How to find out a phone number from a person’s page on VKontakte

The popular social network VKontakte is very well protected. Each page has a login, password, identification number, and also a link to a cell phone number. Most often, this is a personal mobile phone, since it will receive SMS alerts, verification codes, and signals about a possible page hack. Therefore, the subscriber must be active. Below we tell you how to find out what number a page is registered to on VK. It is impossible to obtain this information legally, without the consent of the profile owner.

Find out the phone number of a person’s VKontakte page.

Would you like to find out the phone number of a person on VKontakte? There is nothing easier than looking at it if he indicated it when filling out his page.

From computer:

We go to the person on his page, click “ Show detailed information”.

Open information about a VKontakte user's phone number
In the full version of VKontakte from a computer

Next, among other information about the person, you will see his number.

Open phone number of VKontakte page
The VKontakte user number is visible from the computer.

From your phone in the VKontakte mobile application.

In the VK mobile application, find out the numberFrom your phone in the VKontakte mobile application.
Through the browser in the mobile version, the number will be displayed immediately.

And so this is the easiest way, then we will consider the options if the person did not indicate his number on his page.

If the VK page is someone else’s

There are no easy ways to find confidential information, which is the user’s phone. But consider all the options:

  1. There are many offers on the Internet to obtain this data for a fee. You should not trust people who claim that they own the VKontakte database. Craftsmen who hack accounts can only do harm. If the administration notices suspicious activity, the owner of the page will be warned and will definitely change the passwords.
  2. Sometimes the way out lies on the surface. Some users include their phone number in their contact information. Most often, this is the binding number, because it must also be working.
  3. Modern Internet users rarely have an account on only one social network. You can try to find the person on other services and check if their personal phone number is listed there. For a quick search, you can use a convenient service.
  4. A good option is to contact the person using a fake page. First you need to think over your legend. We need to start a dialogue in order to find out the mobile phone: offer a favorable price for a popular product, intrigue with a prestigious job, hint at passionate feelings. The disadvantage of this method is that the page can be registered on another cell phone.
  5. Many VK users receive email offers to make money on social networks - maintaining VK groups, page administrators, etc. Naive people will want to get such a job and will not suspect something is wrong when they are asked for the cell number to which their page is linked.
  6. Friends of the profile owner can help. You can try to earn their favor and find out the desired numbers through them.

  7. The most complex method requires special skills, resourcefulness and a bit of arrogance. Step one is to create a one-page website with a form where you enter your mobile number. Next, you need to send a link to this site to the owner of the account whose phone number you want to know. Step three is the text of the commercial proposal, which will force the person to enter their numbers. How about entering a lottery or winning a travel package.

If you do not know the owner of the profile personally, it will be difficult to get his cell phone number. VKontakte takes care of its users, and even after the page is hacked, you can only see the last digits of the treasured number. It is much more effective, although it is dishonest, to obtain it by deception, through personal correspondence.


Yandex.People service to find out a person’s page number on VK.Try entering the person’s first and last name in the Yandex.People service, and you may be able to find the phone number of the page on other social networks.
In fact, in the example in the image above, both the name is rare and the obvious publicity of a person who is present in almost all social networks. networks, allows you to easily find her number. Try this method, perhaps the person you are interested in has indicated their number somewhere.

If the number does not appear anywhere, then try to find out the email address , we will need it for the following methods. We can also find out the cell number we are interested in by finding out its Skype .

How to find a phone number from a photo

search via Yandex
Let’s assume that a VK user has protected himself from overly curious people and has blocked access to contacts by definition. Don't despair, this is not our path. If the “avatar” displayed on VK is a real photo of the user, then all is not lost. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Copy a photo of the person you are looking for.
  • Using any search engine, use the search by photo function.
  • Usually all the social networks where this person is still registered appear - this could be Skype, Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, etc.
  • Follow the link to the indicated pages and try to find contact information there.

Google search

Find out a person's phone number on VK using their Skype, Facebook or Instagram.

Some people can fill up their Skype and still not fill out their VKontakte phone. Try to recognize him, then go to Skype yourself and add such a nickname.

Skype VKontakte to find out the page number

Launch Skype, in the top menu, Contacts -> Add a new contact -> Search in the Skype directory... This way we can click on the nickname and see information about the person, perhaps there will be a link to the Facebook , where in turn the required number can be written phone.

Accordingly, a Facebook page may also be indicated; here we go and look at the profile to find a phone number that you did not find on Vkontakte.

Instagram - if it is listed in a person’s profile, it can help us find out their phone number.

Actions from the computer

On the Instagram web page, which can be accessed from a computer, it will not be possible to find out information about a person. The PC version is a bit limited in its capabilities, unlike the official app. And such information can only be found if the user himself has made his personal contacts publicly available. This rarely happens, so this method may not lead to anything.

Also read: Is it possible to recover deleted or lost conversations on Instagram?

In the search engine, you sometimes find resources that supposedly provide the opportunity to find out the number you need. These are scam sites that will not complete the task, but can easily hack the page or spread a virus to the device. If information cannot be found through official sources, then even more so through third parties.

Find out your VKontakte page number.

Today, you can only find out the last 2 digits of the number. This is enough to, for example, determine which number of your relatives your page is linked to, grandmothers, sisters, for example.

If the page initially did not belong to you and you want to find out what number it is attached to, then use the same methods that we discussed above; it is possible that the person indicated it in other places. Change the VKontakte page number, this will take 14 days. You don’t have to wait, just to do this you need to have access to the old number and be able to receive an SMS to it.

How can I find out what number my friend’s page is registered to?

The situation is no simpler when it comes to clarifying the mobile phone used when registering the accounts of friends and acquaintances. Users have only 2 options:

  • ask the person they are interested in personally;
  • visit his profile and look at the necessary data in his personal information.

It should be emphasized that the second method does not always help, since the cell phone number recorded in personal information may differ from the one associated with the page. But there are no other answers to the question of how to find out what number a page is registered on on VK.

Even if you gain access to someone else’s account and open the settings, you will not be able to obtain the necessary data. The basic information only shows the last 2 digits of the mobile phone, which can rarely help in solving the problem.

Using ID

While studying this item, each user should carefully read the information provided. The problem is that many online resources offer their help in calculating a phone number through the page identifier. This is actually a scam. It is impossible to carry out such a procedure through ID.

It is worth remembering that an identifier is a special combination of numbers that is attached to each social network account. That is, any number is completely individual, so there can be no connection between them. As for services for providing a phone number through an identifier, this is a complete scam. The only thing that can be achieved in this case is the theft of personal information.

A user who decides to use this method will be forced to register in such a resource, after which the latter will request permission to read the information. Consequently, after this, the attackers who manage the service will steal important data. Otherwise, the VK page will simply be hacked and used for unknown purposes.

Creating a fake page

If a phone number is indicated on the user’s page, but there is a “Friends Only” restriction, you will need to make friends with the person in order to find out the treasured combination of numbers. The task becomes more complicated if you are previously blacklisted. In this case, you will not be able to write or view the profile.

To get around this barrier, you will need to create a fake page that will not be blocked from writing a message to the person of interest. It is important to create the most believable profile possible: fill it with data, upload photos, add posts to your wall, make other friends. You need to fill out the information gradually to avoid suspicion.

When everything is ready, you should apply to be added as a friend. Along with it, you need to write a welcome message indicating the reason for adding it. After some time, the person will review the application, accept it or reject it. If successful, you will have access to detailed profile information, which will contain your phone number.

Following these recommendations, you can try to find out your mobile number, both within the VKontakte social network and beyond. The required combination of numbers is often located in a person’s profile on another site, from where it can be easily removed. If the user has not indicated a phone number anywhere, then it can only be determined by asking a straightforward question. An alternative option is to ask your friends, but here you will need to come up with a good reason.

How to see a phone number on Instagram

It is impossible to easily determine which number a profile is linked to on Instagram. Complex algorithms for encrypting confidential information and a non-standard approach to implementing processes for protecting personal data have led to important changes in the social network. From now on, each registered profile does not display information about e-mail, or geographic location (with the exception of personally affixed tags), or about the mobile operating system or browser used. Mobile numbers are also no exception: the data is hidden immediately and from all prying eyes. However, you can still find loopholes.

Use the “How to call” button

Individual entrepreneurs, bloggers, freelancers and artists on Instagram have long been able to convert their personal profile into a “business account” format, to which it is easy to attach additional information and a couple of extra buttons, such as “Contacts” or “Call”.

New information is added in the settings, and then displayed directly below the description (and above saved Stories and recent publications), from where it is available for interaction. If the desired owner of a page on a social network has already turned into a virtual businessman and attached a number, then it is no longer difficult to calculate additional information; all you have to do is click on the “Call” button and the data will immediately appear on the screen.

Through connecting contacts

Through connecting contacts

The mobile version of Instagram has been able to find and identify a list of contacts for a long time. It’s worth going to “Settings”, opening the “Account” section and selecting “Phone book synchronization” and the result is already on the screen: friends, colleagues, relatives. All those who were previously in contacts will appear in the “Recommended” section. As new numbers are added to the Phone Book, the information will begin to be updated automatically, and the list of tips will expand.

Subscription and invitation

The “Interesting People” section will help you keep track of additional finds.

How to hide your phone number on Instagram

The social network Instagram takes a thorough approach to privacy and security issues. The developers hide information about the e-mail, the mobile phone number used, and even recent activity. If desired, there is also an option to activate additional privacy settings. “Closed profile” will not allow random guests of a personal profile to even view recent publications before being added to “friends”.

Enable private account

In addition to the pre-provided algorithms, you can increase security and hide your number on Instagram as follows:

  1. When registering, you should use e-mail or login via Facebook.
  2. If the account is already registered, then it is better to refuse the option of synchronizing contacts, otherwise there will be a chance of compromising the data.
  3. Registration with a mobile phone number is possible by purchasing a special “temporary SIM card” on sites dedicated to social networks and SEO promotion.
  4. Besides Instagram, you shouldn’t go to your VKontakte or Facebook page either. With sufficient skill and perseverance, finding a parallel between social profiles is not too difficult, and with the help of the special Yandex.People service, the procedure will not take even 10 minutes.

Using a fake page

If all of the above methods do not work, you can use a fake page. This method, of course, cannot be called reliable and effective, but it’s worth a try.

The user will need to create a fake page and contact the desired person directly. In any case, in order to withdraw a number, you need to carefully consider the argument in connection with which the latter agrees to write his number. The most proven option is a number for sending photos through popular instant messengers such as WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram.

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