How to spell correctly in contact or vkontakte

How to put a smiley after a last name on VKontakte?

The easiest option to make an emoticon after your last name is to launch the COVID-19 application .
It allows you to select a status that will be displayed next to the name, just like in ICQ (old people here?). We select the desired status - and it will be automatically saved and then appear next to the name. There are more complicated options like “create a new account with a smiley face in your last name” - the difficulty lies in creating such an account. Firstly, you need a phone number to link, and secondly, most likely, the emoticon will not be allowed to be indicated in any column at all.

Creating accounts with an emoji next to the name will not work.

Why can’t you change your VKontakte name?

As much as possible! I've done this twice. You just need to be patient and wait until the administration reviews your application and makes a decision. If you're lucky, about 3-4 days after submitting your application you will appear under a new name.

How to place a lot of hearts in VK and copy them?

You need smiley codes with hearts, like these:

Or just copy the ones you need from one of these groups.

3 5 7 · Good answer

How to find out the id of a VKontakte page?

Each VKontakte user page receives a unique number (identifier) ​​upon registration. It consists of a letter ID marking and a set of numbers. They are formed according to the serial number of registration. So the first person (Durov) had the following type of link -

In order to find out your id, or any other user, just go to his page. The link in the address bar will give you the required id. More precisely, the data after the slash in the url.

For your own page there is another option. Go to Settings, then General tab. Here is the “Page Address” block. Your ID will be indicated here.

Keep in mind - there is one big exception. Any user can change the link to their own page. Then, when you try to access it, the address bar will not contain a numeric id, but a specified value. How can you find out what the primary option is in this case?

The essence of the method is quite simple. It is enough to open any graphic material on the page of the desired person. In this case, the link in the address bar will change - the full path to the graphic file will be indicated. Including the page id.

Bringing your attention. Even if the user has changed his original ID, the page will be available in both options - new and old. Essentially, it's just another URL display option.


How to find out another person's digital ID

  1. To find out the digital ID of another person, if he has a short address, go to his friend’s page.
  2. Hover your mouse over the Write Message button.
  3. A pop-up box like will appear in the lower left corner of the browser, so all the numbers after write will be the user id.

How to find out the VKontakte id of another user

Do you need a nickname?

Naming a page on a social network is a standard action. But without such a procedure, finding a specific person would be difficult. However, no one obliges the user to enter truthful information about himself. The main thing is to tell your potential friend what you are called on the Internet.

An invented nickname will help you keep some secret and hide from people you don’t want to communicate with. Psychologists say that a pseudonym can tell more about a person than the name given to him at birth.

The problem of what to call your name in VK is relevant for those who want to avoid the banal mention of passport data. Leaving reality for the virtual world helps you relax and forget about existing problems. Such a release borders on the extreme, especially when there are dark streaks in a person’s life.

What is the correct name for a social network?

Both users and media workers often call VK whatever they please. We want to dispel all doubts and present to your attention two absolutely correct options. The first is “VKontakte” if you mean a limited liability company. The second option is VKontakte. It should be noted that it is even more correct. Thus, you have learned the most common terms in VKontakte, and now no one will say that you said something wrong. Of course, every person has the right to call everything as he wants, but it is still better to be literate and knowledgeable.

How to choose a good nickname?

If a social network user is puzzled by this question, and not just indicated his name on the page, then he simply needs to come up with a nickname. Whether it will be successful or ordinary, time will tell.

This, for example, happens when a mother chooses an unusual name for her child, and after a few years she realizes that it is not so rare. It’s surprising that the same name is given to the children in your building, in the kindergarten, in the recreation park, and in the entertainment and development centers for children.

There are many options on the Internet for how to name yourself on VK. You can give your last name, if it is original enough, or you can take several letters from your first and middle names and put them together into a single word. For example, Andrei Nikolaevich will become Anik, and Elena Karpovna will become Elka.

If such a simple nickname is not suitable, and the user has no desire to mention his passport details, then you can come up with an original name or use an online name generator. Perhaps the last option, when the computer program does everything itself, will turn out to be the most successful.

How to enable spell checking in VK

1. Open any dialog and in the field for writing text, click on the right mouse button.

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2. Depending on the browser, select the desired value. This is usually "Spell Check" or "Spell Check".

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  • In the Mozilla Firefox browser, just check the box;
  • In the Google Chrome and Opera browser, select “Spell Check” - “Check spelling in text fields”;
  • In addition to Russian, you can specify any other language;

p, blockquote 9,0,0,0,0 —>

Good nicknames

There are several rules for naming a page on VK:

  1. Preference should be given to those names that contain a mystery. This way you can attract interesting virtual interlocutors who like to solve mysteries.
  2. Nicknames that duplicate the names of movie characters or computer game heroes are considered winning options.
  3. Ease of pronunciation of the page name is no less important than its meaning.
  4. Nicknames associated with nature and its phenomena are considered good.
  5. If the name brings a smile or makes the user laugh, that's a great sign. Cheerful and carefree friends – that’s what most people expect from virtual dating.
  6. A short phrase in a foreign language will become a specific filter for narrow-minded subscribers who will be afraid to communicate with intellectual individuals. Naturally, we are not talking about a simple set of Latin letters, but about a sentence with a semantic load.
  7. A page for work, for example, for selling goods, must clearly indicate those products that are put up for sale.

For open people who are ready to talk about themselves, a good name would be a word that names any character trait or element of appearance inherent in the owner of the page.

How to make a beautiful address for a page on VK

In addition to ID, a person can come up with a beautiful text address for his page. It is needed for people, to make it easier to remember, and for beauty)

A beautiful address, unlike an ID, can be changed as many times as you like. In this case, the page is still identified by ID, but the short address of the page is shown to the user.

    Go to the VK page menu and select Settings

    How to make a beautiful address for a page on VK. Step 1

Scroll all the way down the page until you see Page Address . It should open on the General tab by default. If not, then go to General.

How to make a beautiful address for a page on VK. Step 2

Click Edit and enter the address you would like to receive. It can consist of Latin letters, numbers and the underscore “_”. If the address is free, the button will say “Occupy address your_address”.

The address is free and can be taken

If it says that the address is busy, come up with another one until the button prompts you to take it.

The address is busy. Look for another

After you click Take Address, your page will be assigned a short, beautiful address, which will now be shown instead of an ID. This is what my short address looks like:

What does a short address look like?

  • The short address can be changed to another at any time using these instructions.

Which nickname to choose is not recommended

How you can call yourself on VK and what rules to follow is now clear. It remains to be seen which names will not add popularity and may even alienate potential subscribers.

It is believed that calling oneself any animal is a sign of short-range intelligence and accessibility. Virtual users also don’t like long names that don’t make sense, as well as nicknames that are difficult to pronounce.

A bad opinion is left by names that are often found on the Internet and set the teeth on edge, such as Sunny and Kitty. It looks ugly when the younger generation, who have indicated their age on a social network, comes up with old lady nicknames. Pages where the social status or psychological state is noted in the name are not welcomed by the community.

Top names

The principles of how you can call yourself on VK and what mistakes users make are listed above. Now you should move on to specific nicknames. The best, according to those surveyed on the Internet, are the following:

  1. Just a good person.
  2. Dream.
  3. Bold.
  4. Legend.
  5. Online.
  6. Respect.
  7. Charming.
  8. Omnipotent.
  9. The Dragon.
  10. Lord.
  11. Killer.
  12. Made in mama.
  13. Dr. House.
  14. Doesn't believe in love.
  15. Tenderer than a knife.
  16. Hacker.
  17. Bad boy.
  18. Duracell.
  19. Cooler than Gucci.
  20. Bandit.
  21. Clear.
  22. ANGELinochka.
  23. Little fairy.
  24. Crazy caramel.
  25. Looking to the heavens.
  26. Mordovorot.
  27. Prodigal son.
  28. Handsome.
  29. Your dream.

Features of error checking

In addition to the words where a mistake was actually made, the program also marks those that it simply does not know. Therefore, surnames, specific terms, and colloquial speech will also be emphasized.

On a note . You can check and correct errors not only when typing Russian words, but also some others (English, German, French, etc.). To do this, enable checking for the appropriate language.

This check only works for spelling, without punctuation. That is, missing punctuation marks will not be shown.

But, despite all the “features”, this function is still very useful. Even if a person is impeccably literate, he is still not immune from ridiculous typos. But in business correspondence it is better not to allow this.

Worst nicknames

They are usually used on left pages. How can you name your fake on VK to make yourself and the users of the social network laugh?

The simplest names for these purposes are:

  1. The bespectacled one.
  2. Traumatologist.
  3. Chocolate.
  4. Tractor driver.
  5. Gamer.
  6. Most most.
  7. Unforgettable.
  8. Actively looking.
  9. Casanova.

Interesting combinations

There are a lot of original words that go well together and are suitable as a name in VK. How can you name yourself to impress and surprise potential virtual friends? For example, interesting combinations are:

  • Caucasian chainsaw massacre.
  • Old floating suitcase.
  • Rise and shine.
  • A girl with a kind heart.
  • Isaac Newton's apple.
  • Some guy.
  • I won't be a fool.
  • Love my life.
  • I'm not rich, but I enjoy being a deputy.
  • Crazy skull.
  • I am the meaning of everything.
  • Raspberry crutch.
  • Poofy rabbit.
  • I'm crazy about my awesomeness.
  • I live without fear, but not without reproach.
  • I'm waiting for Friday.

Do not forget that interesting combinations are also obtained when English letters and various signs and emoticons are inserted into Russian words in arbitrary places.

However, it should be remembered that soft symbols missing from the keyboard may not be displayed on the social network. The result will not be the original nickname, but letters with empty squares located next to them.

Therefore, when trying to surprise your friends in the virtual world, you should not look for rarely seen signs. It is possible that time will be wasted. Conversely, a simple and short word without additional characters will hit the nail on the head.


How to make a link to a person or group on VKontakte: step-by-step instructions

Hello, dear readers!

Most users use internal URLs of pages on the VKontakte social network. These could be addresses of communities, events, or other social network users.

Today we’ll look at the question of how to make a link to a person on VKontakte using a word. This does not have to be the full name with which the social network participant is subscribed to VK. You can use a shortened name used in communication or any other word in any language you know.

Finding the answer

Question No. 306424

Hello! Please help me prove that my surname Bularga is not inclined. The rules of the Russian language on your website indicate only French and Finnish surnames ending in “a”. In my surname, the stress falls on the 2nd syllable. I am trying to prove to the VKontakte administration that the surname is not inflected. They ask for confirmation from your site and if you confirm that it is not inclined, they will correct the error. Please help.

Russian help desk response

The surname Bularga must be declined (both male and female).

Dear Gramota! How to persuade our favorite social network VKontakte? On VKontakte? On VKontakte? On VKontakte? Or is it still possible somehow simpler? Thank you! I will publish the answer in my groups with a link to With deep respect for your work, George.

Russian help desk response

Good afternoon Which is correct: on a page on “VKontakte” or on the social network “VKontakte”?

Russian help desk response

Hello. Writes from the moderator of the game “Erudite” (VKontakte). Our dictionary partially contains words from the Chinese language marked “category of Chinese philosophy” - SHEN, TAO, YIN, YANG, HUNTUN. Participants in the game suggest adding words from this category that have not yet been added: HE, WEN, JI, ZHEN. However, there is doubt about the legality of words already in the dictionary. For example, SHEN (translated into Russian) - SPIRIT, DAO - PATH, KHUNTUN - CHAOS, etc. Help me decide on this issue - is it possible to consider these Chinese terms as already included in the Russian dictionary in this form or is it just a transcription Chinese words

Russian help desk response

This question does not have a clear solution. We believe that it is inappropriate to introduce such terms for gaming purposes. You can also call upon a dictionary of foreign words, whose authority is recognized by the players, to be the referee.

Hello! Please tell me, is it acceptable to write the words “Facebook”, “VKontakte”, “Instagram” without quotes? I read here that quotation marks are required, but I often see these words written without quotation marks. Are they necessary? And if you can do without them, then in what case?

Russian help desk response

It is quite possible to do without quotation marks and capital letters when conveying colloquial speech in writing: a Facebook page, a photo on Instagram. But in stylistically neutral texts, it is still correct to use quotation marks: on Facebook, on Instagram.

How to write correctly: “Advertising on VKontakte or advertising on VKontakte?”

Russian help desk response

Good afternoon Please tell me how to do it correctly: on a page/group on “VKontakte”? or on the page/group “VKontakte”? Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

Good afternoon I really want to figure out whether it is acceptable to write in the media a link to the social network “Instagram” in the following form: “the politician wrote on his Instagram”? And if this is incorrect, then what is correct? And another question about another social network - “VKontakte”. What is correct – “wrote on VKontakte”? I try to avoid this and write “on the social network” VKontakte,” but it’s still interesting.

Russian help desk response

Greetings! Tell me whether it is worth putting quotation marks in words with a figurative meaning such as “enter”, “exit”, “throw off”, “groups”, “communities”, “news”, “friends”, “page”, etc. , used on social networks such as VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.

For example: Will he “visit” VK today? I will “send” him an important message in “dialogues”. "Page" has been deleted.

Russian help desk response

Such an abundance of quotation marks only hinders reading. The use of all these words is no longer considered “use not in their usual meaning” and does not require them to be placed in quotation marks. However, this sign is appropriate if the colloquial word is used in a stylistically neutral context, for example in a newspaper article: a social network user has the opportunity to “throw” a photo to another user.

In continuation of question No. 276097: what rule justifies the spelling of words beginning with wiki-?

And also tell me: Wikipedia has related projects “Wiktionary”, “Wikimedia Commons”, “Wikinews”, “Wikiguide”, “Wikiquote”, “Wikispecies”, “Wikidata”, . With them, the situation in terms of spelling is the same as with the VKontakte website (or with VKontakte LLC, which owns it)? Moreover, the “Wikimedia Foundation” (should there be a Wikimedia too?) has a “Meta-data” project, although the prefix “meta. "is written smoothly

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