Hello, friends! We have already looked at how to make a link using the word VKontakte, but if
Pavel Durov launched his own social network for students and graduates of Russian universities at the end
The main goal pursued by companies that own accounts on social networks is to attract the maximum number of users
While working or in your free time on the social network Instagram, sometimes you have to
We make your page interesting and encourage subscribers to visit your page more often or
If you are just starting your journey as a full-fledged gamer who constantly communicates with other players
Listening to audio recordings on VKontakte To listen to music on VKontakte, you need to go to the “music” section in
“VK Live” - a service for live broadcasts on VKontakte - is now very popular and
Everyone knows that any major project has an internal currency. In VK they are called
The frantic pace of life, dictated by the era of technological progress and the development of the Internet, requires making quick decisions.