How to add a VKontakte video from YouTube. A few simple ways

Today, some Internet users still do not know how to add a VKontakte video from YouTube. In fact, this is very easy to do, but first of all, you need to find out what these services are.

Of course, one of the most popular sites is the video hosting YouTube, which was created by two Americans in 2005. Here you can find many thematic videos, comment on the authors’ creations, and communicate with other users.

No less popular in the Russian segment of the Internet is the social network VKontakte, which appeared in 2006 thanks to Pavel Durov. In a fairly short time, this “social network” has achieved enormous success, and today millions of people spend their free time here.

After a short introduction, let's figure out how to add a video from YouTube to VK. To do this, you can use one of the methods discussed below.

How to quickly add a video from YouTube to VKontakte

Adding (downloading) video material from YouTube to your VKontakte page is very simple. In the browser we find the required video on YouTube. Then in the address bar you need to select and copy with a mouse click (by clicking on the right button) the link sent to the video from YouTube.

Copy the link to the video clip from YouTubeIn Contact, you need to go to the
Video and click on the “Add video” button. Then in the window that opens, select the line “Add from another site”, and in the empty line, paste with a mouse click (right button) the link previously copied from the YouTube video service.

Add a video to VK from YouTube
After you paste the previously copied link, a settings window will appear, here you can add or change the title, description...

Add video from YouTube to VK

You can also choose whether to show the video to all users or only to friends. In addition, you can define the appropriate settings for who can comment on this video. By checking the “publish on my page” tag, the video will be sent to the user’s wall. In the “description” line you can write your comment on the video. Now we have figured out how to add a video from YouTube to VKontakte.

Promotion by reposts: for whom is it relevant?

Now let’s look in more detail at who this promotion is aimed at, and most importantly, what can be obtained as a result of the campaign.

So, let's list the following categories of users:

  • Bloggers. A blog is a treasure trove of information. Typically, YouTube videos are released at regular intervals so that subscribers know when to expect new material. And if it is also undesirable to appear too often on VKontakte or Instagram, then this rule does not apply to YouTube. As they say, the more good content here, the better. What role do reposts play in this? It's very simple - you select one or more of the best videos and distribute them. Then people view the content, become interested in it, go to the channel page and “hang out” there. Subscriptions, likes, comments are growing like mushrooms after rain. Isn't this the goal of promoting your blog?
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs. Creating an online store is not as simple a process as developers usually promise. After launching the site, you need to wait until optimization gives results. Having a YouTube channel helps speed up this process. You order reposts, which attracts people not only to your page within the system, but also invites them to the site, where you can already use services or buy goods. When placing an order for YouTube services or Instagram likes, you get a guaranteed result from smoservice. Success in this also depends on how competently you can think through the stages of interaction with potential consumers.
  • Large companies. When a name, brand, mark, product name, character, creative personality is already well-known, that is, there is a certain audience, there is no point in stopping. By seeding reposts, you can attract even more people, sell more actively, and continue to show materials on a territorial scale. Large companies that use all promotion tools thus strengthen and improve their reputation.
  • Users who strive for popularity. Thanks to seeding, videos can quickly become popular. When you have your first “live” audience, comments and likes will also increase. Even negative reviews and dislikes are also a good result from a promotion point of view. As they say, black PR is also PR, and also a motivator.
  • Manufacturers of goods and information products. Information, images, ideas that enhance reputation through mass reposts become a real tool that drives the entire PR process. They give impetus to your development. As a result, you can see an increase in subscribers, likes, comments and, of course, views - this is the main goal of seeding videos.

You can promote any video channels that you want to popularize by reposting. Often the owners of YouTube pages do not strive to gain more subscribers, but to show their product, demonstrating it in the best light. To do this, adding subscribers makes almost no sense at all - the main thing is to do the most active seeding.

By the way, when distributing videos on social networks, it is possible to ensure smooth transitions and views. Technically, YouTube monitors promotion and considers sudden activity suspicious. For example, your video was up for several days. Almost no one opened it, did not comment, did not like it. And then you ordered a promotion, thanks to which several thousand views of the video immediately appeared. Then there is a lull again until the next promotion... There is no point in denying that the algorithms will regard such a situation as promotion (and this will be true).

It is much more reliable to distribute videos through third-party social networks - organized PR will no longer be able to track the YouTube system, and the transitions, views, and likes themselves will be smooth.

One of the advantages of seeding a video on social networks is the long-term effectiveness of the technique. For example, someone posted your video on VKontakte, which ended up on the feed. This repost will now be followed by other users, and not only today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. This process can even drag on for several years - for many, the post remains in the field of view of its visitors and subscribers for months.

Free and paid reposts: what's the difference?

You can promote reposts on YouTube for free or for a fee. Turning to the first promotion channel is accompanied by risks and difficulties, but paid resources offer significantly more opportunities and useful functions. Let’s take a closer look at the reasons why free promotion is practically ineffective:

  • The functions are limited, there are few of them. A website worked on by admins who do not receive a salary is unlikely to be modern and complete. You need to pay for hosting, as well as for website maintenance and setup. Who will do this for free? As a rule, such sites “barely breathe”, offer few features and functions, and therefore are significantly inferior in efficiency to paid resources.
  • High risks of getting banned. In general, free promotion is often carried out using bots, which internal social network systems recognize as fake. Naturally, if you are dealing with a fake, you may be blocked. This doesn’t work with reposts, but something else is important here. What's the point of wasting your time on something that is ineffective in the first place? Nobody will subscribe to bots, so the value of reposts placed when seeding a video simply comes down to zero - real people won’t see them, won’t click on the link, won’t subscribe, and won’t like them.
  • There is no support service. Free services offer paid service packages that include support. With free promotion it will not exist. At first it may seem that the administration’s help is completely unnecessary, but in practice, difficulties often arise when using the functionality, channel owners need advice, there is nowhere to get information, and it is contradictory in search engines. If you order paid promotion in packages or as a package, then information support is provided for you.
  • There are restrictions on actions. Free sites cannot offer mass seeding. As a trial period, maybe they will give you a few hundred reposts, but then you will have to pay. Many users are upset to find out that the service they chose in the hope of saving money still turned out to be paid, and even with a dubious reputation.
  • The likelihood of ending up on a scam site that steals data – profile passwords and other personal information. Unfortunately, this option always exists. Please note that personal data cannot be provided to third parties in order not to lose your channel.

Of course, paid reposts are more effective and efficient; their seeding on social networks helps to quickly gain an audience, and this will be done naturally.

Why buy from our store?

Our company offers competent promotion of channels and individual videos in the YouTube video hosting system. Useful functions are available on the site, there are descriptions of different packages, and prices are indicated.

Advantages of cooperation with us:

  • the site operates 24 hours a day;
  • unlimited functionality;
  • full support;
  • safety.

With the help of reposting videos posted on YouTube, you can promote your activities, sell more products, enter new markets, and become popular and famous. It all depends on the goals, topic of the channel, frequency of video release. Sowing reposts is a universal tool for promotion that works for the future. Like paid services, where you can use the function of recruiting VK subscribers to your group, YouTube works ideally in the format of advertising promotion in Moscow and Russia.

Our PR agency constantly improves the site, monitors innovations, and monitors algorithm changes to take into account current and future trends in the field of promotion. Do you want to receive quality services at competitive prices? Order promotion of your videos at any time of the day by reposting on social networks. You will be able to see the results within the first days after the start of the PR campaign!

How to add a video from YouTube to VK using social network buttons

You can use videos downloaded from YouTube for completely different purposes. But at the same time, it is important to understand one condition - you cannot violate the rights of the authors, therefore, if the video does not belong to you, then there must be a link to the original source and the approval of the author. So, now let's look at how to add a video to the VKontakte website from YouTube? First of all, open the required video. Below the author’s avatar there are buttons, among which there is a button with the following content: “Share”.

Share video button

This is the one you need. By clicking on it, you will see a list of social networks where you can send videos. If you are interested in VKontakte, you need to click this button. This is one of the easy ways to download VKontakte videos from YouTube.

Button to share video from YouTube to VK

In the window that appears, you need to select an image for the video (or delete it altogether). You can also leave a comment and define an item that will direct the added video to the “My Videos” category. Having marked the necessary options, click on the “Send” button, the video material will be sent to your VKontakte wall and will be in your videos.

How to put a video on YouTube? Adding YouTube VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

Hello! In today's article we will learn how to put a video on YouTube YouTube videos on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Google+ and other popular social networks. Everything is presented in an accessible form and shown with pictures, so it will be absolutely simple and understandable even for beginners ;).

Video hosting YouTube (YouTube, YouTube) is the most popular service; according to Alexa Rank statistics, it is at the very top and ranks 3rd among all sites in the world in terms of traffic. And this is not surprising, because there are so many cool and exciting video files, clips and films here.

Such a huge video storage is actively used by people for their own needs, because here you can upload files, insert videos, upload something fun, and then share it with your friends and even earn money :smile:! For webmasters, YouTube is an excellent tool for blog promotion.

Viewing and downloading videos from YouTube is free. I advise you to read the article How to download a video from YouTube. To add videos, comment, and rate, you must register. So let's get started.

How to upload (put, upload, post) your video on YouTube?

  1. Go to the service and click the Login button in the upper right corner:
  2. To start using YouTube services, you need to have an account with Google, that is, if you have an e-mail like [email protected], then just enter your login and password (1). The rest need to register and create their own account (2):

  3. After logging into your account, at the top of the page, click the Add video button:
  4. Here you can see several options: upload a file from your computer, drag it with the mouse, record video from a webcam. So, click Select files to upload and specify the path to your video on your computer:

  5. The video will begin uploading to YouTube and its subsequent processing by the service. This procedure will take some time depending on the size of the file itself:

  6. While the video is loading, you need to come up with a title, description and tags. This must be done, otherwise no one will be able to find your wonderful work:
      Name . You should write something catchy so that just after reading it you will want to watch the video ;).
  7. Description . Fill out in more detail and include keywords (see below). To promote a blog through a video storage, you should put a link to your website at the very beginning of the description, and at the end indicate the address of the article where the YouTube video is posted (I will insert mine after the blog post is published).
  8. Tags. To correctly specify tags, you need to go to the service, enter a query and select suitable keywords from the list, taking into account the number of impressions per month. For details on selecting keywords, read the article Semantic core of queries.

  9. When the video is uploaded to Youtube and processed, fill in the fields (1), indicate the privacy settings (2), select the appropriate category (3), the icon (4) is an image that will be shown to all users, and save the changes (5):

  10. To see the result, you should either go to your channel (1), where all added videos are posted, or follow the link (2):

We figured out how to post a video on YouTube, now we’ll look at how to insert it into social networks.

How to add a YouTube video to VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Google+ and other social networks?

After watching the video, immediately below it click the Share button and a window opens where you can post video links to Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and other popular social networks using buttons. Unfortunately, this list does not have the option to add VKontakte videos from YouTube:

YouTube VKontakte video.

  1. To insert the video into your VK page, copy this link:

  2. In your Vk account, click on the My videos menu and then Add video:
  3. In the window that opens, click Add a link from other sites (1), insert the link (2) and save (3). If all fields are filled in when posting a video on YouTube, then the title and description will be automatically added to VKontakte:

How to add a video from Youtube to Odnoklassniki?

Go to your account, under the main menu click Link (1), copy our link (2) and share with friends (3):

We learned how to put a video on Youtube, now you can quickly send a link from YouTube to VKontakte, Odnoklassniki to friends on different social networks and give them a pleasant and unexpected gift :smile:.

You can also upload your video to the YouTube service and insert it into a website page, and you can actually do this without having absolutely any knowledge of the PHP and html languages. This principle of adding videos to the posts of your own resource on the Internet is very similar when using posting methods on other popular video hosting sites.

I recommend reading the article Inserting YouTube Videos in WordPress.

Soon I will consider in detail the issue of making money using video hosting, so I advise you to subscribe to RSS so as not to miss the announcement.

And be sure to watch the 10 second video, thanks to which we learned how to add video files. These are the machines we make at the engineering desk :smile::

All! Bye everyone!

Best regards, Dmitry Baiduk

Share link with friends
Related materials:

Uploading video from computer

It happens that before you upload a video from YouTube to VKontakte, you first have to download it to your computer. There may be completely different reasons for this. For example, if you find a video that interests you and are worried that it may disappear, then this is the very reason when you can download the video directly to your computer and keep it there for a while. In order to download the video to your computer, you can use special programs. The following programs can be considered the most proven and trustworthy: , ByClick , GetVideo . These services are suitable for downloading videos for VK to your computer. By using these services, after a while you will see the desired videos on your computer. Now we will look at the action plan when the video needs to be uploaded from a computer to the VK website. To do this, you need to open the VKontakte page and go to the Videos section. There you need to open the “Add video” tab and click on it. After this, a list of folders on your computer will open for you, from where you need to extract the necessary video.

Download videos and music from VKontakte

In order to download your favorite music from VK, hover your mouse over the song and click on the arrow.

download music from VK_mustget

To download a video from VK, click on the “Download” button that appears.

download video from VK_mustget

Add a video to a new post on the wall

In order to add a video to a new wall post, you no longer need to reinvent the wheel. Everything here is very, very simple. To do this, the video must already be uploaded to the VKontakte video album. Now you go to the page, click on the inscription “what’s new” and click on the “video recording” sign. A list of existing videos will open in front of you, and all you have to do is select the desired video. This way, the selected video will appear in your friends’ news. Now you already know how to add a video to a VKontakte wall in a simple way, and you will quickly cope with it.

Automatic repost from Youtube to social networks.

Would you like to automatically post all published videos to your groups on social networks (Kontakte, Facebook, LiveJournal), to your website, blogs (such as Blogger) and other media services? It's possible and quite simple. Now I’ll tell you how to set up automatic reposting.

How does automatic repost work?

All services and plugins for auto-posting content work on the principle of a trigger event. For example, you publish a video on your Youtube channel and this event is a trigger for running a script or for triggering the auto-posting service. A service or plugin takes a video, copies the title, description and tags, and posts it on social networks (what exactly will be posted depends on the specific social network and the capabilities of the selected plugin or service).

For example, on Twitter the title of a video and a link to it will be automatically posted; in VKontakte you can immediately embed a video or post the title, a picture from the cover of the video and a link; in LiveJournal you can embed the video itself, add its title, description and tags, etc.

Why do you need automatic reposting?

Auto-posting any content saves your time, because you don’t have to manually post videos to all your social networks. networks and thus allows you to expand your audience and attract new people. For example, you manually and carefully manage a group in contact, but you don’t have enough time for Facebook and LiveJournal. Then you set up auto-repost to these groups and they will be updated automatically.

You will collect additional views, and if monetization is enabled, additional money.

In addition, auto-reposting is convenient not only for a Youtube channel: it can be used for websites. For example, you have a website on WordPress. You connect the auto-repost plugin to it and all articles, all entries will be automatically posted on connected social networks and blog pages. This will have a positive effect on the promotion of your website. You can post announcements of articles with a link to the full text, it’s very convenient.

How to activate automatic repost? Which services should I use?

This is probably the most important question for you. Well, I’ll answer it:

  • Content auto-posting service:
  • WordPress plugin: Next Scripts: Social Networks Auto Poster (download link

Almost all social networks are supported. If you are missing something, set up a reposting chain: from a Youtube channel to a website, and from the website to another social network or blog.

I will tell you how to properly configure and use these services and plugins in my Youtube video course.

All you have to do is add the video to the group

The final step along the path of a YouTube video will be a thematic or business group on VKontakte. Adding a video to a VKontakte group is also not difficult. To add a video to the group, you also need to click on the inscription on the wall “what’s new with you” and select a video from the album. If you don’t yet have this video in your album, then go to the “to my videos” heading and select the one you need from the list of your videos. (For more details, see How to add a video to a VK Group). You can also add a video to the community the other way. You can go to your page, select a video, and when you open it, you will see a list of options that you can perform with this video. In the “more” item there is an option “add to community”, clicking on which will open a list of communities in which you are a manager. By selecting one or more of them, you will send the video to the group's album. Now you know several ways to add a video to a group.

How to add a video from VKontakte to a blog?

Hi all! I offer short instructions on adding videos from VKontakte to a blog/website. To embed a video from VK on your website, it must be uploaded to this social network. If a video is added via a link from other video hosting sites (YouTube, Rutub, Vimeo, etc.), then it is embedded not through VKontakte, but through the resource where it was uploaded.

Watch the lesson on embedding videos from VK on a blog:

Everything is very simple. We open the video and at the top right we see 3 icons. Yes, if an advertisement starts first in a video, you have to wait until it plays, and only then the icons will appear.

We are interested in the “Tell Friends” icon.

Click on it and go to the “Export” tab.

Here we select the appropriate player sizes from those proposed, or indicate our own.

Next, you need to copy the iframe code to embed the video and post it on your blog.

I’ll show you the example of embedding a video in a post (article) on my WordPress blog.

Go to the post editor, switch to the “Text” tab and paste the code into the desired section of the article. To make the player centered, I put centering tags before and after the video code:

– opening tag and – closing tag. I save the changes.

Ready. Video from VKontakte added to the article.

If you have questions, write in the comments - I will be happy to answer.

Thank you for your attention!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova

How to delete a video from VK

It may also happen that you need to delete the video. Then you need to go to the video and click on the cross on top. This way, videos can be deleted from video albums. If the video is located on the wall, then you need to remove the recording from the wall. It is not possible to completely delete an entire video album at once; you can only delete each video individually.

Delete video from VK

What are VKontakte videos for?

After we have considered all the possible ways to download and delete VKontakte videos, we can now conduct a small investigation into what VKontakte videos are used for. Of course, the most common purpose of VKontakte videos is entertainment, because it is on this social network that you can find many videos of cool content, and of course, films and cartoons. There are also groups on VKontakte with educational material that are pre-downloaded from YouTube channels. The same can be said about business. People who promote (promote) their business through VKontakte groups, recording educational videos on YouTube and uploading them to VKontakte.

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