How to make a VKontakte group popular? 8 tips

Evgenia Lapeka

Updated: 2021.02.14





No time to read?

A group on the social network VKontakte can become not only a hobby, but also the main selling tool. For a community to work and generate income, new posts must appear in it regularly. If you’ve run out of ideas for VKontakte posts, it doesn’t matter. We have collected various options on where to get new ones. We will give recommendations on how to decide on a topic and what to write about.

What is a content plan and why is it needed?

A content plan is a very convenient table in Excel or PDF format (these programs even provide an individual template for this). It contains all the necessary data that needs to be used to fill the feed with content.

We create a content plan for comfortable work

That is, you come up with a topic for the post, indicate a specific time when it needs to be published.

At first you will need about 5 posts per day. The content plan is drawn up for approximately 30 days. Every new month a new plan is thought out. But simply drawing it up is not enough. There's a lot of work to be done before that happens. What goals of the content plan are worth highlighting?

  • Save time. That is, if you sit down and prepare all the necessary information for publication in a day or two, then for the entire month you will not have to think about what to write today and how to present this information.
  • Saving money. Content plans are often created for money by freelancers. Therefore, if you arrange them yourself, you can save a lot. This is especially noticeable if you lead and promote three or more VKontakte groups.
  • Calm. Agree, if you run one thematic community, then usually you can keep all the information in your head, but if there are more of them, then it is better to put it on paper or in a spreadsheet. After all, there is a high risk of accidentally forgetting something or losing relevant information from memory.
  • Improved group statistics. With the help of a publication plan, you will be able to attract a larger percentage of the target audience, of course, if you first analyze it and know its “habits”, problems, and possible questions.

Goals of the content plan for the VKontakte group

On a note! It is best to plan to post content for the group in a table with shared access for each user involved in promoting the community: admin, copywriter, designer, and so on. This way, all participants will be able to correctly build their working rhythm.

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What is better to create a page or group on VKontakte?

Once upon a time I seriously thought about what is better to create a page or a group on VKontakte ? I read a lot of information, personally tested the group and the page, and then came to the conclusion that in most cases it is better to create a group on VKontakte. And now I’ll explain why:

  • Groups and public pages are created almost identically. So preference cannot be given to anything based on this parameter. Later in the article we will look in detail at the process of their creation.
  • The design of the group and the public page is also almost identical. Small differences in the arrangement of blocks that are of little importance. On a public page, you can specify the creation date. Is this useful? Not for all.
  • Privacy settings for groups and pages on VKontakte are significantly different. Public pages are publicly accessible, their content can be viewed even by non-registered users. Anyone can subscribe to the public page. The group has several settings options: open (everyone can join), closed (joining with confirmation from the administration), private (joining only by invitation from the administration).
  • Groups and pages on VKontakte also have different walls. For a group, you can make an open wall (anyone can write on it), limited (users can only comment) and closed (commenting and posting by users will be prohibited).

Only the administration can post content on walls on public pages. However, other users can offer their news, and if the administration approves them, they will be posted on the page. This is a kind of message moderation. Comments are also available for public pages, but they can be disabled.

  • It should also be noted that public pages to which VKontakte users are subscribed are available for public viewing. Groups are in a list that can be hidden by the privacy settings of your personal page. This is a slight advantage in favor of public pages, but you should not expect that this will result in more subscribers.

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  • The last, but in my opinion the most important aspect when choosing whether it is better to create a page or group on VKontakte will be the methods of their promotion. Promotion of a group and a page on VKontakte are significantly different. Users can subscribe to pages at their own request, learning about them through reposts or advertisements on Vkontakte.

Users can also get to the VKontakte group by clicking on advertisements or reposts. But the main advantage of groups is that you can invite your friends to them. You can invite up to 80 people per day to a group on VKontakte.

Public pages do not have such a function, thereby making them not relevant for most users. If you make a lot of friends on VKontakte, you can get subscribers to groups simply by inviting them. Thereby saving on its promotion or avoiding costs altogether.

Invite friends to the created group on VKontakte

Let's summarize: a public page should be created by those whose brand is already popular. For example, a musical performer creates a public page on VKontakte and connoisseurs of his work find it and subscribe. Public pages are designed for celebrities, well-promoted companies, popular sites, and so on.

For those who do not have their own website, or whose website is not popular enough and a group or page is being created with the aim of attracting traffic, it is better to create a group on VKontakte. Its promotion is easier, you can quickly attract your first subscribers, thereby accelerating the moment when you can start earning money.

How to determine what content users are interested in

At first glance, this question may seem like a daunting task. However, if you delve into it and follow a step-by-step plan, as in this article, you will easily cope with this task. But you must determine the estimated needs of your target audience yourself.

  1. Analysis of competing groups. View only those communities that are currently active. Scroll through the wall to see what content is published, and if necessary, subscribe to follow the news and new topics. Look at posts that have more likes, reposts, and comments. Mark the data you need in the Excel template. You will have to do the same work weekly in your group’s feed in order to understand what the client wants. But this is after the public gains momentum.
  2. Carefully study discussions in groups with related topics. Remember that you should only view current questions and their answers. That is, if this question was asked two or three weeks ago, then it will not be useful to you. Look for completely new information. If you come across questions that you are ready to clarify immediately in your community feed, add them to the list.
  3. Select several days and view competitor statistics several times. To do this, join the group and see at what time you get a fairly wide online presence. To avoid confusion, write down how many participants entered the VK public page at a specific hour.
  4. In these same groups, identify the most active visitors who are constantly interested in something new, regularly like and share information with friends. Go to their pages (available if they are open), see what topics and types of content they are interested in. It will suit not only the thematic option (after all, if you voice the supposed interests of the public in your feed, you will attract attention).
  5. If your group is young, but it already has a number of regular users, go to their pages. You need to check what additional interests and interests they have, and how they are willing to share information with their friends on a social network.
  6. Using likes, comments and posts, check which formats clients of competing groups like most. This is very important, because if your content does not coincide with this, then hardly anyone will be interested in it, much less evaluate it.

When you already have the listed information in your hands, you can consider that the content plan is ready. All that remains is to decide what formats can be published, choose a narrow topic for each post and systematize it all.

You need to know who these publications are for

It is wrong to think that VKontakte is a social network for teenagers and young people. A third of the network’s entire audience is in the age group from 25 to 34 years old. And about ten percent are people over 45 years old. Therefore, when publishing posts, you must understand who they are intended for.

When creating any project, be it a large business or an ordinary public VKontakte, a portrait of the target audience is drawn up. This includes:

  • Socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, social status, occupation)
  • Psychological characteristics (way of thinking, decision-making path, objections or so-called pains of the client).

Read forums on the topic of your project, comments and discussions on social networks. This way you will learn a lot about your audience: what they don’t like, what problems they face, how they try to solve them.

Content format: types

As a rule, the same information on the Internet can be presented in different forms. This is what is called content formats. Let's look at what they are.


Suppose you learned about a new household appliance that has just been released, then hurry to inform your target audience about it. Do not describe the details of a specific model, just let the reader understand that the device is very convenient for home use.

Educational material

Create instructions for using programs or connecting the system unit to a monitor, and so on. Here it is important to describe everything in the form of step-by-step actions and, if possible, supplement all this with pictures or screenshots.

Entertainment content

Even if you want to talk about a device or computer software, you can come up with an entertaining comic story about it, insert an anecdote. Such publications may be reposted from competing groups. This gives them the opportunity to promote their post and you to attract new users.

Engaging information

Here you can ask questions, create surveys in which your subscribers must participate. This way you will find out and analyze what exactly your audience liked about what you were talking about.

Image posts

This content format is a short review regarding a specifically selected model of household appliances, antivirus or some program. Here you talk about your own experience of using it, and try to add photographs and screenshots. At the end, you can leave an expert opinion.

Selling texts

If you don’t know how to do them yourself, then why not involve a copywriter in this matter. But, make sure that the text contains only interesting information that will prompt the user in your group to make a purchase. He should think about the fact that the thing described will definitely be useful to him.

Video content

As a rule, this is an overview of the model, an indication of the advantages and disadvantages, and possibly even instructions. However, if you plan to publish content of this format in your group on the wall, then be sure to write a description for it in text. That is, tell the reader why he should watch the video and what new things he will learn from it.

On a note! The publication of advertising posts should be small at first. That is, at the initial stages of promotion, in order not to spam the community wall, 20% of the advertising content of the total mass of posts is enough.

Please note that each described content format can be submitted in the following form:

Types of content on VKontakte

Remember that the more diverse and colorful the wall of your VKontakte community is, the more interesting it will be for users. They will repost, so you will probably get new subscribers.

Important! Within the content plan you create, be sure to devote space to each post format. At the same time, alternate them and try not to use them daily.

What to do after creating a group or public page on VKontakte?

So, you have created a group or public page on VKontakte, what to do next? Let's look at the next steps point by point.

  • You need to beautifully design a group on VKontakte. Most people judge everything by its cover, so successful development requires a nice design. Make a beautiful avatar for the group on VKontakte, it might be worth adding a menu (but this is not necessary).
  • Next, start promoting the group on VKontakte. This can be done with or without investments. It is clear that even minimally invested funds will accelerate the development of the group many times over.
  • The next step is to start making money from a group on VKontakte. There are many different ways to make money from groups. Some of them will definitely suit you.

We will consider each of these points in detail in the following articles, so subscribe to site updates so as not to miss their release.


Visualization is one of the main features that should be present in a group. It is the core component of your content plan. What does it include:

  • corporate identity idea (it is developed in accordance with the interests of the target audience);
  • logo (picture corresponding to the theme of the group being promoted);
  • corporate colors and fonts (they must be individual, do not copy from others);
  • design in the same style (for example, with a blog or similar OK and Facebook groups);
  • fixing the image (make a moodboard). It’s better to apply for several and choose the most successful option at the end.

When preparing a group visualization, sort out the options that are in doubt and those that seem most suitable to you. Perhaps it makes sense to adjust something in the first designs and get an equally attractive design.

Where to look for ideas for VKontakte posts

Here are a few ways to come up with a fresh, not hackneyed idea for publications on VKontakte:

  1. If you feel like you’ve run out of thoughts, take a look at YouTube. Subscribe to video bloggers whose topics are similar to yours. You will receive notifications about new videos. You can take their topic as a basis and write your own post. Also watch the videos that have received the maximum number of views. If users are watching, it means the topic is popular.
  2. Take a look at entertainment resources like Yaplakal. New posts on interesting topics are published there every day.
  3. Visit sites related to your topic. Here you will definitely find something useful for your group.
  4. You can get an idea from your competitors. Just don’t copy the idea exactly. Add some originality, try to make the post more interesting and better than in a similar group.
  5. Post quotes from books. Let's say a group is dedicated to making designer chocolates. You can take a screenshot or write a quote from a fragment from a book that describes tempering chocolate. It’s possible to pick up old topics from books.
  6. Translate an article from a foreign resource. This way you will get unique content and a fresh idea.
  7. Publish content from subscribers.

And, the main advice is to be constantly searching. When the brain works in the right direction, an original idea for a new publication may come out of the blue.

Example of publishing a quote from a book

Note! In the era of coronavirus, everyone is looking for additional opportunities to earn money. It’s surprising that you can earn much more using alternative methods, up to millions of rubles a month. One of our best authors wrote an excellent article about making money on games with reviews from people.

What type of content will always work?

If you are just starting to work with the promotion of your VK groups, then it is better to start everything with entertaining content: that is, humor, jokes, aphorisms, funny statements about your topic - this is the ideal content that will work even with a multi-million audience.

This also includes shocking hypotheses, interesting facts, news, and expert opinions. Nevertheless, it is too early to expect much activity, discussion and questions. Therefore, the more entertaining posts you publish, the faster you will attract the interest of your target audience.

On a note! To organize communication you need to make a provocation. What does she mean? Ask a question, ask users to share their opinion.

Type of content for different publics

Depending on which category your public page belongs to, you need to select posts and format them correctly.

  1. Entertaining. To decorate the wall, you need to use unobtrusive educational content that will be colorful against the background of the rest. For example, comics and caricatures look great in such groups.
  2. News. This is the place for strict informational posts only. They must contain information that will be truthful and relevant for a specific period of time.
  3. Commercial. This kind of publicity is based on sales. Accordingly, only informational selling content should be published here. It may appear to be of various kinds of goods, to advertise something, and so on.
  4. Public for interests. On the wall of such a community, content should appear that addresses a specific type of activity: accounting, construction work, website promotion, recipes, and much more. Only those users who are interested in your topic will subscribe to such a group.
  5. Fan club. The community contains information about artists, musicians, news and various information from their lives. If this is a creative person, then his works and new items are necessarily preserved on the wall.

Don’t forget to create all kinds of surveys on the topic of your community. Users who cast their vote create good activity and PF (behavioral factors).

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