How to find out hidden age on VKontakte in 2021

Age clarification via search

If the data obtained above is not enough for you, then you can find out the exact year of birth by searching for VKontakte users and for this you do not even need to register on the site.

This method will work even if the person has completely hidden his date of birth.

  1. We go to the page of the user we are interested in, look at his main photo, and also remember (or better yet, copy) the first and last name from his profile.
  2. Enter the copied first and last name into the search box ( We indicate the country and city (if we know), as well as other data known to us. As a result of the manipulations, a small (or large) list of profiles should appear, among which the page of the person we are interested in will loom.
  3. Let's start playing with the "Age" column. First, indicate the approximate interval (from and to). If the profile of the person we are interested in still appears in the search results, then we are right! If so, then we begin to narrow the scope until the numbers from and to coincide, which will be the answer to our question.

Suppose first in the search, we indicated the person’s age from 20 to 30 years old and his profile was successfully displayed among others. Now we change one of the numbers (instead of 20 we put 25) and see that the person has disappeared from the search results. This means that his age is in the range of 20-25 years. Now we set the value to 20-22, and we see that the person has returned to our search results. This means that he is either 20, 21, or 22. Next, we set 20 - 20, we see that the profile has disappeared, set 21-21 - the profile is displayed, which means the person is 21 years old. Hidden age determined!

How to find out the hidden age and date of birth of a VKontakte user - instructions

Greetings! In this detailed step-by-step instruction, with photographs, we will show you how you can find out the age and date of birth of a user who chose to hide this information from everyone on the VKontakte social network. Using these instructions, you can easily find out the age and date of birth of a user of the VKontakte social network.

Finding out the hidden age and date of birth of a VKontakte user

Go to the page of the person whose age and date of birth you want to know.
On his page we can see a list of publics and groups in which he is a member. Go to any of them. Note: even if there are none, the opportunity to find out the necessary information remains, but this will be discussed at the end of the article.

So, having opened the public or group in which the user is a member, click on the list of his subscribers (or participants, if this is a group).

A page with subscribers (or participants, if this is a group) will open. In this window, click on the magnifying glass icon, which is located next to the button to close this window.

As a result, a page will open with a search for subscribers of this community. That's what we need.

On this page there is a search line, enter the first and last name of the user we are interested in and press the Enter .

It will be displayed in the search results. Now we will use the Age , where we will iterate through the value in the to . Start with the maximum and work your way down. As soon as you specify a value that is less than the actual age of the user we are interested in, he will disappear from the search results.

In the example, using the brute force method, we found out that the user we are interested in is 23 years old, since with a value of 22 they disappear from the search results.

Now we find out his date of birth. To do this, in the search parameters block at the very bottom, click on Advanced . In the menu that appears, we will use a brute force method to calculate the month, and then the day. To do this, select the options one by one; if you specify the wrong month (or day), the user will be hidden from the search results.

Using this simple method, we found out that the date of birth of the user that was discussed in the example is 09.02.1993.

If the user is not a member of groups or public pages at all, but you need to find out your age and date of birth, then this can also be done.

To do this, enter his first and last name in the search bar, which is located in the top menu and press the Enter .

On the page that opens, click on the People .

A search results page will appear, showing many users. To narrow the search and display the person you are interested in, enter known information about him, for example, city and/or university.

Subsequently, you can determine his age and date of birth using the above guide.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.

Let's find out the hidden age through the calendar.

The method only works if the year is hidden, but the date of birth is shown.

  1. We go to the user’s page and see the day and month of his birth.
  2. Go to the VKontakte calendar (for example, using the link
  3. We open the month and date in the calendar that coincides with the month and date specified in the person’s profile.
  4. Now we simply point the mouse at the user’s avatar and wait until his age is displayed. If it so happened that you flipped the calendar forward and not back, then the age that the person will turn next year will appear.

Find out the hidden date of birth on VKontakte

Social networks have become a part of our lives. Having a personal page on a social network is already the norm and there is nothing unusual about it; I’ll even say more, many of us spend quite a bit of time there. People add, meet, communicate. However, some points can make communication a little more difficult.

For example, a person has been added to you, starts communicating, but you can’t tell from their profile pictures whether they are 16 years old or 30, and their date of birth is not indicated in their profile... And you don’t know how to communicate with a person, because asking their age is also not always a good idea That's convenient. In this case, it is better to try to determine the date of birth or at least the approximate age using the VKontakte page yourself.

There are several simple ways to check a person’s age on the social network VKontakte (now called briefly - vk, due to the new, short address -

View hidden date of birth.

Many people have their date of birth listed, but it is simply hidden from view. For some, it may be completely absent, and for others only partially (for example, the year or month of birth or date).

Option 1 (simple).

Open the link and just look for the person you need. When you hover over the profile picture, it will indicate how old the person will be and when.

Option 2 (more difficult).

To find out your date of birth, simply enter in the “people search” the name of the person whose date of birth you want to know. If your request comes up with a lot of people, then narrow the search, for example, indicate the city or some other data.

After that, when only one of our people remains (if there are several, it’s okay), we begin to play with the points. Below is a screenshot.

As you can see, in the screenshot some items are circled in red and others in blue. Where the outline is blue, those items are needed in order to sort out the extra Medvedevs, and where it is red, these are menu items that will help determine the date of birth.

According to the information on the page.

Usually, if it is impossible to establish information using the previous option, then you can try to determine age using other parameters. For example, if the page indicates the period of schooling, then you can guess the approximate age.

If you are very good at reading people, then you can try to figure out other “clues”. For example, look at the average age of “friends”, or evaluate photographs, pictures on a page, posts on a wall.

Still have questions?

I'm really sorry that I might have missed something

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