How to end sessions on VK. Exiting VKontakte - all methods using a phone or computer

Surely, many users of the VKontakte social network have encountered a situation where it is absolutely necessary to end all sessions at once (for example, in the event of losing a phone with an open page with confidential data, etc.). Fortunately, the service administration has provided such an opportunity.

Log out of VKontakte on all devices

To do this, it will take barely a minute of the user's time.

At the bottom of the page we find the “End all sessions” link.

After clicking on it, all sessions except the current one will be closed, and the message “All sessions except the current one have been completed” will appear in place of the link.

If the main link does not work for some reason, you can click on “Show activity history”

and here click on the “End all sessions” link.

Here you can see whether the page was accessed by unauthorized persons.

These steps should help users solve their problems with the site and perhaps even save their personal data.

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Posted on August 3, 2021 at 06:16 pm by Administrator

“End all VKontakte sessions” means logging out of your account from all devices (computers and mobile phones) from which you or someone else accessed your account.

For example, if you logged into the VKontakte website under your account (by entering your username and password) on your friend’s computer and forgot to log out, then by clicking on “End all VKontakte sessions”, you will no longer be authorized on his computer.

After completing your sessions, you may need to log back into the VKontakte website on your computer and mobile application.

How to log out of VKontakte on a tablet or phone (Android, iOS)?

If you use a mobile device based on the Android or iOS operating system, then you probably use the VK mobile application. It's easy to get out of it.

First of all, go to “Settings”.

At the bottom of the page that opens we see the “Log Out” button. Click on it and deauthorization occurs.

Actually, this completes the whole process.

Exiting your VKontakte profile is necessary when there are several users on a computer (PC), tablet or smartphone. If you do not log out of your VK account, a person who is not the owner of the page can gain access

to personal information, to correspondence.
He will also have access to the functions of sending messages
on behalf of the owner, creating posts on the wall, etc.

Ending user sessions from the 1C program

Basically, all 1C products version 8 have a mechanism that allows you to remotely terminate a user’s work and provide the administrator with exclusive access to the database. This is the processing Blocking connections to the infobase

You can find it at the following address: Administration => maintenance => user blocking

Figure 2 - Blocking user work

Figure 3 - Session lock confirmation

How to exit VKontakte on a computer

To log out of your VKontakte profile on a PC, you need to click on the pop-up menu in the upper right corner and select the “ Log out”


After this, you will be taken to the VK main page with an authorization window.

There is an alternative method for leaving Contact. If you clear
cookies and cash
, you will be logged out of profiles in those services where the user is authorized, including VK.
To clear these traces, press CTRL + SHIFT + DE
L at the same time, in the window that appears, check the boxes next to “cookies” and “cache” and click the “
delete data
” button. After some time (sometimes it takes several minutes) the process will be completed.

There is another way to clear, without using a keyboard shortcut. You need to open your browser settings, find the “ Privacy and Security”

" and select "
clear history

The same window will open through which you can clear the information


The web browser stores data about logins and passwords for services that require authorization. To prevent attackers from using this information, it must be deleted. To remove traces, open browser options

, select the “
” section.
In the list of saved passwords you need to find VK, in the pop-up menu opposite, click “ delete

There is a method for using VK and other services that require authorization on a shared computer without constant cleaning. To do this you need to use incognito mode

In this mode, after turning off the browser, the cache and cookies are automatically cleared. History, logins, passwords are not saved. To switch to this mode in Google Chrome, you need to select “ New window in incognito mode
” from the menu.

Sometimes there are situations when users cannot log out of VKontakte. In this case, we can recommend two options - reinstall the browser and clear all residual files, or clear the cache and cookies, as described above.

Why are there different entries in the activity history?

As you may have noticed, the activity history can also display authorizations through other applications. This happens in cases where a third-party application is logged in through the VKontakte page.

In this case, VKontakte tells us that the login was made through Aviasales - this means that this application was launched on the phone and some actions were performed in it under the VK account.

If the login was made from a third-party device, we recommend using the “End all sessions” option, which we already mentioned. This will reset the login on the third-party user’s device.

Now you know how VK activity history works. We hope that our article was useful to you, thank you for your attention!

Output on tablet or phone

For those people who use the mobile version of VK, there are two methods for logging out of your page on a phone or tablet: through the application itself and through the operating system options.

Application Settings

To exit VK on your phone, open the menu in the VK application (swipe right) and select “ settings”


exit” button below

" and press it.

Ready. After this, you should exit your page.

Information about logins and passwords that are used in installed applications are saved in the smartphone’s memory; if you delete them, deauthorization will occur. To delete go to settings

operating system and look for the “
” section.
Select “VKontakte” from the list and in the window that appears, select the profile
from which you want to exit.

The Sync tab will open.

" There is a button in the upper right corner that opens a pop-up menu.

Open it, click “ delete account”

" Ready.

Deleting site data

First, click on your avatar in the upper right corner and select “sign out.”

Next, you need to go to your browser settings and clear your cookies. True, because of this, saved passwords on other sites and services may be reset. Some browsers have the ability to delete cookies for the last hour of use. This is a particularly convenient feature for those who access their page from someone else’s computer.

This will allow you to remove automatic access to the VKontakte page without entering a password. From now on, you will need to enter your password manually again.

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How to sign out on all devices

To log out from all devices at once, there is a standard method - you can simply turn on VK on each device and manually perform deauthorization. But in the VKontakte options there is a function that allows you to end all sessions, i.e. exit from all PCs and mobile devices, except the one through which this command is sent. To do this, go to VK options through the browser, open the “ Security”

Click on the “ end all sessions
” button. But do not forget that logins and passwords may be saved on other computers.

Today we will try to tell you how easy and simple it is to log out of VKontakte on all devices at once and how to do this in the mobile application on your phone

News feeds on the Internet constantly flash messages about hacking and theft of all kinds of compromising files from the pages of celebrities on social networks. And it’s not always about hacker attacks; sometimes we, the users, are to blame for this ourselves.

It happens that someone accesses their page (for example, VKontakte) from someone else’s computer or phone, and then forgets to log out of the site, leaving their profile on display. What to do? And everything is simple - use the function to exit the page on all devices.

How to log out of the VKontakte website on all devices at once? Let's consider the chain of actions in order.

You need to log in to your page. In the upper right side, click on the username to open the context menu of the page.

In the menu that appears, select the “Settings” section.

The profile settings page should open. The right side contains a list of sections (“general, security, privacy…”). Click the mouse and go to the “Security” tab.

In the middle part of the page, in the “Security” section, the latest activity of the VKontakte profile is shown. It shows login statistics, the name of the operating system from which you logged in, the IP address...

If you click on the “Show activity history” link, you can see all visits to our page. Below is the inscription “End all sessions”, clicking on which will exit our VKontakte profile from all devices, ending all sessions except the current one.

Above we learned how to log out of VK on all devices from your computer. Now let's perform a similar action from a mobile phone.

How to log out of VK on all devices from your phone

  1. The settings page will open, you need to go to the “Security” tab.
  1. We are waiting for the notification that should appear at the top of the page about successful exit from all devices.

Here we have completed the instructions on how to log out of VKontakte on all devices from your phone. Be vigilant in the virtual spaces of the network, because our safety on the Internet often depends on ourselves!

In this article we will talk about how to correctly log in and log out of the VKontakte social network.


  • All you have to do is write the login information for your page and it will open.
  • In the special form on the left, enter your phone number or email to which the page was registered.
  • On the next line, enter your password and select “Login".
  • If you have forgotten your password, then click on “Forgot your password?”
    to begin the recovery process.
  • Sometimes it happens that when you enter your page, someone else’s page opens. This happens when another person logs into their account from your computer.
  • The program remembers his page and therefore loads it.
  • To remove it, simply exit. To do this, click on ““
    in the right corner at the top of the site.

If your PC, smartphone or tablet is used by someone else besides you, then do not forget to log out of your page so that there are no problems. Although in this case you will have to go to it every time.


what to do if messages disappear along with links necessary for work

Usually, when you access VKontakte from a computer or phone, you either enter a password or go to your page immediately, since your browser has saved this password. The second option is convenient because it saves time and you do not need to re-enter your password every time. However, this method is not entirely safe. What to do if your browser saved the VKontakte password, but you thought about the security of your page and wanted to exit in such a way that the password was not saved?

How to log out of VKontakte?

For example, if you want to access the site using different data or came to visit and decided to log in to your page, then you definitely need to log out. Let's talk how to do this.

To log out of your account on your computer, you need to click on the “Log out”

, which is located on the top right of the screen.

Sometimes the problem lies in the fact that when you press a given key, nothing happens at all. As a result, it is not clear to the user what needs to be done. Indeed, such a problem does exist, and not only on VKontakte

. It is difficult to say why this happens, but in any case the problem can be solved. Here you have two options:

  1. Use for communication
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