How to respond to a comment on VK. How to respond to comments on social networks

This page will help you quickly find mentions of a person in VK comments and his comments themselves. You need the person's ID or a link to their page.

On VKontakte you can find a person’s comments that he wrote somewhere if you look for mentions of this person in discussions where he participated. Then, if you open posts with replies to his comments, it’s easy to see the user’s comments themselves.

Enter the person's ID here, for example, 12345678 or id12345678 , or a link to the page, for example, and press Find or the Enter button on the keyboard:

What is this service and why is it needed?

The Starcomment service allows you to monitor posts on social media. networks, monitor comments and, if necessary, respond to them. This way you will always know what clients, competitors and just strangers are writing about you, and you will also be able to respond in a timely manner to the activity of possible buyers (if you are a businessman).

What you can use the service for:

  1. To track activity in communities on social networks and reactions to new comments;
  2. Monitoring popular queries and opinions about the company;
  3. Creating tasks to monitor popular queries of competitors: where they order advertising and what they are doing at the moment;
  4. Collecting reviews;
  5. Monitoring comments from competitors;
  6. Monitoring comments on competitors' advertisements;
  7. Viewing messages and comments on Instagram and writing replies;
  8. Searching for leads based on queries.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of functions and they are all very useful. Especially if you run your own business. The service is also suitable for arbitrators, SMM specialists and administrators of groups and publics not only in VK, but also in other social networks and even instant messengers.

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Things to remember before responding to comments

  • Try to understand why the person thinks this way. It often happens that the material contains ambiguities and causes for condemnation and indignation.
  • Determine whether the commenter understood what the article was about. Often a comment is a reaction not to the content, but to the headline, which is often clickbait. An excess of information has made us lazy, and not everyone is ready to read an article to express their opinion.
  • Watch your emotions and don't let them control you. If the comment offended, outraged or humiliated you, and you are ready to throw thunder and lightning, this is a sure sign that you need to cool down. Never make public statements when you are overwhelmed with emotion. Then you will regret it. Readers will prefer a witty and calm author rather than a touchy psycho.
  • Separate people from their ideas and thoughts. You may not agree with the commentator's opinion, but this does not mean that he is a scoundrel. Don't deprive people of the right to be different.

Remember these rules when you read comments on your article. And to understand how to answer correctly, you need to find out who is in front of you.

Main functions

Now let's look at the main functionality for each social network or instant messenger that is available in the Starcomment service.

Instagram (Instagram):

  • Competitor analysis function;
  • Account monitoring;
  • Monitoring mentions;
  • Monitoring comments;
  • Follower tracking;
  • Monitoring messages in Direct.

VKontakte (VK):

  • Competitor analysis function;
  • Observation of groups;
  • Monitoring mentions;
  • Monitoring comments.

Youtube (YouTube):

  • Monitoring mentions;
  • Monitoring comments.


  • Monitoring mentions;
  • Monitoring comments.

Odnoklassniki (OK):

  • Monitoring mentions;
  • Monitoring comments.

Twitter (Twitter):

  • Monitoring mentions.

Telegram (Telegram):

  • Tracking posts in channels.


  • Comments on your or someone else's profile.


  • Mentions by keywords in hashtags.

We respond correctly to a compliment to different interlocutors

Your answer may depend on the person from whose lips the praise came;

  • a compliment from a friend. Hug her and thank her sincerely;
  • a compliment from a business partner. Modestly say: “I follow your example!”
  • a compliment from a loved one. Words of gratitude are complemented by a passionate kiss;
  • a compliment from a stranger. When a stranger lavishes your praise, nod your head and say, “Yes, thank you!” These words will let him know that you know about your beautiful dress, hairstyle and the like;
  • compliment from friends. You can answer with a joke. For example: “Thank you! I'm crazy about my hairdresser too." Another option is “I always try to look good, but I can’t keep up with you.”

It will be easier for you to respond to praise from a friend or relative. Even if the answer is stupid, sincerity will correct the delicate state of affairs.

Registration and profile settings

Now that you've become familiar with the features, let's move on to the registration process and setting up your profile.


To register on the starcomment service you need:

  1. Go to the official Starcomment website (using this link you can get a 100 rubles discount on the minimum tariff);
  2. Find the “Registration” tab on the top right of the website;

We are looking for the registration button on Starcomment at the top right

  1. A registration window will pop up, in which we enter your email and password. Click on the “Register” button;

Enter your email and password and click register for starcomment

  1. After this, go to the email address you provided during registration. Find the letter and follow the link to activate your account.

After clicking on the link, you will be transferred to your personal account, and your account will be activated.

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Connecting social network profiles

As an example, I use connecting an Instagram account.

  1. In your personal account on the left we find a tab with functions;

In your personal account we find a tab with functions on the left

  1. Select the “Settings” tab;
  2. Find the “+ connect” button. Click on it;

Find the connect button

  1. Find the “Instagram” icon. Click on it;

Find the Instagram icon and click on it

  1. In a new window, enter your login, password and proxy, if any. Click on the “Add account” button;

In a new window, enter your login, password and proxy

To connect an account with double authentication, disable it. After adding an account to the service, you can enable it again.

If your account appears with a confirmation checkmark, you need to click on it. If you get a password or proxy error, you need to check them and enter them again.

How to enable notifications

They are located in the task tab of the service when you have a social network account connected and the task itself has been launched. Notifications work from the very beginning and do not need to be launched, because... This is one of the main functions of the service.

Setting up where these notifications will be sent is another matter. To do this, find sections in “Settings”, as in the screenshot below:

Setting up notifications in star comments

And we choose what exactly and where it will come. The email address is considered to be the one for which registration took place. If you want to receive notifications on another one, you will have to change it in the settings.

How to add an employee

Do you have a large team or have you decided to delegate your responsibilities? I hasten to please you, adding an employee will not be difficult. To do this you need:

  • go to “Settings”;
  • find the “Your Team” tab;

Find your team tab and click add colleagues

  • Click on “Add Colleagues”. Enter the employee's email address;

Enter the employee's email

  • in “Set up access”, decide what powers to give the employee;
  • When finished, click on “Ok”.

The person who has been added as an employee will receive a notification by email with a link to the main page of the site. He will have to register and in his personal account he will see the task to which he has gained access.

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How to properly respond to a guy's compliment

You can respond to a compliment or praise in different ways, but in some situations (a man is much older than a girl, an official reception, a person does not have a sense of humor) original answers will be inappropriate and it is better to limit yourself to ordinary embarrassment and the word “thank you.”

The reaction to a compliment or praise should not be too violent. Fake delight or stupid giggling will be perceived by your interlocutor as mockery. There is no need to show disdain, even if the compliment turned out to be inappropriate and unpleasant.

In addition to the banal phrases “thank you, I’m very pleased” or “thank you”, you can respond to pleasant words with return compliments. For example, in response to a compliment “Your hair is so beautiful!” you can give the answer “you have an excellent figure” or even “thin, aristocratic fingers.”

You can answer in an original way if you turn the interlocutor’s attention to your strengths and qualities: “I also shine with my mind” or “what eyes I have!” You can drown in them." If a girl constantly hears stereotyped phrases from men, then she needs to react calmly and naturally to such statements: “yes, I am like that,” “you are already the thousandth person who told me about my beautiful eyes,” “soon I will form a club of admirers of my hair.”

How can you answer the question “how are you?” in an original way?

Options for responding to praise

How to respond to praise in an original and humorous way using words of gratitude:

  • Yes, yes, give me compliments. I love nice words, thank you for the pleasure.
  • I thank you sincerely, from the heart and to the soul.
  • Your (your) kindness knows no bounds.
  • Thank you, I’m shocked by myself!
  • Who will get such a miracle?
  • I know, thanks for reminding me.
  • (Man's name), you are a ladies' man! I'm flattered.
  • I'm crazy about myself too.

How to answer the question “how are you feeling” in an original and funny way?

Replies to a compliment about appearance

To the compliment “you are so beautiful!” You can answer with these original phrases:

  • I need to thank my parents for making me such a smart and beautiful person.
  • Mercy, as you, sir, accurately noticed! I wouldn't pay attention to this in my life.
  • It's nice to hear, and most importantly, very unexpected.
  • How original, I have never heard anything like this addressed to me!
  • Are you sure you're not flattering me? Well, thanks if you're not joking.
  • Thank you, my mood has improved significantly!
  • You haven't seen me without clothes yet.
  • Yeah, I can save the whole world alone!
  • My outer beauty pales in comparison to my inner self.
  • Yes, and beauty is a terrible force! So beware of me.

You need to say words of gratitude calmly or with a smile on your face and a little irony in your voice (depending on the situation). You cannot ignore pleasant words, otherwise the person will be offended and will no longer give compliments.

Answers for flirting

If a girl wants to flirt with a man who complimented her, then she can tell the guy one of these phrases:

  • You made me blush, I was embarrassed.
  • After your words, I feel like Miss Universe.
  • Stop it now, otherwise my self-esteem will increase to cosmic proportions.
  • Wow, such pleasant words made me feel hot.
  • Yes, I am a treasure, but no one has found this treasure yet.
  • Talk, talk, don't stop.
  • Is this all I deserve? You are stingy with compliments.
  • It's you who underestimate me.
  • Yes, someone would be lucky to have such a wife.
  • There’s nowhere to test me, I’m so golden.

You need to say these words with an ironic intonation, in a joking tone and be slightly flirtatious with the man so that he correctly understands the words of gratitude.

Few modern people have the skill of addressing another person with pleasant, gallant and graceful courtesies, and even fewer people have the art of how to respond to a compliment other than a meaningful “thank you.”

Praise: “How deftly and efficiently you completed this most difficult task!”, “How dazzlingly beautiful you are today!”, can not only improve your mood, but also inspire you to further achievements and transformations.

However, instead of being proud of ourselves and melting with delight, we become confused and babble embarrassedly: “Thank you.” This article will discuss why kind words addressed to us make us feel embarrassed and timid, how we can pleasantly surprise our interlocutor, and how to respond to a compliment.

Our response to praise varies depending on various factors, and the main reason for shaping our response is the sincerity and goodwill of the statements.

If we feel that the construction: “You are so charming in this dress” is more like falsehood, envy or flattery, then other than a depressing aftertaste in our soul, we have no feelings.

However, if we feel sincerity in the intonation, facial expressions and gestures of the speaker, then a wave of pleasant emotions covers us, and we strive to say more than the hackneyed thank you.

Compliments can also be expressed from different positions. The sender of a pleasant message may be on an equal footing with us. Then the postulate: “You performed charmingly at the competition!” gives us positive feelings and gives us cheerfulness.

If a stream of words flows at us familiarly and unceremoniously from status masters, we regard the phrase: “You did well!” as a humiliating handout or not a free favor, and we are overcome by irritation and anger.

In case we are sent

compliment: “You are an unsurpassed craftswoman!” with servile helpfulness and ingratiating humility, except for politely saying: “Thank you,” we have no desire to quickly escape from such servile servility.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to even understand what a person means when he expresses his thoughts in a roundabout way. Instead of directly saying that he is not confident in himself and is very afraid of losing us, the guy rants: “You attract the eyes of all existing men!”

How can one interpret such hidden hints, and how to respond to such a “subtle” compliment? Don’t be indignant or angry, but try to understand that this complex young man cannot express admiration in any other way.

Some of us not only cannot appreciate kindness according to its merits, but also simply get annoyed when we hear praise addressed to us. This most often happens when:

  • we sincerely believe that we do not deserve such a positive assessment;
  • We believe that what has been said is clearly not true;
  • we harbor and cherish ideas of personal guilt, worthlessness and uselessness;
  • we are sure that speaking out is a way to put pressure on us and a reason for manipulation;
  • We worry that courtesy to something global obliges us, and we owe the person something;
  • we treat another person with extreme indifference, and we are not interested in his opinion;
  • We are afraid when we are singled out from the crowd and we find ourselves in the center of attention.

Very often, we react to a remark we hear in a very unique way, and in addition to “thank you,” we take various protective actions. Among them:

  • We turn red or pale and take off running.
  • To get rid of the discomfort after a compliment, we immediately say a similar pleasant thing to the interlocutor.
  • We deliberately downplay our own abilities and underestimate the value of the results achieved; instead of saying “thank you,” we say that everyone can do this.
  • In response to a compliment, we immediately switch to existing shortcomings, describing in detail the mistakes and flaws.
  • We are looking for arguments to “ground” our accomplishment or acquisition, like: “These shoes were bought at a second-hand store on the last day of sales.”
  • We make a brick face, demonstrate complete indifference, prostration and contempt, ignore and deaf ears the words we hear.
  • Having heard a couple of catchphrases about ourselves, we strive to please the person speaking.

We throw away all obstacles, get rid of destructive defense mechanisms and take the following rules as our guide.

Rule 1.

We realize and accept the fact that we have the right and deserve to hear pleasantries addressed to us.

Rule 2.

If we are overcome by doubts that a statement is true and objective, we accept what we hear as the personal opinion of another person.

Rule 3.

The simplest and most adequate answer: “
Thank you, that’s kind/nice/courteous/correct/true/pleasant

Rule 4.

As soon as we hear praise, we try to straighten our shoulders, take our eyes off the floor and look kindly into the eyes of our interlocutor, sending him a sincere smile. A person will feel without words that we were pleased to hear such words from his lips.

Rule 5.

In some cases, it is appropriate, in addition to thank you, to send the speaker similar approval and courtesy.
You can answer with a joke: “ I take your actions as an example

Rule 6

If we still experience awkwardness and embarrassment, we should not hide our feelings behind a mask of alienation and coldness. You can say directly: “ I’m a little confused
.” As a rule, such a phrase will be followed by words of support.

Rule 7

. If it’s difficult for us to squeeze out even a “thank you,” we can shake the person’s hand in a friendly manner, and, if this is our loved one, then give a kiss. The main thing is to behave naturally, kindly and be positive.

Rule 8

. It is necessary not to brazenly demonstrate to others that we know our worth, that is, to behave with dignity.

Rule 9

. Even if praise is obvious hypocrisy and a lie, there is no need to convince the “liar” of the opposite. Don't try your best to change another person's opinion. Let him figure out the misconceptions himself.

Rule 10

. You should not delude yourself and fill the phrase you hear with a global, fateful meaning. Remember that any compliment is a subjective assessment, and not the ultimate truth.

The world and the people in it have changed. We are often indifferent to each other, and if a person hears a compliment addressed to him, he becomes embarrassed and mumbles words of gratitude. We will tell you how to adequately respond to a compliment and what to respond.

How to work

It's time to figure out how to work on the service pages and use its functionality. I'm glad that it doesn't require any specific knowledge, you just need to follow the instructions below. I'm sure you will succeed.

How to track comments on your own or other people's posts

For this:

  • Go to the “All tasks” tab;
  • There we click the “+Create task” button;
  • We choose what we will track;

Choosing what to track

  • Choose a social network or instant messenger;

Choosing a social network or messenger

  • In the “What to track?” tab select the required item. I selected "Profile";

Choosing what exactly we want to track

  • Set the settings, filters and where you want to receive the results;

We set tracking settings, filters and where we will receive notifications

  • Click “Create task”.

The function will start monitoring the necessary entries or comments in your or someone else's profile. Any activity will be tracked and notifications will be sent to you by email, Telegram or wherever you post it.


The function allows you to see the full list of mentions by specifying keywords. To do this, when creating a task, simply select “Mentions”, and then set the settings and filtering:

Using the Mentions function

Well, start the task by pressing the appropriate button.

How to track ratings and comments on review sites

Feedback monitoring is created in the same way as regular tasks. To do this, click “Create task” and select “Reviews”:

Select the service that interests you:

Select the feedback we want to monitor

Again, choose what exactly you want to track (in our case, Reviews):

Choosing Reviews

Finally, set up selection criteria, filtering, and where exactly you want to receive alerts:

Finally, set up selection criteria, filtering, and where exactly you want to receive alerts

Click “Create task” and that’s it, you’re done.

This feature is commonly used by entrepreneurs and bloggers who track ratings and comments on review sites. This helps to get feedback from customers and work on improving the product.


  • Fame does not come alone: ​​surely someone will not like what you are doing, and he will rush to share his thoughts with you and with the whole world.
  • Working with comments is necessary first of all for you.
  • Never give in to emotions. Calm down and think before answering.
  • Different people have different motivations, including when writing comments. You will benefit greatly if you know why people respond the way they do and how best to respond.

It may seem that communicating with commentators is too difficult. Take it as a challenge. I assure you that this new activity will captivate you.


The service provides 2 types of tariffs:

  1. For individuals;
  2. Corporate rates.

For individuals:

  • Start. 290 rub. for 1 month, 2 tasks for monitoring, 2000 mentions or comments;
  • Startup. 690 rub. per month, 10 tasks for monitoring, 10,000 mentions or comments;
  • Company. 1900 rub. per month, 30 tasks for monitoring, 30,000 mentions or comments;
  • Your own Instagram. 550 rub. for 1 month, 20 tasks for monitoring, 10,000 mentions and comments.

Corporate rates:

  • Start Plus. 2490 rub. per month, 50 tasks, 500,000 mentions or comments;
  • Startup Plus. 4490 rub. per month, 100 tasks, 500,000 mentions or comments;
  • Company Plus. 8290 rub. per month, 250 tasks, 500,000 mentions or comments;
  • Corp. Plus. 15,000 rub. per month, 500 tasks, 500,000 mentions or comments.

How to respond to a compliment - the wrong reaction

First, learn how not to respond to praise:

  • never make excuses. You are sure that it is impossible to admire you, but this is a mistaken opinion. Your self-esteem is low - that’s the problem. You deservedly received a compliment from acquaintances or strangers;
  • don't say the praise isn't true. The person complimented your hair or makeup. And you told him in response that there was nothing special and no one had talked about it before. These words are a provocation for further praise;
  • don't be offended. Even if you don’t like the compliment, don’t shout at the person or attack him with your fists. Just ignore his words or smile and say “Thank you”;
  • Do not frighten the person with excessive joy from a compliment addressed to you. There is no need to thank your interlocutor loudly and kiss him all over the cheeks.
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