself.

    Cheating VK messages in 2021

  • Mass mailing of invitations. You can easily gather participants for any type of event.
  • Anti-captcha - many modern bots include a captcha bypass function. This way you will save quite a lot of money.
  • Cleaning/Filling Accounts - Removing unnecessary content or adding new content in an automated manner will make your life much easier. A number of bots are equipped with integration with file storages, from which they can collect fresh photos and videos for high-quality content.
  • Anti-ban system - allows you to cheat behavioral factors and imitate the actions of a living person. Any effective bot should be equipped with such tools. Otherwise, you may simply be blocked.

How to install a script for VKontakte

September 22, 2011

Scripts can perform various functions on a website. This may be some modification of appearance; some kind of bot for the browser game VKontakte; or a program that changes/adds certain functionality, for example, downloading music and videos from Vkontakte, viewing hidden pages, and so on. But despite such diversity in the use of certain scripts, the process of installing them, as one might guess, is the same. In this article we will clearly go through all the stages of installing scripts for Opera and Mozilla Firefox.

Let's start with Mozilla Firefox. And so, how to install the script for VKontakte on Mozilla Firefox. To do this, we need a special plugin called GreaseMonkey, which you can download here. After downloading the desired archive, unpack it. There we see a file with the following name: “addon-748-latest.xpi” - we launch it. This is, so to speak, an installation file for the plugin that we need. After running this file, Mozilla Firefox will open/expand and ask you to install the “...” plugin. Feel free to click “Install” and restart the browser. That's it, our browser is ready to use user scripts.

Now let’s figure out how to install the script itself for Vkontakte. I will conduct the “instruction” using the example of our website “Yavkontakte.ru”, where all scripts are conveniently packaged in archives that store not only target files, but also ReadMi files with descriptions of the files and additional instructions for installing certain scripts. Well, we downloaded a file from the site, let it be a bot for the Megapolis VKontakte game. Unpack the archive. It contains the script file itself. In order to install it, you just need to drag it onto the working field of the Mozilla Firefox browser. After which, the plugin that we recently installed will automatically offer to install this script. In the window that appears, click “Install” and that’s it – our Mozilla Firefox is completely ready to work.

Now let's talk about how to install scripts for Vokntakte on Opera. In the same way, there is nothing complicated here. Download the archive with the script from our website. Create a folder (no matter in what location) and copy the script file there. Then open Opera, go to the VKontakte website, right-click on an empty space on the site, and select “Site Settings” in the context menu. In the pop-up window that appears, click on the “Scripts” tab, “Browse”, where we select the previously created folder with our script. All. We reload the page - the script works.

Dear readers, it is important to remember that not all scripts work in every browser. In my articles I will indicate for which browser this or that script is written. Be careful.

OK it's all over Now. I hope we figured out how to install VKontakte scripts for browsers such as Opera and Mozilla Firefox. Good luck to all!


Possible problems with cheating

Often there are problems with scripts. Let's look at the most common problems and solutions.

Scripts don't work

The problem is that none of the algorithms work. This usually happens in the Firefox browser. Uninstalling and reinstalling does not help in such cases. To resolve the situation, you need to open the browser - tools - settings - content. In the “Use Javascript” field, check the box and save the settings. Then we restart the browser and everything should work.

The script slows down or crashes the browser

Often, after running a script program file, sites malfunction or may not open at all. In this case, you should try clearing the cache. If this does not help, you will have to reinstall the browser.

That's all the information that will help you generate more than a thousand VKontakte messages in just a couple of minutes. The main thing is to follow our easy algorithm and you will succeed.

We also recommend reading the article “Replacing the script for getting likes on Instagram with secure services.”

VK message widget: excess or necessity?

We replace the script for increasing likes on Instagram with safe services How to save a voice message from VK: all possible ways of saving For those who are not looking for easy ways: increasing messages in VK using an element code How to make many messages on VKontakte?

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offline 2 years

Introducing the PSD template

Let's open it and take a look at the PSD template first.

Inside the file, everything is laid out in layers, any element can be edited: change color, size, shape. The font used in the project is in the font folder with the script.

In general, change the design as you wish. Just keep in mind that the script you downloaded allows you to display the following elements:

  • Recent subscribers: from one to three;
  • Time: in 14:59 format;
  • Current date: May 21, 2017;
  • Day of week: Sunday
  • VkOpt 3.x extension for quickly deleting all dialogs

    Perhaps the fastest way to delete all dialogs at once. VkOpt 3

    like a programmed autoclicker. That is, everything that can be deleted manually can be automated. This is precisely why the developers of this extension created such a brainchild, to simplify labor-intensive work. The extension can do a lot of things, from downloading an mp3 track to deleting it from all groups in sequence. You just need to select the desired option and the application will do all the routine work for you. https://vkopt.net/download/ We choose in which browser we want to use this extension and install it.

    Note. At the moment of writing this article, VkOpt

    I have not yet fully updated the functionality designed to work with the new VK design. Therefore, this method temporarily does not work. But I am very sure that sooner or later the functionality will be updated, or some other similar extension will appear for a narrow focus. Just go to the extensions catalog and see for yourself, maybe by then there will be something new.

    Great, after installing this extension, just go to personal messages and in the upper right corner click on [ Dialogs

    ]. Next, delete all incoming or all outgoing dialogs.

    What is the point of cheating?

    Artificial boost of messages on VK is used to create the “illusion of popularity” and increase HR. And this is truly an illusion, not reality. Dozens, hundreds and even thousands of fake dialogues will not make you more interesting, prettier or smarter in the real world. You have probably already noticed the abbreviation “CHSV”. Want to know what this means? We'll be happy to explain! SFE stands for “sense of self-importance,” and this is far from the best quality of a person.

    Main motives of users:

    • Some users of the social network VKontakte resort to boosting personal messages for commercial purposes. Selling popular accounts is a great opportunity to earn extra money without much effort.
      And in order to sell a page to another user, it must be made “active”. This type of income may seem strange and unusual, but demand creates supply.
    • A large number of subscribers and incoming messages is the main goal for users who want to achieve recognition and then verification of their VKontakte page. This word may seem unknown, but most likely we have all noticed the presence of a “blue tick” in the accounts of celebrities. This is verification - confirmation that the page is not fake. Many people are hunting for this “tick”.
    • Other users generate DMs for new acquaintances.
      After all, you never know who will write to you. A unique opportunity arises to make the necessary connections or friendships with interesting interlocutors.
    • A smaller category of people cheat out of pure curiosity. It’s a kind of gambling when the numbers on the “Dialogues” tab increase rapidly and delight the soul.

    Promoted Vk accounts are sold out quickly. Buyers can use the new page for different purposes, but they all want one thing - to find a “live” account without cheating. An experienced user knows how to identify artificial likes, reposts, etc. But with personal messages things are different. How to understand that the interest is fake if the PM is written by real users? This is why such a clever trick was invented.

    Modern business has long been dependent on social media. networks. Entrepreneurs are trying to get the most out of a popular service (for example, they create separate accounts on which they present their products and services). In this case, message boosting is also effective. A person appears online, starts a dialogue, and then studies your page. And if he is minimally interested in the product, then he automatically falls into the category of potential buyers. Next is a matter of technology!

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