What does eye on VKontakte mean? What kind of eye appeared on VKontakte

If you often follow news on VK, you probably noticed an eye icon under posts. In this article we will tell you what kind of eye VKontakte appeared and what it can tell you about. Under each post, in addition to the button with reposts and likes, on the right side there is a non-clickable eye icon with numbers. It indicates the number of views a post has received. How many people overall viewed your post?

If you are promoting goods or services, or running a commercial group on VK, then this sign will help you understand how interesting the information is for users, as well as the reach of the post. To ensure that as many people as possible watch your post, promote your community. We are always happy to help you with promotion. For subscribers, please contact here, and we will help you with reposts and surveys here.

VKontakte has an eye icon

VKontakte eye icon appeared

at the beginning of March 2021. Now every user can monitor this indicator and develop their page or community. If you sell products, read our article on how to do it more effectively. Do you want your post to be viewed by as many people as possible? Mount it on your wall. Using the eye, you can understand how people react to a particular publication. As you know, the more reposts and likes were made, the more the publication was liked. You can calculate the conversion to likes and reposts and, based on these indicators, understand what topics to publish.

To calculate conversion rates, divide the number of likes/reposts by the number of views and multiply the resulting figure by 100%. You will know exactly how popular your posts are. An icon with the number of views is located absolutely under all posts. It can be seen not only from a PC, but also from a gadget. A web analyst records the number of views without additional activity. The user does not need to like the post, leave a repost or comment. Just scroll through the feed and the view will be recorded. Thus, popular materials on VK will become even more noticeable, and only communities and users that are gaining popularity will be able to develop themselves and make the resource even more interesting and useful.

VKontakte has a new eye icon

The eye icon that appeared on VKontakte

available to all users who have accounts on the site. It can only be found under publications that are posted on your wall. Unfortunately, the analyst will not show how many people specifically looked at the pictures from your album or saved photos. Based on the saved photos, VK also came up with a new trick. Now they are closed by default for all users. To open, read our article here:. What to do if there are a lot of views, but no reposts or likes?

There may be several options here - get a few likes and see how people react; maybe they are embarrassed to be the first to show activity. The second option is to change the nature of publications. Perhaps the post “didn’t go through”, you showed it to the wrong target audience who would like it. Conduct a survey in the group to map the interests of participants and develop a content plan in accordance with it. The third option is to ignore the lack of approval and continue to post. If the topic fascinates you, you write interestingly, and over time you will find your readers. To do this, you may have to use paid promotion methods and create a community not only on VK, but also on Facebook and Insta.

Recently, the social network “ VKontakte”

"presented a new opportunity to increase the level of vanity of its users - views in
Below we will conduct research into what views on VK
and what new opportunities they open up for users of the social network.

How does eye contact affect our communication?

Eye contact is one of the most powerful energetic practices on the planet. People who look into each other's eyes experience a deeper connection and improve mutual understanding and trust. If you want to know more about a person, simply hold your gaze on him longer than usual. You should do the same thing if you want to know his opinion about you. The interlocutor's eyes (unlike words) cannot lie. They will reveal all his experiences, emotions and feelings.

What is the power of verbal communication?

The practice of exchanging glances, or eye contact, is a nonverbal communication technique. Why is it that, of all types of body language, this one has amazingly limitless resources? People are social creatures. In addition, our actions and ideas are filled with spirituality. Our distant ancestors noticed that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. We just have to agree with this statement. When we look at a stranger with interest, we experience strong emotions and give free rein to our imagination. If we catch another person's gaze on us, it confuses us and makes us tremble. However, communication comes to a standstill if the interlocutors cannot make eye contact with each other.

"Gateway of the Soul"

This is not forbidden by society. You can look at whoever you want: strangers, household members, friends, and romantic partners (by the way, this is a common practice in tantric sex). As we have already said, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, or, as the British say, “the gateway of the soul.” This means they can be used as a tool for connecting the physical and spiritual worlds. They help interlocutors experience more vivid visions or touch non-physical aspects (aura).

A gaze changes consciousness

Italian psychologist Giovanni Caputo conducted an experiment based on a children's staring game. He was able to discover that a long gaze directed into the eyes of another person can change consciousness. Without auxiliary psychotropic substances, 90 percent of participants saw distorted features in their partner's face. Exactly half of the participants recognized themselves in the person standing opposite them. 15 percent of volunteers saw a reflection of their deceased relative in the guise of their experimental partner.

Neural adaptation

One explanation for the altered state of consciousness is neural adaptation. Neurons in the human brain can slow down or completely stop responding to constant stimulation. So, when you look at an object, your perception of it may change. If you don’t blink and keep your gaze on the object until the bitter end, you may be lucky enough to see a distortion in the shape of the object. However, this explanation does not take into account the depth of human interaction. Eyes convey feelings; they are filled with spiritual content. This is a much more complex mechanism.

How does eye contact affect communication?

Many people are afraid to direct their gaze into the eyes of their interlocutor, especially if an unfamiliar person is standing opposite them. However, such behavior did not gain approval in society. At any psychological training they tell you how important it is to establish eye contact with your partner at the first meeting. However, people are not always eager to do this, especially if there is a stranger opposite them. The reason for fear can be a number of aspects: innate shyness, disrespect for the interlocutor, social stratification or prejudice.

Association game

An interesting experiment was carried out by employees of the University of Kyoto (Japan). Researchers observed a group of volunteers who played an association game and were simultaneously faced with a choice: to look into the eyes of their interlocutor during their turn or to look away. Participants had to choose associative verbs for different words. For example, the word “knife” can be associated with the verbs “cut” or “stab.” As a result, people had the greatest difficulty making eye contact when they had difficulty finding an association.

Interference when running two processes simultaneously

A complex word confused the participant and at the same time forced him to look away. For example, the word “hand” caused difficulties due to the large selection of associations. You can use your hands to take notes, play, clean something, make a wave, point, greet someone, and so on. Based on this experiment, Japanese scientists concluded: “Although eye contact and verbal processing are independent actions, people often look away from their interlocutors during a conversation. This suggests that there is some interference between these two processes."

Why does a person look away?

So, we have seen that a person can ignore the eyes of his interlocutor not only because he experiences hostility or fear. Eye contact does relate to spoken words. Therefore, if someone looks away while talking to you, do not rush to get angry. This is not rude or tactless at all. Probably, at the moment, the opponent’s cognitive system is simply overloaded. These findings also explain another behavioral feature. When you gaze deeply into the eyes of another person (such as a romantic partner), you tend to remain silent. Nonverbal communication is more powerful than verbal communication. And indeed, sometimes words are superfluous.

The experience of exchanging glances with a stranger

These are the experiments people conduct in psychological trainings. Participants sit in a circle and perform the indicated actions. The person sitting on the right hand is usually offered as a partner in the staring game. Having formed pairs, the participants begin to gaze intently into each other's eyes. What do they think about this? They did not know the person sitting next to them before the training began. Before the beginning of the psychological experiment, they only managed to exchange a routine smile. At the first stage of the task, their faces remain serious, but after a few minutes the awkwardness of the situation dissipates and a feeling of comfort is created.

Feeling of warmth and gratitude

If the people who form a couple are representatives of different sexes, there is almost always sympathy between them. At such a moment, you can easily convince yourself that in front of you is a potential chosen one or chosen one. An aura appears around the strangers' bodies, they smile at each other and their hearts are filled with warmth. Sometimes, at the end of a visual experiment, tears roll down the cheeks of one of the participants. They feel that a person who was once a stranger to them can now become a faithful life partner. After the time is up, the experimental partners hug each other as a sign of gratitude.

How to move the conversation in the right direction?

After the staring contest is over, the participants begin to talk with each other. Now the psychological and emotional barrier between them has been destroyed. They can talk about goals in life, about the correctness of the chosen path, they can give each other advice and voice their own thoughts. Now it is easier for them to put their true feelings into words. It is impossible to feel a closer emotional unity. Now people who just yesterday were complete strangers can easily talk about belief systems, family values ​​and touch on the topic of internal contradictions.


If you're one of the people who finds it difficult to make eye contact with strangers, know that you're not alone. Science has found justification for your fears. However, don't let discomfort keep you from getting closer to others.


The essence and purpose of views on VKontakte

Views on VK

are a visual display of statistical data regarding the number of social network members who visited the user’s page or saw a specific published post. The view counter is located in the lower left corner of each post published by the user. Represented in the form of an eye with a number located next to it, the number indicates the number of views of this post.

Views option in VK

does not apply to posts published by users before the implementation of the functionality of the option in question.

A number of users in vk

, who previously actively used additional applications and widgets that inform about page guests, were at first immensely happy that they would now know who was interested in their self-positioning in a virtual profile.
But later they became sad again and returned to additional plugins “guests on VK
”, “my paranoia” and so on (all application names are fictitious - any coincidence with real names must be considered an accident), since the social network “
” remained true to its anonymity policy , and views on
have become simply a visual counter that counts the number of people who have viewed a post, without identifying a person.

All plugins work on the principle of tracking the activity of social network participants (likes, comments, reposts). Based on these actions, third-party software provides photos and usernames as guests on the page. When a user visits a page without taking active actions, tracking him by the program becomes impossible. In general, the use of such programs is undesirable, according to the administration and old-timers of VK

, since not all applications are tested and may contain viruses and other malicious software in their code, including those that provoke the theft of the user’s password. Another unpleasant thing is that most third-party plugins contain annoying ads.

Views vs Statistics

It is necessary to differentiate between the “ VK Views”

”, which the developers of the social network announced in 2017 as an innovation, and the “
” option, which opens up similar opportunities, and maybe even broader opportunities, but is not available to all users.

User statistics in VK

is a collection of information about traffic to a given user’s page and the activity of other social network participants on his page. Statistical data is available to the user if he has 100 subscribers or more. The icon for going to statistics is located under the main profile photo in the lower right corner.

Clicking on this icon provides access to extensive information:

Additional data in " Statistics"

" can be obtained by going to the headings "" or "
" in the top menu.

An important difference between the “ Views in VK”

" from the "
" option is public first and confidential (available only to the profile owner) second.

Hiding the counter from prying eyes without restricting access to the page is impossible.

Samsung S8 Face Recognition

It’s not very clear why people are so excited about facial recognition - this feature has been available for a long time and in many phones. No one hid the fact that face blocking is done using a photograph; moreover, the phone contains a corresponding warning about the low reliability of this method. The question is, who needs to open the phone with your photo? For most owners, this threat is in the realm of theoretical horror stories.

The main disadvantage of facial recognition on the Samsung S8 is its poor recognition in low-light conditions. Since the Samsung S8 uses a regular camera rather than an infrared one, face recognition starts to fail at dusk and doesn’t work at all in the dark. In addition, the camera does not recognize a face well if part of it is covered by glasses, or a strong shadow falls on half of the face (for example, from a cap), or you laugh wildly (the shape of the face is greatly distorted), etc.

Pros - in comparison with retinal recognition (see below), the face is recognized at larger angles and at a greater distance (up to 70 cm). I would especially like to note that not only the angle between the face and the phone is larger, but also between the surfaces of the face and the surface of the phone.

The second plus is the recognition speed. In good lighting conditions, the phone will unlock almost instantly.

The presence of a virtual home button on the Samsung S8 allows you to unlock the phone with your face without lifting it from the table. In this case, you need to tilt your head slightly towards the phone or even just look at it. The closer the phone on the table is to you, the faster and more confidently the recognition occurs.

The first tip is that since the Samsung S8 captures a flat image, when registering a face, take the photo slightly below, this is the position in which your face will most often be in relation to the smartphone. You don't have to shoot at eye level. In general, if you have problems with recognition, experiment several times.

The second tip is that facial recognition is faster if you look at the camera, at the top of the phone, and not at the smartphone screen. In extreme positions, the smartphone may not recognize a face at all or may take a long time to recognize if you look at the center of the screen. Once you look up, recognition “will happen.”

Video on the topic

The social network VKontakte is one of the most popular in Runet. At the same time, its developers constantly update the functionality of the site and add the most necessary and popular elements to it. It was one of these changes that attracted the close attention of users who are increasingly interested in what the eye means in VK under a post or what the eye means under a photo in VK. This article will tell you about this mysterious symbol.

Millions of people visit VKontakte every day and leave tens of millions of different entries. Basically, activity on the pages and user reaction were assessed according to several parameters:

  • the number of people who bet o, or the so-called “heart”;
  • the number of reposts, that is, cases when users shared a post on their page;
  • comments in which those who visited the page express their opinions about the post.

According to the developers, this set of indicators was not enough. And indeed, not every user. Anyone who looks at the wall of a friend or some group is sure to give it a heart, leave a comment, and even more so share it on their page. This is how the eye appeared on the VK wall.

What does an eye mean in VK

This function is designed to highlight the most interesting and, most importantly, popular posts among users, because it’s no secret that we often clearly don’t rate even the posts we really like. The view counter completely solves this problem: in order for a view to be counted, neither the owner of the page nor his guest need to perform any additional actions.

Who needs information about views?

VKontakte has recently focused not only on ordinary users, but also other groups. It is for them that the introduction of the eye under VK recordings will be beneficial in the first place.

  • Administrators of large groups who, with its help, will be able to evaluate the statistics of their communities;
  • Advertisers who will thus be able to evaluate the success of their investments in promotion;
  • Bloggers who will also be able to see the popularity of their publications and photos.

As you can see, the eye on the VK wall is not just an indicator on the users’ page, but a necessary and important tool for promoting individual pages, popularizing entire communities, and selling advertisements.

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