“How to create a personal page on the Internet” article

Access Tabor from a mobile phone

To enable the mobile version of the site in the browser address bar, add the English letter “m.” (and a period) before the site name “tabor...”, or follow the link

The mobile version of the site allows you to view pages and photos on a dating site without registration.

Through your personal page you can express your likes and take various tests, exchange messages, give ratings and participate in various competitions.

Security of personal data on the Internet

What are the risks if you enter personal data on the Internet? What are the goals of scammers who use social networks and dating sites:

  • Find out your mobile phone number and bank card numbers to withdraw money from these accounts. Through mentions of friends or relatives who may be found out from your page, they can gain trust.
  • Since it is not always known who is on the other side of the screen, you may come across people who want to harm or play a cruel joke on you. Always check information carefully and only go to meetings in crowded places.

You should be careful when entering personal data (mobile phone number) not only on the Tabor.ru website, but also on other social networks, protecting personal information as much as possible.

Registration of a personal account

To register on the mail.ru website and create your own mailbox, you must follow these instructions:

  1. On the main page of the official portal, find the button labeled “Registration” and click on it.
  2. Registering your email is very simple, and the program itself controls how the registration form is filled out.
  3. When registering, the system provides hints regarding available email names. To expand the possible options, it is recommended to use the subdomain selection field, which is located on the right side of the “Mailbox” column.

  4. When all the necessary information has been entered, an SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to the specified phone number. You must enter it in the appropriate window and press the “Register” button.
  5. If you do not want to give your mobile number, you need to follow the link “I don’t have a mobile phone.” This completes the registration procedure and you can start working with the functionality of your account.

Registered users are given the opportunity to send, receive, sort and search letters. You can store personal information in an additional cloud service (its volume is about 25 GB).

It is worth noting that you can design your own mailbox to your liking; for this, the developers have provided many styles. Through your personal profile you can quickly go to other Mail.ru Group services.

Download Badoo mobile app for Android and iOS

The mobile version will help you stay in touch anywhere your device can connect to the Internet. The functionality of the user page is no different from the web version. You can download the application on a gadget with the Android or iOS operating system through special stores:

How to remove Badoo from your phone?

You can delete the mobile version by simply holding the icon on the phone table and dragging it to the trash. But in this case, the profile itself will remain in the system. If you need to deactivate the page itself, then go to your profile at the bottom right, and on the page that opens, select the gear icon at the top left. In the list of the “Settings” section, go to the “Account” subsection.

On the page that opens, at the very bottom, click on the “Delete” line.

How to log out of your profile

To log out of your Mail.ru account after finishing work, click “Logout” in the top panel on the right (next to your login). The session will end automatically. And if you re-authorize, you will need to enter your credentials again (manually or automatically through the autofill function).

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to authorize on Mail.ru. Of course, give preference to the most convenient one. This is the key to user comfort. Keep your credentials with you. In a file or on paper, but in a secluded place. Away from prying eyes and hands. Be sure to add a backup mailbox or phone number to your profile. They will help you quickly get your email back if you lose your credentials.

We conclude the review. Stay in touch at Mail.ru!

How to log in to Mail.ru if the page does not load

A notification in the browser tab that the Mail.ru page cannot be loaded most likely means that access to the service is blocked. To bypass this restriction, connect your browser to the Internet through a proxy server. For example, you can use the Opera browser on your computer with VPN enabled. In most cases this helps.

Instructions for registering a Mail.ru account are here.

Personal profile functions

Email has become as important information as passport or insurance policy details. Many Internet platforms and systems require you to indicate your email address when registering a personal account. In addition, such information is required when filling out a resume or downloading free information (to register on online platforms). Citizens who have registered a personal account on the Mail.ru website receive an electronic mailbox.

Using your account you can use the following functions:

  • register for free;
  • select and search for letters;
  • create folders;
  • use numerous sites and mailboxes;
  • link your account to a phone number;
  • use the web client service;
  • connect a personal mobile client;
  • store files;
  • use related services of Mail.ru Group.

Important! After creating an account on Mail.ru, you can use cloud storage.

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